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Posts posted by Grendol

  1. Hello fellow Outcasters 

    I recently delved into Outcasts to coincide with my 10 thunders (I think they are by far the two coolest looking factions).

    So I went a bit crazy and bought Von Schill box, Sue, Laz, Hans, Johan, the things I thought looked really cool and wanted to paint.

    My question is what master should I go for next, I know that the Vics seem to be an obvious choice, but I do have alot of standup killy masters. I really like the look of Hamlin and Jack Daw but looking at crew builds none of them ever seem to include the above guys, is mostly seems to be more thematic and pull my finger only really talks about direct synergy.  I'm open to Levi and Tara and I already own the Misaka box.

    Really interested on your guys thoughts, especially on Sue.  I really love his model and the fact he's all about Jonny cash!

    This wont be immediate because I will throw a few Von Schill games out, just food for thought over the next couple of weeks.



  2. Funnily enough I just picked up the McCabe set as well!

    I don't intend to use Wastrels with him, although I know they have the "synergy" I think that 10 thunders are flooded with amazing minions that they just don't cut the mustard, and as a Brit that truly hurts me, especially as they have a trigger called "fiver says I can do it again".

    After doing some number crunching with my current set I came to the conclusion that there isn't a bad set of models to go with Mccabe, he's very unique in where he does generalist upgrades that just makes people "better", so he makes a good model even better.

    One of his best synergies (in my opinion) is with our Dawn Serpent.  One of, if not the strongest minion in the game means that Mccabe can use Black flash with his badge of speed to give it reactivate (which only works on minions) then chuck the badge over to him, Illuminated are a watered down but also a great option if they are super low as they have Regen and a 0 action heal and are just a solid minion.

    I'm planning to run him with Izamu, getting him into the the thick of the enemy and giving him the Regen+even more armour.  In my mind that will make him an iron block (the 4 inch push on upgrade delivery also greatly helps him because of his stumpy legs).

    Im also planning on running lone swordsman with him, thematically he's my favourite model and I love his tool kit, but unless you know your going against a heavy shooting list he can be slightly squishy.  Having a reliable armour, even armour+1 in my mind will make him much more rounded.

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  3. I just picked Johan up for some condition removal (because i'm also doing outcasts).  He's 7 stones with Merc tax but has a ranged condition removal (but does need suit and tn, but also has a good attack, wounds,defences. The problem I have with the Low river monks isn't just their only "attack" is condition removal but its 1 inch range, so your almost always going to have to use 1ap to get them into base contact. Never tried Chiaki but she sounds pretty awesome to!

  4. Hey

    I just recently ran a lynch crew in a torn, it was my first torn so I wanted to just stick with one crew throughout (so I could remember their rules without having to really think about it, freeing up thinking power for tactics).

    I really just took what I liked but it worked fairly well which was :

    Lynch - Huggy (obviously) - Mr Graves - Sensei Yu - Illuminated - Ten Thunder Brother - Katanaka Sniper.

    I'm really REALLY surprised no one mentioned Yu in here.  He is incredibly versatile, but him having the ability to do a Mulligan as well as lynch (cycling upto 6 cards a turn) and having the ability to push Huggy 10 inches and give him fast, which not many people expect.  I killed a Sonya Crib turn one because they were not expecting a flying monster with fast to run into her face.

    Or if you don't like pushing, you can have him heal up to 4 health and condition removal, also with walk 7 he can make it most of the way through a map and do late game schemes such as bodyguard, ritual by waiting till turn 4 then going upto 24 inches in those 2 turns.

    I know alot of people fan boy over him in Ten Thunders, but he is a really good pick up in my opinion.

    Wasn't to impressed with Graves I am thinking of swapping him out for Lone Swordsman or The Armour.

    Snipers are really solid and synergise with Yu (if they are within 3 inches and remove focus they get +1 to duels) and adds some serious range threat in an otherwise 8 inch list (lynches gun). When focused, which most of the time you will be doing for the huge range, they also draw a huge amount of cards which is great for ace hunting.

    Brothers are just great all rounders for 5 SS and can guard scheme markers, and if you have alot of aces in your hand you can tailor pick the suit they can use for one of their 4 styles, which can be MORE card cycling, healing, 3" re position, 4" attack range etc..

    Illuminated are just great tanky models, also their shooting attack (which alot of people overlook) that give a cloud of brilliance can work really well for interaction with Jacob and Huggy.  Arguably you could take more but I find one is enough for a 7SS model (approaching henchmen level costs).

    I did find with this list I got out activated a fair amount, but I had loads of fun, I prefer to run with an elite-ish crew.

    Also your going to be putting 4-6 SS into Jacobs upgrades, 1-2 into Huggy, maybe 1-2 in another enforcer/henchman (unless you want to run him vanilla)  

    Just my two cents, but I am fairly new to the game and only played lynch 5-6 times, I really enjoy him though!











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  5. Ha Funnily enough I just went through the exact same thing!

    I thought the 10 Thunders and in particular Shenlong looked absolutely badass.

    After reading alot of what people suggested (Mainly snipers with Shenlong) I just decided to buy some models I liked the look of because I will be playing with my friend who's starting a Guild and im not too fussed about throwing together a cookie cutter build right from the get go (had enough of that with warhammer).

    Please do bare in mind that there will be additional costs for Cards i.e. Fate deck (could use a standard deck but that seems fiddely), Arsenal wave 1/2 (if you want to have stat cards for all the models in your army, even ones that haven't been released yet i.e. The lone Swordsman.

    I ended up getting - Shenlong Set, Monks of Low River and Izumi the Armor, because the izumi model looks boss and they just happened to have a box of low rivers in my local store, I did fortunately get one of the boxes with a free Sniper in.

    Not played with them yet just painting them, thought I would throw what I did in the mix (Wrong or right)

    Hope we both have fun with them!

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