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Posts posted by aunathar

  1. And the new minis??

    dead outlaw is good. Can receive damage from abominations to take cards and heal after or make combo with perfomer leaving a anemy scheme and performer puts double negative.

    i like terracota warrior.  Mold of the other protect the hitter like howard or another, ancient treasures change upgrades like paria of iron to tally sheet or earth return.

    No only levi upgrade, put cout the fiels in howard, make free move. protect with terracota and change scout for oath keeper. Take a positive with mobile toolkit. active howard with nimble and 2 actions. active rusty reactivate howard and make terracota take the damage. reactiveate howard, burn oath and make a nimble and 3 actions. Levi Catapult!!!! it's situational but no one expect :)


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