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Posts posted by eckostate

  1. Thank you! I'll give that site a go. I come from painted X-wing models so no sprue, glue or painting involved. So I'm new to everything on the hobby side of Malifaux. 

    I looked into a few suggestions on what to get next (going with hired swords) and I got  Vanessa, Hodgepodge Effigy, Johana? (The girl version of Johan) <spell check on the names> and none seemed ranged. I'm wondering if my crew having no ranged is a bad thing and hurt me in the long run. 

    Any suggestions on ranged fighters? (Preferably girl models since it appears this is turning out to be an all girl crew) but I'll hire anyone at the end of the day lol thanks.

  2. 6 hours ago, Myyrä said:

    You might also want to take a look at Pull My Finger Wiki. You can find player written descriptions of the masters there as well as some other useful information for beginners.

    Yeah I've been looking at it and learning a thing or two. Thanks!

    6 hours ago, Dirial said:

    Get Hired Swords. They are almost all Mercs and can be played in every faction. Thus, if you later decide to get a different faction, they aren't wasted.

    Yep I believe that's the one I'm going to grab after everything I've seen plus their 'all in aoe' thing sounds amazing. Thanks!

    5 hours ago, Amdor said:

    That's Hannah, the chief librarian of the Freikorps. She's technically Von Schill's designated Henchman but also a mercenary, so anyone can bring her. Despite her steam harness (the mech suit) she's more of a supporter than a beatstick (fighter). She's got a good melee attack that reaches far and can effect multiple models, she can steal magic spells from other models, she can remove targets for the rest of the turn with an upgrade, she's got the normal Freikorps defences of armour and immunity to blasts and pulses, she increases her crews hand size and disrupts enemy magics.

    So yeah, she's got quite the toolbox of abilities that can help any crew and she's sold on her own, so she can be added to any crew you deside to get.

    Hmm I'm not sure of Freikorps or Von Schill since I've been looking mostly into 10T and Viks stuff, but I really liked her model and thought she was some kinda mecha girl lol (a sort of tank/fighter) she's not :( but! She does sound amazing for support. ;) Thanks!

  3. Thanks guys that was what I was looking for. Though i have no idea who you're talking about, this gives me something to research. Since my post I watched some batreps and read that shooting is OP and really all crews can be OP depending on the map layout (wide open spaces = guns; lots of cover = melee).

    All of the crews I listed I want now lol they all sound fun. But I have to narrow it down to one for now, sadly. 

    Also I saw this one girl who looks like she is in a mech or armor... Hanna or something maybe? Not sure if she's a master or not and what crew she is on but she looked cool. 

    Thanks again guys!

  4. Hello, (I hope this is the right spot to post this) like a lot of people who come here, I'm new, newer than new to mini wargaming and Malifaux. I want to branch out and play something more than X-Wing. So I am seeing what Malifaux is and has to offer.

    looking to pick up a starter box of one of the following:

    Ten Thunders

    Hired Swords

    The Guild's Judgement

    Im looking into them all (to determine one to buy) as today marks my first day of research (hints why I am here) so what would be the best for each starter in terms of extra models to get to reach the standard 50 points? And maybe the pros and cons of each...

    Sorry this post might require a bit of a long answer but Im trying to learn as I progress through all the information available. 

  5. Hello from Jacksonville, Florida! Somewhere around here I hope to find a place to play some mini wargames, I know there's an awesome community behind every one.

    like a lot of people who come here, I'm new, newer than new to mini wargaming and Malifaux. I want to branch out and play something more than X-Wing. So I am seeing what Malifaux is and has to offer.

    looking to pick up a starter box of one of the following:

    Ten Thunders

    Hired Swords

    The Guild's Judgement

    Im looking into them all (to determine one to buy) as today marks my first day of research (hints why I am here) so what would be the best for each starter in terms of extra models to get to reach the standard 50 points? And maybe the pros and cons of each...

    Sorry this post might require a bit of a long answer but Im trying to learn as I progress through all the information available. 



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