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Everything posted by Nosilloc

  1. My apologies, I misread this as Hog Whisperer. I haven't seen a taxidermist on eBay for about a week.
  2. Both are on eBay last I looked. I mean, you have paypal...
  3. I agree. A translucent set of Wong would be good...I would like a deep blue or purple colour. Just in case, Wong will be the last gremlins I will assemble (it will probably take me to BF to get that far) so I can always sell on the regular kit if that becomes a reality! You want a War Sheep. Don't lie. sheepapult
  4. You might be approaching this from a slightly different view point compared to a random beginner I mean, some people start their minis hobby with Malifaux and I honestly think that Bayou Boss is one of the boxes that could most certainly turn people off the hobby entirely. This. I think I have assembled two models before in my life. My other games come fully assembled but it's not like I didn't know Malifaux didn't. I didn't mind the separate feet on Lenny and Som'er, but these little guys have nothing to match it up to. I got my wife Body of Evidence and I'm dreading the little dog in there now. That makes me sad that you say Dark Carnival is that way because I really want it. We'll see how the other three gremlins go together. I apparently have different set of difficulties than other people because like I said, no problems with the Skeeters except for the antennas breaking off. Honestly I'm glad they broke off now rather than after I painted them and during a game. I don't like doing touch ups after I complete a paint job...
  5. just started this game and my first box was Bayou Boss. Who designed this and were they trolling? I mean some of these don't make any sense. Why is Som'ers belt separate from his body? I had to heat both to get it to fit in. The Skeeters didn't bother me a whole lot oddly. Just got my first Bayou Gremlin together (I hope) and I'm back to swearing again. Some of these pieces being detached make no sense. Why is the guy with the fishing poles foot separate from his body? And why is there no indication u til you get it off that part of the sprue was supposed to be attached to his leg? Are all the models like this? This is the only downside of this game but there is smaller prices than the Bayou Gremlins and if they come in as many ridiculous pieces I'm not so sure about this game anymore.
  6. Are things cheaper on the Black Friday sale or just special things?
  7. I take it you would leave your special colored ones unpainted? Still new so I haven't seen the point of them yet. I got into this just after GenCon so I am hoping for a Dark Carnival or War Wabbit being available.
  8. That was my problem. I guess Wyrd uses a harder to get off oil than what I am used to. I had to rewash and everything came out fine.
  9. I found a Bayou Boss with the extra figure in it so I decided to start with that. Started assembling Lenny and I'm having the weirdest issues. The pigs tail disappeared, it was on the sprue and when I went to cut it off it was gone. That's actually not the problem though. I have Lenny half assembled and thought it might be easier to paint it and assemble the rest of the way and then add finishing touches. My issue is that when priming him if I touch anywhere on the model the paint rubs off. I haven't had this problem with imperial assault or mice and Mystics so I'm not sure what to do. I could assemble the whole way and attach to a base and paint that way, but that wouldn't stop the paint from coming off during play. I've never had to seal a model before. Is it the plastic?
  10. Thanks Is there a list or something to let me know which are limited alternate models? That way I'm not searching the Internet only to find that it's just a renamed character that's already been out like dark carnival vs. something that hasn't come out yet like hog wild. Or should I just assume if it isn't on pullmyfinger that it is a renamed model? They did have hog wild on there already, unless that was previously released... I was was looking for a Colette box and didn't see one. Has she not been released in m2e yet? If she has, what is the name of her crew?
  11. So I was looking for some new minis to paint and stumbled upon this. I feel like this game was made for me. It has all the weird things I like, it's a smaller scale so I don't have to buy thousands of dollars worth of stuff ( something tells me I will anyway...), it has painting which I a getting into and discovering I like, and it doesn't use dice I think I have been researching this game for a couple weeks now and I am really sad that I never stopped by at GenCon. I think everything I would have wanted to start with would have been there as prerelease items. So my question is this, is Dark Carnival just alternate models of existing models or are they new? Also, will this ever be available again or was this a one time shot like the gremlins riding rabbits for Easter? I find a disturbing lack of info about upcoming things or limited time only things. I assume this is due to the new site?
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