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Posts posted by Azrrael

  1. I do have to point out that although people said they don’t want FKM ties to VS cache I think it would be fine to tie them in to a keyword more. The army ops is a great idea and making them only taken in VS crews is fine because it inherently promotes master diversity. I think that’s honestly one of the biggest faults wyrd has fallen into recently where modes are just good not good I’m the sense they synergies with a certain master. This is why Hamelin has become a top favorite because he is the best at utilizing the “best” models. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, whodares said:

    Perhaps a silly question, but how do you get your rat engine going like that? I've been looking at Hamelin as a fun master, but I can't see how you can get it started on Turn 1 with those lists as you need 4 rats to do it.

     It sure what you mean. By this the obedient  wretch can usually summon at least one rat while a stolen makes two. Hamelin also usually summons two stolen opening turn if not one. So perfect hand is 8+ mask/tome another 8+ of anything and any two crows preferably non face cards. This is pretty common to get at least half of these requirements and if you use the rats you do get to cycle through some of your deck and you count your crows you have a good chance of hitting the crows naturally.

  3. So the big thing about this list isn’t really the fact you could kill Hamelin with your list it’s the fact your projection to do so is so poorly hidden it’s not hard to play around. Usually alpha strike lists do this but yours does so more so with the two merc options being taken. The second big glaring weakness I spot is the fact as people stated Hamelin won’t have gone before you do all this and can just obey KJ away twice and then he’s fine. And that’s if the rat blocks don’t happen. I do agree these type of lists usually catch people off guard. But I don’t see how that will happen here there are so many sequence breakers to use in said sequence that I don’t see t long term doing well. 

  4. 50 SS Outcasts Crew
    Hamelin + 5 Pool
     - The Piper (2)
     - Sewer King (1)
     - Oath Keeper (1)
    The Stolen (2)
    Ashes and Dust (13)
    Bishop (10)
     - Oath Keeper (1)
    Crooligan (4)
    Obedient Wretch (4)
    Crooligan (4)
    Malifaux Rat (2)
    Malifaux Rat (2)
     (exported from CrewFaux)
    50 SS Outcasts Crew
    Hamelin + 6 Pool
     - The Piper (2)
     - Sewer King (1)
     - Oath Keeper (1)
    The Stolen (2)
    Ashes and Dust (13)
    Desolation Engine (13)
     - Oath Keeper (1)
    Obedient Wretch (4)
    Crooligan (4)
    Crooligan (4)
     (exported from CrewFaux)

    50 SS Outcasts Crew
    Hamelin + 6 Pool
     - The Piper (2)
     - Sewer King (1)
     - Oath Keeper (1)
    The Stolen (2)
    Ashes and Dust (13)
     - The Bigger They Are (1)
    Bishop (10)
     - Oath Keeper (1)
    Obedient Wretch (4)
    Crooligan (4)
    Crooligan (4)
    Malifaux Rat (2)

     (exported from CrewFaux)

    games 3-5 of nova open in sequential order. Opponents were outcasts rezzers TT. I will be doing a theory rundown of all my games on the podcast Max Value in the week to come. 

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  5. 7 hours ago, Mutter said:

    Maybe I'm just thick, but how are you getting two walks out of Pipes?

    when you lure bishop you get to move him his charge after you blight him with a rat so you get 7 inches instead of 4 basically two walks. Same for deolation engine who is walk 5 cg 8. a usual first turn is walking hamelin up twice turn one and luring up your big threat. i often try to take two walks to a position i wont have to move the rest of the game to maximize his efficiency. Being nonchargeable is cool like that.

    • Like 1
  6. So pipes isn't really as much an offensive use as much as it is utility for your own crew. Pipes sure is great if your opponent isn't in cover and their defense is lower then their willpower. Since you have an obey at 12 inches vs 14 obeys are much better most of the time. However pipes is very very useful on your own models. This is best utilized on high charge models such as bishop and desolation engine and maximizes AP use. Basically getting two walks out of your big beater for one master AP that has no TN (huge deal). You maximize your beaters AP by doing this semi slingshot and can also pull over extended modes back into your ranks. 

    Also on a less relevenat note I played Hamelin 5 times at ITC (Jacob from trump card).

  7. The upgrades I'm sure are pretty easential since they open up a pretty new playstyle I'm sure for each master. The pack you can prob chop up with friends though so no big deal. In terms of models it's Talos and the stalker. Stalker is useful and prob a good pickup but talos is a little more specific really only useful in Tara. 

  8. Don't hold your breath. Von had a chance to get some love in the wave five section with the engineer but unfortunately he doesn't help the crew function. The new upgrades are the best hope but again they need to be some serious overhauls to really make VS viable since other masters also get the new options.

  9. Terrocota warrior is prob the real main reason to get iron Levi because you still can get value out of the upgrade when the game starts. Also I've been having a lot of fun hiring the new obsidian statue terrocota arcane effigy and a watcher alongside the usual Ashes and dust plus some abombs. Obsidian statue can give Levi targets +1 dmg and the watcher helps you get around cover. Terrocota as said helps you shuffle your upgrades and also protect the statue from joker dmg. Oh and you get one of the best effigys in the game to add burning to your 3/4/5 unreduceabke dmg track. Has been pretty good so far and has added some cool flavor to Levi that I think was lacking before. 

  10. So I think the number one issue players don't see is to kill AnD at range or with a singular model before he goes. The biggest ability of ashes is to voluntarily split with Hamelin or Levi over the other masters. Be aware of the way the storm can come in and screw with your plan on the flanks and be aware this can easily happen any turn he's on the table. Although he is a big beater he is just 3/4/6 with no real triggers unless he spikes the abombs. Keep something like armor or some type of reduction to faceoff with him. Inside Hamelin and Levi be aware of the core pulsing for high value turns if you clump up too much. Honestly the biggest mistake I see is people go to hard or to soft at killing him and lose compensation elsewhere for the efforts. Play the movement game and just be aware of the range of threat and he becomes any other beater. 

    • Like 2
  11. 50 SS Outcasts Crew
    Tara + 5 Pool
     - Dead of Winter (1)
     - Knowledge of Eternity (2)
    Malifaux Child (2)
    The Nothing Beast (10)
     - Void Shield (0)
     - Oath Keeper (1)
    Scion of the Void (8)
     - Oath Keeper (1)
    Void Wretch (4)
    Void Wretch (4)
    Void Wretch (4)
    Void Wretch (4)
    Void Wretch (4)
    Void Wretch (4)
     (exported from CrewFaux)

    This is the list from the max value podcast. It works a lot better then some here are giving it credit. I personally think this is the only list that runs 2+ of a generic model that actually has competitive play and it's pretty cool to look at. 

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  12. If you wanted to watch tactica on Outcasts and the game from an outcast players perspective. What are the big topics you would want addressed? Trying to organize a more on depth style schemes and stones YouTube video set. I hope to go through generalized topics such as playing vs other factions as well as in depth on each outcast master as well as a full compendium of models. If there are any specifics people would want addressed I would be curious to hear them since this is supposed to basically the "advanced" version for outcast players.

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