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Posts posted by Rudeboyscott

  1. I like an Abuela/Lone Marshal combo...Shotgun Wedding the Marshal on Abuela's first turn and LM's speed gives Perdita a fast family member To relocate towards, making the most of that 8".   And if you can get him to within 6", Perdita can companion...it's a nice way to get her out of a jam she may find herself in.

    on his own, the LM does decent damage, especially with the :+fate on Trick Shooting, which still allows him to move pretty far.  I thought he was also good when I was learning because he's relatively straightforward.

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  2. I use them as scheme runners...they can double walk and get a free Defensive, so they can help out with stuff like leave your mark or inspection.  Bravado is also pretty good as you discard a card and then pick a suit to add, not just the suit that was discarded.  So they can take 2 Ml attacks and toss a low card for a mask on the 2nd, to push 3" which gets them out of all but the bigger engagement ranges of enemies.  Cast-offs can be used to double McCabe's Take This range...toss an upgrade on a wastrel in 10", push him 4" then cast off on a target in 6", which then gives the wastrel a trigger (which you can pick if you discarded to a card beforehand, since there's a duel involved in cast-offs).  This can lead to a ranged attack with a blast, a Ml which hands out slow (which McCabe and Sidir can exploit), a self heal or a 12" teleport to a scheme marker.

    I find a lot lot of use for them in McCabe crews obviously, but I've also used them in a Lucius list.  Bravado really shines with Lynch though, because you can toss an ace, pick your trigger for cast-offs (which only the heal other model really works in a Lynch crew), then pick it back up. All in all, for a 4 point model they're pretty good.

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