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Doctor Borris

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Posts posted by Doctor Borris

  1. Lenny + Bayous gives you 3 point models that can double focus and have a 2 4 6 damage spread. It's not shabby, with 2 good cards or a little Two Card luck you can shoot down all kinds if things even in cover.

    Lenny + Kin gives a similar thing just a liitle more controlled.

    A little.

  2. It sounds like you have bases covered but let me second how good Merris or Trixi is for scheme running. Either of these models fill a scheme running lack gremlins kind of have. I say kind of because gremlins can make do with bayous for sure.

  3. Didn't know that Lenny was so good with Ophelia

    it's not immediately apparent but look at the kin ram triggers.  What Lenny let's you do is cheat in high cards or double focus and still get your rams.  Francois can soulstone in a ram but his max damage spread is 10 I believe? Rami can't soulstone a ram, so Lenny let's him double focus (to get around cover or hard to wound) and shoot 36 inches with 8 max damage. Even Ophelia doesn't mind easy thinkin luck triggers for every shot. Even Raphael and Exploding Pig Guy have crazy ram triggers.

    On top of all that Lenny is tough and can smash things with his tree pretty good.

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  4. Ophelia needs Lenny. Holy smokes. Auto rams, dumb luck protection, general armor, francois blowing up targets, Remi sniping something for 8 first action of the game. Lenny does all that for Ophelia and more. 

    We gave a ton of Somner ideas but don't let it overwhelm you, let's scale back a second. You need:

    A set of Slop Haulers.

    If you're on a budget these guys are perfect with Bayou Gremlins. A bayou has a max damage 6 shot and Slop Haulers not only heal, they also tank defense low enough the bayous 4 shoot can actually HIT the target. Lenny gives auto rams for auto Luck triggers. Soon the Bayous are no scope headshots all day. What is crazy is Haulers are actually good enough models to do fighting on their own if it comes to it.

    A set of piglets and maybe a set of Bayous. 

    Starting out, piglets are just fantastic models. Great defenses and good speed. Somner and Lenny can summon more easily. The extra bayous are good buuuuuut you might not always be summoning more.

    At this point you have a wonderful master and a good crew for 30ish point games. Now you can get Ophelia Box which unlocks a ton of specialists and another master play style. If you are new to Malifaux Ophelias box is probably more flexible then Burt and Gracie.

  5. I wouldn't recommend summoning as your first plan for Somner since at 3 SS, it takes a lot of AP to get worth out of half health gremlins.

    Remember Somner can easily summon pigs from melee. He also has a 4 min damage gun with free cheating with his pal Lenny.

    Slop Haulers are amazing, get them.

    Buy Ophelia OR Gracie + Burt. Either combo gives Somner some serious muscle in different ways. They cost enough you'll usually end up using one pair or the Kin. Lenny amps up either group into murder machines. 

    Get Merris. I have trouble scheme running with just Bayous, and Merris is one of the cheapest and best scheme runners you could ask for.

    I personally love Old Cranky but a good arguement can be made for the Skeeters. Def7 and move 10, plus the ability to do all kinds of trickery means they are one of the best chaff models in the game. Snipers love mosquitos in the face turn 1!


  6. Rami can be situational but as a new player it's nice to play with a sniper on some maps. With Lenny near him, it is 100% possible for Rami to double focus and headshot someone for 8 damage the first activation of a game. All you neex is a reasonable card and a face in your starting draw. Let me tell you sir, that is a sweet feeling.

  7. One trick I like with Somner is to have Sammi do all your summoning and have the Big Guy run around with his 4 min damage shotgun and make folks dead. Between some soulstone or a skeeter Sami can do the summoning just fine. It costs some soulstone but Somner is far more useful throwing his weight around, and Sami late game is very strong corrupting people's scheme markers or pseudo paralyzing people once she is done getting kinfolk.

  8. What I've found is usually once the pigs are in the enemy lines, especially if they were the vanguard, you can stop the auto charges. Either they die doing what they love, or you can delay their activation long enough to run a cheap gremlin up. Also you can delay their activation and have zoraida move up and obey them far enough to charge again. They have so much mobility, 13" from a scrum in the middle is almost always enough to get to a new model. 13 is zoraida obey then their normal charge.

  9. I get the feeling sometimes the actual synergy between Ophelia and kin isn't that special. Don't get me wrong they are amazing models but few of their upgrades specifically require Ophelia. Ophelia is more of an unchecked murder machine then a support master so I'd say things that can support her are a good philosophy. Lenny and Slop Haulers to let the kin maximize dumb luck will make people cry moonshine tears. 8 damage severe shooting mmmmmm. Cranky is almost BETTER in Ophelia since it's easier to keep a few high value range threats around him to benefit from his aura and soulstone gains. In a pig or swarm list it can be tricky when every pig runs all over the board.

  10. I have an alternate Zoraida I got for my gremlins and I am looking for ways to spice her up.  I am talking about the one hunched over the cauldron. I was thinking of a Baba Yaga Style theme with her and the cauldron on a rickety wooden platform with either chicken or swamp vine legs. Anyone have any ideas? Could I ditch the cauldron and make her perched on something to give her a more sinister ravens esque look? She could have a voodoo doll in front of her. 

    Just wondering of anyone can help or of I should try to buy the old metal one. The box set I can't see using besides Z.


    For this combo, you know the discard pile is 46 to 40, so you set a threshold at say 30, and count up every card less then say 8, and speed flip them.  If you hit 30 and haven't gotten at least 20ish or W/E then reshuffle. It's not a slow process.

    That is a rather rude response. In a discard pile of perhaps 42 cards, of which I can freely flip cards straight from my deck into my discard pile, caring ONLY if they are less or more then the value I want to purge to say it would take an infinite amount of time is very condescending. I bet if I set my threshold at say, 5, I could probably flip out and reshuffle a 42 or 40 card deck clear in less then 5 minutes. 

    The rule sucks and should be changed, don't get Warhammer on me and tell me it's not ok to use the rules as written because it's WAAC and for no other reason.

    If my diabolical attitude here makes a TO worried enough to call out the combo and adjust it pre tourney.... good. That's fine with me. I am that jerk that will play by the rules so if the rules say that's how it works and that horrifies, then please try to land those delicious tears in my jar so I can sip on them later next to my fine steak when I'm eating it next to the trophy.

  12. I'm a little suprised by how non competitive many of these answers are. If the arguement could be made for delay of game because achieving a certainty takes a period of time, do most people who play Malifaux just try to not win? If I had 100 dice that could do something cool like heal a model for 3 damage but only if they all rolled 6, but I had infinite rerolls how would that be ruled? I would say it's an auto 100 6s, but if someone wanted you to roll them all, and your master had 3 health left and burning 3, what qualifies? Is that a delay of game where relenting means a loss?

    I'm just asking this as a question for people, tell me at what point doing things becomes a delay? Shuffling out aces? 1 through 5s?

  13. Just a quick note on the comparisons to Magic – this exact situation came up in that game, as well. (Google the Legacy deck "Four Horsemen" for a breakdown.)

    Without writing a novel, this move – stacking your deck or discard pile by invoking an open-ended loop – is illegal in tournament Magic. In Magic, if you can't say what the game state will look like once you complete a loop of actions, then you can't take a shortcut to execute that loop. (Yes, stacking your deck is a shortcut.) If you try to do the loop manually, you'll get cited with a slow play violation. (There is gray area in the rules – the judge does have to make the call, ultimately – but the stacking-your-deck bit is well outside of that area).

    I'm far too new to Malifaux to know if this game has put a stark divide between mechanical certainty and statistical likeliness, but Magic's tournament rules certainly have.

    My arguement is that in this situation, if you remove the black joker you can 100% say what will be in your discard pile with absolute accuracy. The only variable will be your deck's order not the contents. This is not debatable.

    If that is not ok for some reason what amount of shuffling is allowed for this debate? 5 minutes per cycle? 10? This value must be determined beforehand otherwise by the "delay games" arguement you should be able to stop your opponent's turn midway because of how they time manage. I'm assuming the players want to win the game, so the combo needs to be addressed, random redoing of the rules mid game sounds pretty shady. Hey Nicodem keeps slowing up the game with trash zombies, time to call over a TO to redo his card abilities. Maybe one summon a turn. One summon every two turns!

    In conclsion tthe ability needs a cuddle or adjustment.  House ruling official tourney rules is a bad but viable solution. Trying to argue math midgame and getting a knee jerk TO call is not ok. If getting to stack the deck is broken that part needs fixing not arguing if its possible because it mathematically most certainly is.


  14. If you are playing by the rules of the tournament then if the opponent has a black joker in their hand, then this combo lets them shuffle out any cards they don't want in their deck and put them in their discard, then shuffle their deck. That's how it ends up working. If the tournament organizer or Wyrd wants to errata it then they can, but if they don't that's how the rules read.

    It's like in Magic if you have an infinite damage combo, it's foolish to argue that it doesn't work because the player would never tap cards or use abilities in that order, without opponent input, that many times to win a game. It's a game with rules, sorry if those rules seem strong or broken.

  15. If you are playing by the rules of the tournament then if the opponent has a black joker in their hand, then this combo lets them shuffle out any cards they don't want in their deck and put them in their discard, then shuffle their deck. That's how it ends up working. If the tournament organizer or Wyrd wants to errata it then they can, but if they don't that's how the rules read.

    It's like in Magic if you have an infinite damage combo, it's foolish to argue that it doesn't work because the player would never tap cards or use abilities in that order, without opponent input, that many times to win a game. It's a game with rules, sorry if those rules seem strong or broken.

  16. If there is no chance if a black joker the way to rule it to speed up the game is to let your opponent take any cards out of the deck he wants,  put them in the discard pile,  then shuffle the cards he kept. 


    Yes it works that way. 

    The problem with that is that it would take longer than a human lifetime to do manually. 

    I dont think a human lifetime. Maybe a few decades. Definately the length of a tourney round. If the opponent accuses that the person is wasting time tell them the shuffle will continue until there are 32 cards in the discard and all less then 8. Before doing this, ensure the score is in your favor in case it takes the rest of the game. Thank the opponent for being an upright chap who does not allow abstract mathematical nonsense. 

  17. I have to say mc Tavish is an amazing leader with his mix of obey,  gun, and all around options.

    As far a gremlins vs bushwackers, I think bayous win out once you factor in dumb luck and their gun damage spread. I personally would take mecha gremlins over bushwackers if I was choosing more expensive model gremlins. I like their guns damage and they are much more durable. Or I would dump bushwackers and use the various Kin who are much better for 1ss more. The Kin could easily be modeD to look more rugged.

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