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Posts posted by Killersox

  1. Thanks for the reply. I never thought about just making them miss with the burning tricks. lol Shen long is my main master and I still forget things. I didn't know that most people don't fight with her. I have only ever seen the one person play her and he fights so that's what I have to deal with.

    I also struggle with them growing into monsters but I suppose everyone does. Thanks again.

  2. Hey guy so just as the title says I need help with Lilith. I have everything for then thunders except yan lo. Last night I played her and was just smoked. He had the red joker twice in hand and was able to cheat 12 damage to shen long twice over the course of the game even after I spent an entire turn healing him back up. The only reason I lived was because misdirect to the shadow emmisary out of obligation. Do that or die turn 2. In 3 Lilith AP shenlong and the emmisarry where on hard to kill. Needless to say I was surprised.

    So ultimately what do I do when she shows up? What can I bring that works best? if it helps his list was something like this (I don't know what upgrades off hand and sorry about the spelling)



    mature nephalem

    2 young nephalem

    2 tots

    primordial Magic

    please help guys. Not sure what to do with her at all. I am open to any suggestions. Along with any masters. I prefer Shen long, Mei fang, or asami but I like them all.


  3. Thanks for the help guys. I like the idea of the circus bear. Where would I even try to find the nightmare coryphee? Aside from the advice you gave I think I heard her liking some rasputina stuff. Anyone know what that is all about? Also I love all the gamin models, who uses them and would any of them be useful?

    • Like 1
  4. Hey guys so like the title says I am new to archanists. I have Mei fang because of ten thunders being my main faction (and gremlins) but other than get box I only have rail golem and metal gamin. I got the dark carnival crew for Christmas and I am super excited about it. My problem is that I need help filling out the Colette/dark carnival crew. Also, I think my Mei fang is mostly done because of so many dual faction stuff but is there anything else I would need for her? Thanks for the help.

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  5. I just got into guild and I have decided to pick up Hoffman because the robots are super cool. My question is who is another master I can pick up that will have the least amount of models to buy based off of what I already have. I don't want to get the Ortegas because I play Ophelia in gremlins and they are almost identical. 

    This I have already

    - hoffman box

    - ryle

    -2 wardens

    -brutal emmissary

    -brutal effigy

    -rail golem

    -metal gamin


    edit: I have a ton of ten thunders, gremlins, and neverborn also if that helps.

  6. I have never really tried to use one as a melee beat stick. I always end up with one as the gun platform. I always get tempted by that big gun and I need to use it. I see them as baby fuhatsu. But I guess if you take the extra wounds upgrade they are more like baby izamu. Some times I get stuck in a rut of some things fight well and some things shoot well. If you can do both you are not using something to its full potential. I'm not sure if that thinking is true or not but that's what my previous gaming experience tells me. How do you guys use them in game? Like for what purpose? They are probably my favorite ten thunders models.

  7. Thanks for all the replies guys. I'm glad I'm not the only one frustrated with them. I have never thought of just literally running everyone up as fast as I can. The problem I have with them is if I get lured into a belle bomb of three bells and let's even say it takes me 2ap to get there. That still leaves 4 lures and 12 pounces. If they even do one damage each that's a dead anything. Super stupid. I almost straight refuse to play belle bombs now.  Maybe I will try the run and hope for better cards.

  8. Hey guys. I posted this in Ten Thunders too because I have multiple factions and the same problem. So I hate to be the guy that complains about models in the game being OP but lately I feel like I have just been a debbie downer every time I see a nurse or belle bomb. I am trying to turn this poor sportsmanship around so I am coming to you guys for help. I don't care what i need to buy to deal with these ridiculous complex i have with these i just need to deal with it. How do we as a faction do condition removal reliably. I just bought high river monks so I think that will help with the nurses but being belle bombed or double belle bombed with Seamus, I feel like I should just walk away and let the person play by themselves since they are going to be moving my models all game anyway. so the long and short of it is help please.

  9. Hey guys. I posted this in gremlins too because I have multiple factions with still the same problem. So I hate to be the guy that complains about models in the game being OP but lately I feel like I have just been a debbie downer every time I see a nurse or belle bomb. I am trying to turn this poor sportsmanship around so I am coming to you guys for help. I don't care what i need to buy to deal with these ridiculous complex i have with these i just need to deal with it. How do we as a faction do condition removal reliably. I just bought high river monks so I think that will help with the nurses but being belle bombed or double belle bombed with Seamus, I feel like I should just walk away and let the person play by themselves since they are going to be moving my models all game anyway. so the long and short of it is help please.

  10. So i played a game recently and the coolest thing ever happened. I had mancha Roja charge a full health mechanical rider on turn 2. I had a 13 and 11 in my hand. First hit I cheat the 13 and give him - to all def duels, 1 damage. Second a lucky 13 mask triggers def duel and he paralyzed himself, 1 damage. Last attack i stoned for a crow and cheated my 11. I killed a full health rider. So much fun. Needless to say my opponent was not very happy about it but he ended up winning anyway. That was the coolest thing my gremlins have ever done.

    i thought it would be cool to share any of the crazy wacky things your gremlins have done. Fire away.

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  11. Hey guys I am getting ready to finish my gremlins out. I have gone full Pokemon and am gunna catch them all eventually. All I have left is brewmaster and zadoria. So my question is which do you guys enjoy more and why? I have looked at the pull my fingers for both of them and I'm completely torn. It's up to you guys.

  12. Hey guys. So I have been playing a lot lately and no matter what the schemes or strat I literally cannot beat Jack daw. He tables me almost every time before turn 4. I have almost all the gremlins except the brewmaster box, the pigapault, zadoria, and stuff that hasn't been released yet. 

    The list he tends to run is Jack, rusty Alice, Lazarus, two guilty, a nurse, and a trapper. There are a few upgrades here and there but for the most part that's it. I get blown away so fast it's crazy. There are a total of 9 good shots, a garunteed paralyze, and Jack shutting someone down. You can tie anything up either because the whole army can just push three inches before anything moves. Grrr.

    I get so do discouraged that I don't even know what to do. Sammy shutting down Jack with no triggers in nice but it is only for one turn before she gets blow away. 

    The long and short of it is help! What would you guys do? Wong, Ophelia, and ulix are my favorites by the way. But I'm open to anything.

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  13. Thanks for the reply. That's good to know that you cannot be engaged with friendly models. I wasn't sure how that worked. I'm not sure how I missed that I can charge anything with the first charge. So I just need to be careful with where I charge it. Thanks again. I'm sure I'll have more questions later.

  14. Hey guys, I just started my pig crew up and I have a few questions. I'll keep this short and sweet.

    With ulix and his bow, if I shoot a friendly pig (assuming old major is still alive) do I get to pick the initial charge target or does it have to be the closest model? So will I have to target a slop hauler or ulix if they are the closest? If I do have to charge them  and I am already engaged with them can I charge something else? Also if they are engaged with an enemy and I shoot them do I still get to charge or does nothing happen?

    Sorry for the small wall of text but things start to get really confusing what rules start to over lap. If there is anything that is overly complicated can I please get a rulebook page number so I can show people. Thanks.

  15. That is a very good point with Hans. I never thought about doing that. Thanks for putting so much thought into your reply. I do need to learn to not rely on my master so much. It's much harder to do with dreamer. He basically is the only reason his crew works. If I do happen to get chompy on Jack he dies pretty quick. With collodi I think it will be up to coryphee. If I shoot an upgrade off with Hans (which is also very hard to do) does the upgrade get discarded or just go back to Jack?

  16. Hey guys, I am fairly new to the game and have been playing less than a year. I have a few different crews and have been having fun. This changed however when Jack daw showed up. His upgrades are super annoying as they shut down everything I have.at the end of a turn I can have all his upgrades on me and basically don't get to do something the rest of the game depending on what turn it is. 


    Are there any tricks or tips to beating him? Are there any rules to the upgrades? Can I have more than 3 even if I have mine too? Example I have three of my upgrades and three of his. I mainly play dreamer and collodi. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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