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Posts posted by heretek

  1. I am very very new to miniatures myself. My henchman did explain bases to me but it was before I fell for Malifaux and realized the colors meant something. So.

    A mini comes with a black base with rounded edges. Most of the minis I have seen had a base with a rounded colored edge, which bases you can buy separately. When putting them together do I not use the included black base at all, and just attach it to the colored base? And then put decorations down on the flat center leaving the rounded edge showing?

    Those coloured bases are pure personal choice, you don't need to use them. They certainly don't mean anything in game terms. In fact, I've never actually seen them used to base models - mostly I've seen them used for things like scheme markers. 

    You're absolutely fine to use the black base provided with the model, and yes, any detailing you add should be on the flat part of the base. A little overhang isn't a big deal (and is also unavoidable on some models), but you should aim to leave the lip of the base reasonably clear, since that's where you'll be measuring to and from in-game.

    Oh, and welcome to the hobby!

  2. Hoffman's box gives you some useful models in the Guardian, Hunter, and Watcher. Sonnia also has a pretty good crew box. In terms of non-master stuff, Austringers are a solid Guild piece that can find a home in most lists. The Lone Marshal is pretty handy as a fast, durable scheme runner (he's also in theme for Justice!). Some people malign Executioners (and not without some reason) but they're still fun to play, and you've got Death Marshals already for the Pine Box delivery trick. Personally, I think the plastic models are fantastic as well.

    The expansion books aren't strictly necessary, since everything comes with the relevant cards anyway, but they're still useful to have for seeing what the new stuff does, running proxies before you buy, etc.

  3. I use Revell Contacta Professional. It's plastic glue with a thin metal pipe.

    I use the same, any tips on stopping the needle from clogging up?

    When applying I first press out some air with the needle pointing up, then I angle it so there is glue over the needle base and continue pressing, when I then release it the needle will be mostly sucked clean be the pressure. I do this for each application. Then when I'm done with the glue for the time being I hold some paper towel to the raised needle and press the container to press out any remaining glue, which shouldn't be a lot. If you hold the raised needle by your ear and press you can hear if it's clear. And finally if it clogs anyway I have a piece of .5 mm wire handy to clear it.

    So yeah, it takes a bit of discipline to maintain these. But for me the precision is very much worth it and it has all became an automatic habit by now, YMMV.

    Hah, that's more or less what I do already. Guess I'll have to find some of that .5mm wire...

  4. Samurai ignore armour with their melee attacks, without needing a trigger like Lone Swordsman. They're kind of slow, but Favour of Heaven can speed one up.

    I suppose technically they're Outcasts, but you can hire Ronin as Mercenaries. Like the Samurai they have a reasonable damage track, don't need a trigger to ignore armour, and if you're able to position them for Flurry they can burn down most constructs pretty quick.

  5. I use Army Painter black spray primer. Their coloured primer range can have some issues, from what I've seen, but the black is better than the GW stuff I used to prime with, and it's cheaper, too. Coats nice and thinly, only minor issue is that it dries slightly glossy, so you might want to run a thin coat of matte black over anywhere you're leaving black (e.g. in the deep recesses of the model).

  6. I'd certainly try and get a Lawyer in there to help with Commanding Presence (and other Horror duels, of course), I also don't generally take 3 Riflemen - 2 is more than enough for the Dashel/Riflemen Rube-Goldberg machine. They're just too squishy and too slow to invest that many points in.

    The Lucius crew I ran last night was:

    • Lucius
      • Secret Assets
    • Dashel
      • Watch My Back
    • Francisco
      • Diestro
      • Wade In
    • Lawyer
    • Death Marshal
    • Rifleman
    • Rifleman

    For Turf War, with a pool of Murder Protege, Spring the Trap, Breakthrough, and Plant Evidence (IIRC)

    I feel like I could have lived without Watch My Back, I never got that much use out of it, and I sacrificed my Riflemen quite early in the game to take out my Murder Protege target who was hanging in the backfield. Also probably didn't need Diestro on Frank - a Lead Lined Coat might have been the better pick since I never ended up shooting into combat with him, and he spent most of his time in melee bogging down the enemy near the Turf War marker.

    Often I'll Surprisingly Loyal in a Doppelganger, but I couldn't fit her in this time around. She's a good tarpit with Chameleon/Face in the Crowd, Don't Mind Me is always lovely, and the ability to cheat on initiative flips can be crucial (though honestly it often doesn't come up).

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