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Posts posted by Babayagob

  1. I finally did a demo for my friends and they loved the game. I had translated the cards for them, but this made me think (yes this peculiar thing does happen from time to time, though my brain quickly shuts off).


    Will the cards be translated as well? By that, I mean will the cards be available in other languages, perhaps in packs like the arsenal decks? Or will whole box crews have inside cards in another language? (this last option I find too complicated but who knows?)


    I'm also wanting to run TTB rpg, and started working on the translation as well... 


    1.  Then don't spend the money.  None of these peices, except Aionus, are anything but vanity peices.  You don't *need* them to compete.  Take a look at last year's black friday sale.  Within a month the alt bette noir was on ebay for $30.  

    In RE: Tournament situation
    If you don't have tournaments in your area, you still have options.  You can help build a local scene, helping out your local store and introducing more people to the game.  You could play in vassal tournaments.  You could become a henchman, run demos and maybe earn one as a reward.  

    If you don't like tournaments, then head to the secondary market.  If I don't want to compete for a prize I don't complain that I don't get one anyway.  

    Now, in case I've come across too harsh, I'd like to say that my original comment was intended as "I can't believe people are surprised and outraged because Wyrd's running a similar promotion for the third year in a row."  This post is intended to discuss how different avenues exist for you to get these peices in the future and how I feel you  shouldn't worry about availability.  

    There's my wall of text.  Thanks for reading.

    Hope I'm not butting in, but here's how I feel...

    1. I agree that you don't need these models to compete (though Barbaros... hum..), but not everything is about competition. I'm truly disappointed that I won't be able to get Dr Dufresne as I really like that model and McMourning not too much. I was even contemplating being unfaithful to Arcanists and go "dark"... So you're right, I won't spend my money, but it's a shame for myself and the company... Perhaps, I'll find her at a reasonable price on the secondary market, but that eventuality has no garanties

    The tournament situation in Europe is not even comparable to the USA, not even a little... The rules have not yet come out in the different languages (but the will soon!!!) thus fewer players, much more difficult to get people into the game because of the language barrier, consequently, not many tournaments... Add to that the fact that not a lot of stores carry Malifaux and the few that do, don't always carry a lot of choice (in my case I have bought from 2 French stores, 1 Spanish and 2 English just to get 2 crew boxes, 2 decks, the rulebook). The secondary market isn't that great either for Europeans, because most of the Malifaux products come from the States, and seeing some charge over $30 for shipping a miniature is just ridiculous (and I have seen this on too many occasions for it to be a rarity)

    Now, I am very hopeful that the situation in Europe will change in 2016 and everyone will be playing Malifaux. And this is not at all a critique on Wyrd, heck they are giving out free stuff. But, I am a bit sad about Dr Dufresne; I found she had a certain "je ne sais quoi", but not a "quoi" worth $300. Oh well, perhaps another time...

    • Like 6
  3. In France, you can check out Philibert. There's also Ludikbazar.

    In England, you have Firestorm Games and Wayland Games.

    Finally, in Spain, you have E-minis.

    I'm sure that there are others, but those are the only I know.

    Good luck!


    Edit: you will find wave 1 and 2 arsenal decks in these shops. don't know which specific faction you are looking for, but pretty sure that between these 5 shops you will find what you are looking for. 

  4. I love this! The mansion, the gate, the objective markers, the tokens... 

    So I'm new to the game, but is "Dollhouse" referencing something in particular? I know the Puppet Wars Unstitched referenced a "toy box", but I do not recall reading about Dollhouse... 

    My list to Father Christmas will be long this year... :D

  5. Though I'm neither Resser nor Guild, I do like the alternate McMourning... Emissaries would be nice!

    For those overseas, just wanted to say that Wyrd does a great job for shipping; faster than when I order something from the UK even.

    Being overseas though, I do have one question: does Black Friday for Wyrd start at midnight Georgia time? 

  6. I can't wait for the translation; perhaps I'll finally have someone other than my husband as an opponent.

    Does anyone know which rulebook is being translated? Is it the small one or the larger one with the fluff? 

    Hopefully more Europeans will get into the game and then perhaps we could have a European championship tournament! (Sigh) That would be amazing.

  7. Greetings from Biarritz, France,

    Very excited to start Malifaux and miniature gaming in general. The only other miniature game I have played is Confrontation (v2). I have more experience in Tabletop RPG... Through the Breach!!!!

    I am hoping to move to Florida by the end of the year, near the Tampa Bay area. Are there any Malifaux players over there?

    I have started out with Arcanists; I especially like Kaeris. I find the game very rich and love the stories!



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