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Posts posted by WouterR

  1. 20 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    My usual start with Mah is to deploy into a giant bubble and Horrible Holler three times to Pulse three Focus to most of the force. I use SS to make sure this happens if needed.

    Roosters are obviously the craziest. They are just completely bonkers. Mech Pork has good synergy with them as it can help them turn Frantic. Both benefit massively from Mah's Focus. Pumped full of Focus they are death incarnate and can kill almost anything (except for Yan Lo - I poured about fifty damage into Yan in three turns but that thing is unkillable unless you can ignore Demise abilities).

    Survivors are quite durable and versatile and can be very good for Schemes which require presence somewhere.

    Big Brain Brin is amazing. Trixie isn't bad but BBB kinda overshadows her and taking both seems like too much support.

    Sparks isn't bad but a bit situational. Analyze Weakness is sweet but puts a massive target on his head.

    SS Miners are absolutely crazy good. Durable, deadly (with the abundance of Focus), and superb Schemers for many situations. Plus, they produce Soul Stones.

    Bushwhackers aren't bad but don't take too many. I've always been happy with one, though.


    20 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    My usual start with Mah is to deploy into a giant bubble and Horrible Holler three times to Pulse three Focus to most of the force. I use SS to make sure this happens if needed.

    Roosters are obviously the craziest. They are just completely bonkers. Mech Pork has good synergy with them as it can help them turn Frantic. Both benefit massively from Mah's Focus. Pumped full of Focus they are death incarnate and can kill almost anything (except for Yan Lo - I poured about fifty damage into Yan in three turns but that thing is unkillable unless you can ignore Demise abilities).

    Survivors are quite durable and versatile and can be very good for Schemes which require presence somewhere.

    Big Brain Brin is amazing. Trixie isn't bad but BBB kinda overshadows her and taking both seems like too much support.

    Sparks isn't bad but a bit situational. Analyze Weakness is sweet but puts a massive target on his head.

    SS Miners are absolutely crazy good. Durable, deadly (with the abundance of Focus), and superb Schemers for many situations. Plus, they produce Soul Stones.

    Bushwhackers aren't bad but don't take too many. I've always been happy with one, though.

    Thx for the detailed info, I'll need to get some more minis then 😁

  2. Dogmantra is good stuff.

    To add to that, there was a really good thread when Brewie came out a while ago with lots of analysis and experimentation by Tiny and others:

    Worth checking out for sure!

    Thx for the info, got what I need

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