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Everything posted by Brewie

  1. Which upgrades are popular for Pandora and to another extent her crew? Also trying to figure our where I can get some other useful upgrade cards for Pandora. Meaning other box sets or card sets. Where would one find Fear Given Form?
  2. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out later
  3. Thank you everyone. Are terror tots worth a shot in a Pandora list?
  4. I am new to Malifaux and inlove this thread.
  5. Hi there. This is my first post about malifaux and I need some help/advice on what to purchase. I am going to be playing Neverborn as I love the models and they seem to suit my playstyle the most in malifaux. I come with a strong background in playing glass cannon armies from other game systems like 40k Dark Eldar, Fantasy Dark elves and WarHordes Legion and Circle. That probably doesn't matter much as Malifaux seems to play a lot different than these other games. Which is what excites me the most. And I love the back story and look of the game. Anyways. On to my actual questions. I just picked up the Pandora box with her minions + Teddy. So I am hoping that that is a good start. I am mainly wondering which other models are often used with Pandora so that I can vary her list a bit from game to game and why/when would I want to use them. I would also love to know if there are any common Neverborn units that you often see spread across many lists because they are solid units and are worth purchasing no matter which masters I chose to play? Also the why/when would unusually use them? I would also like to know about any good malifaux websites and tactical articles on the internet. Thank you for any advice.
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