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Posts posted by Merellin

  1. So, My flipflopping back and forth is finaly calming down and I have decided to actualy go for Gremlins (As I considerd multipel times before considering other things, But to settle it I plan on ordering a crew box within a few weeks) Now, What I havent decided on is if I should go Ophelia, Or Mah Tucket, Or Som'er. So I want people to tell me a bit about them, Their playstyles, And sugestions on who to get.


    Thank you in advance.

  2. I return once more. It is finaly getting close to when me and my friend will order the Malifaux boxes, Even more so now that another friend has started the game with the two player starter box and I have been thinking and pondering a lot, And while I think Collodi is my favorite looking Master and Crew Box, I think Gremlins is my favorite faction. So I think I will go with a Gremlins Master for my first Master (Probably Ophelia) and then, If we continue playing I'l expand my gremlins, And at a later point I'l get Collodi. Thanks everyone, And sorry for flailing back and forth so much.

  3. There is so many Masters and crewboxes I like the looks off, Malifaux have very good looking models. But I always keep comming back to Collodi, He and his crew just look cool. I might very well end up chosing Collodi as my Master when me and my friend finaly get to trying the game. Thanks ^_^

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  4. So, Me and a friend was suposed to start Malifaux months ago but things kept comming up so we couldent afford it, But things are clearing up now so we can get into the game soon! And so I once more started looking into what Master to pick.. And I always keep comming back to Collodi: Master of Puppets. I think the box looks awesome but I keep trying to look over at other boxes as I got the feeling Collodi is rather complicated and hard to use... And yet, I keep comming back to him.. So I decided to ask, Is he realy complicated and hard to use? Would he be too hard for a new Malifaux player who isent very good at miniature games but enjoy them? I love his model, And the other models in his box.

  5. Well, I'm only gonna get one box to start with. Me and two friends are getting one crew box each, Plus the rules, To try out the game. And we are both a bit low on money right now, Combined with not knowing if we will like the game, We are sticking to a single crew box each in this first order.

  6. Ghhaa.. I realy like the looks of the Gremlin models, And they seem fun.. But.. Ophelia, Som'er, Or Ma Tucket..? Sorry for flailing back and forth like this, I just wnt to make sure I pick a fun box that can teach me the game, Without breaking my brain..

  7. I think I'd like something somewhat simple to learn without a bunch of tricks, That can hit hard in melee or range, Either semi durable models, Or more fragile models.. Yes, I know thats not much to go on.. xD Sorry! But thanks for all the helpful posts so far ^_^

  8. Well.. The problem is, I dont realy know what kind of playstyle i'd like.. In the other game I play I play both shooty heavy armies and melee heavy armies, Though I like the melee armies a bit more since they do more then stand still and shoot all game.. xD I love the looks of Collodi, But I think he seems realy complicated to start with.. So I's rather pick a simpler crew until I have learned the game atleast..

  9. I cant wait to try Malifaux, I just wish my friends could order a bit faster.. xD We are gonna order together, One crew box each to try the game, and the rules. I realy hope we will all like the game and keep playing cus all the models are awesome and it is so much cheeper then the other game we play...

  10. It's me again.. Sorry about this, I thought I wanted to run Gremlins and was somewhat decided on the Ophelia crew but.. the more I think about it the more I hesitate.. So I looked arround some more and, I wanted some advice and opinons on a set of crew boxes, How hard they are to play, If you would recomend any of them for a complete beginner (I played Warhammer and Warhammer 40k for a long time, but not much else.. But I realy wanna get into Malifaux.)


    So, I have 6 crew boxes I'm looking at, how would you rate these boxes in difficulty to play and learn, And how good they are for teaching a newbie about the game? I'm looking at The Thunder - Misaki Crew. Salvage and Logistics - Leveticus Crew. Dark Debts - Jakob Lynch Crew. Master of Puppets - Collodi Crew. The Bayou Boss - Som'er Crew, And, The Kin - Ophelia Crew. Gremlins seem fun, but I'm unsure of them.. Collodi's box looks awesome, Realy cool models, But it seems a bit difficult for a newbie..

  11. Hello everyone! Sorry if this is in the wrong place but, I'm new here and me and a couple of friends are considering trying Malifaux soon and I find that I have a problem.. I cant decide between Gremlins and Ten Thunders, Both factions have awesome models.. I also have no idea what crew to use from either of the factions.. Also, A question, Do you requier a Malifaux specific card deck, Or can you sue regular playing cards?

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