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Posts posted by DXXXVIII

  1. My Gaming groups waiting for above th e law to release since the beginning of september. I allready made them hot.
    But It's october now and we're still not above the law 😕
    Seems like i made ppl in my gaming group hot too early since the anticipational joy is starting to cool down >.<
    Anyone knows when to expect the PDF?
    And don't tell me september xD

  2. 6 hours ago, Manxfaux said:

    You'd still probably have to focus to get over your own :-flip for shooting into cover though, at which point their :-flip becomes fairly unimportant. Now if you can remove cover with someone like Mad Dog..... but that's a lot of investment pinned to Levi's poor damage spread. EDIT: Just looked at Mad dog and his cover removal only works for Sh attacks, not Levi's Ca.

    Yin is interesting though, how about paring her with the Nothing Beast, that's a Levi only combo. EDIT: Scrub that, Resser Tara can do this too. Unless one of the Neverborn undeads from the Titania box can take advantage, you're just building something any resser crew can replicate.

    Mad dog cant remove cover for casts. He removes cover for sh actions.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Von said:

    He is a master of time so i will give him    ill omen ability.

    Ill omen would break the outcast faction in a way yasunori broke 10T.

    Wouldnt be healthy to give the unofficial Alpha-Strike-Faction the ability to cheat initiative.

    Just think Viks and stuff

    • Agree 2
  4. On 28.3.2018 at 4:43 PM, Davos said:

    Why Bisento instead of Storm?  (I don't know what Bisento does) And do you find that Bishop/Taelor do work for you, with them being so slow?

    Storm can be a real Tax to your hand.
    Getting storm to work actually requires some setup of card Draw or a lot of Luck.
    And Outcast got access to Wokou-Raiders that scale better with Bisento than storm.

    • Like 1
  5. Try a lazarus/alyce bomb. this might work with blasts.
    But tbh, if you want to hit pandora, you need sth with an attack value of 7, Simple DF-Duels or Blasts or shell just jump away.
    So nothing beast not the worst.
    I started to rlly like aionius wit i pay better as taras beater. I pay better offers a fokus on the first charge attack to get the bury trigger. Removing a key model with just one attack, ist really delicious. Best thing, even if he gets to bury, his second attack still chains into the void :P

  6. Freikorpsmänner are tanky but tarpits do not fit well into a shooting crew. how about "models do not randomise for this model when shooting into engagement".
    Now they got a role as tarpits. up their melee to 7 (its still not op cause they have a shitty as fck damage track) or reduce their cost to 4 and they become... at least niche.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Freman said:

    Welcome to Outcast's allies. Between Leveticus and Jack Daw you're going to end up with most of the Resser faction anyway.

    Wellwellwell... PPL told me Ressers would be the expensive Faction because of all the summoning requiring a larger pool of models. So I started Outcast...
    Schill wants Anna, Hamelin wants crooligans, Tara wants all Horror minions, Jack daw wants all Tormented models... Levi wants all Undead.
    You know why Outcast is the money Faction? Cause thats what you need if wou want to play Outcast appropriately. ;)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  8. On 26.12.2017 at 12:36 PM, DXXXVIII said:

    My guess was:
    Ply for Information:
    Misaki because she has acces to jorogumu, which get really hard to remove or remove the condition off (Hard to wound) once they aquired it/did the killing (Eat your fill, hard to kill). And because misaki can allways cheat in Severe damage with her Storm-Upgrade, allowing her to reliably remove condition from opponents models.
    Von Schill: Because his bubble is hard to remove and being able to double-focus-Shoot (I pay better) allows to even severe damage/remove the condition from hard to kill models.

    Public Execution:
    Levi with 4 Riders because they are hard to kill and not easy to remove while being killy themself. And because i allways wanted to play the Riders-List.
    Viks, because Viks kill stuff.

    Symbols of Authority:
    Hamelin, because he can get models far over the board using obey and you often need dont mind me to grab the Symbols. (Downside, his rats are easy prey for the scheme).
    Parker, because he can get models far over the board with his "Job's not done yes", has free interacts and usually runs with donkey rider which gives out "Dont mind me".

    Tara, because the Void wretches have good mobility thanks to incorporeal and can participate in fighting (void maw), even when not in the thick of it, allowing them to spread out.
    Jack, because hes a mobile bruiser and most tormented models are shit and i'll just take the Outcast-Allstars with him, which are kind of independent.

    I'll change my statement.
    Tara cause fast ist great to ply opponents. Scion of the void is kinda "Immune" to getting plyed and buried models do not count towards ply ;)
    Jack cause mobility/free pushes/lures are great to ply opponents and Jack has access to Jakuuna Ubume: The only Lure that can ignore LOS in Outcast ;)

    Schill cause schill bubble doesnt die easily. Schill doesn't die easily as well. (Eliminate leadership) And focus sniping opponents four times per round for 3-4 min-damage each is good to execute in public.
    Levi with riders. Cause riders kill and usually dont die. Levi kills and usually doesn't die.

    Hamelin cause what you need is "dont mind me" and Hamelin got that. What you need is mobility and "I obey you to walk" gets you kinda mobile. You have to take care of your rats thought. Cause One of the opponents schemes will start revealed: "punish the weak".
    Parker cause parker adopted donkey rider and donkey rider gives out "dont mind me" and parker can "The jobs not done yet" you across teh board while keeping you alive through a steady stream of damage prevention soulstones. Should you be a scheming henchman.

    Viks cause they get a free model worth 10SS counting towards the strategy. And because Ours is a killy strategy.
    Misaki caus eits a killy strategy and "smoke and shadow" allows your crew for great mobility to secure tablequarters you might loose otherwise. Mind, Placing your "smoke and shadow"d models is at the end of turn when you know which tablequarters you want to steal off your opponents hands ;)
    Being able to place 9ss worth of a druable and killy model at a quarter your opponent might have hold otherwise can swing games.

  9. I'd consider Misaki and Viks best choices in Ours.
    Ours is actually very killy once you realise you score it by having more SS on the table than your opponent.
    Viks get the bonus of having a free henchman thats worth another 10ss to the strategy. You allready start your crew with 70SS worth of models while your opponent starts his crew with only 60ss. (Masters and 0ss hench count as 10)
    Misaki has acces to Yorogumu, which are both durable and killy and able to reposition to a tablequarter you might loose through "smoke and shadows" if needed.

  10. If you play against Outcast you can expect a very small amount of pushes and mobility outside of bury shenanigans which are telegraphed like 3 activations before they happen.
    Not much Model-support as well. Outcast often alpha a single model or 2 because otherwise they are slow as fck.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, MudgeBlack said:

    I ran a list that another player suggested (sorry I can't properly credit it) that involved 4 abominations for cards and activations with the last forming them into the desolation engine, Death Marshall to bury Rusty Alice, Malifaux child using Tara's ability to fast and bury Lazarus, Tara burns Oath keeper (if needed) unburying both Laz and Alice, Alice gives Laz reactivate, then Laz activated twice healing and raining down 4 shots with each activation (fast plus rapid fire then oath keeper plus rapid fire).  Wasn't always effective but it was fun.

    The person suggesting you this list must be a really smart and good looking guy!

    • Like 2
  12. I see 4 models being good for sisterly bonds.
    1. Desperate merc. Because cheap and spammable. torpedoing them at the opponent doesnt hurt you.
    2. Ronin. Because they can flury if in position

    3. Rat-King. because overwhelm can generate an overwhelming amount of attacks.
    4 Wokou raiders. most durable minions of outcast and they have the highest chance to hit their target.

  13. 6 hours ago, Davos said:

    Which OP Freikorps model is that?  Cause really not of them are "OP".  Engineer is great and all, but still not game breaking or meta-defining by anymeans

    I think the engineers are great.

    I think they are op. But not as op to redefine the meta.

  14. Well my 2 cents:
    Riders being 10SS now allows Rider Levi to get them for 40ss and still have 10ss to spare. Not sure wether i wish for terracotta warrior and oathkeeper on 3 Riders or rusty alyce reactivating mech rider every turn. However: BIG BUFF to Rider Levi.
    Guilty are an "ok" tax now kinda for jack. make someting tormented and then 4ss for a tarpit/throw-away model. Thats o.k. but stilll feels... weird.
    Small buff to karina, summoning students.
    Taelor... Didn't fit her niche as an anti-summoning beater. Still does not. Broken mechanic stays broken even if cheaper. :-/
    Bishop now being 9SS instead of 10 or being scrambling bishop for 10ss instead of 12... Scrambling bishop might become a schemer o.O
    Desperate mecenaries. 3 SS for a significant minion with disguised that refunds 1 SS if it dies? I'm sold. Fielding them with new viks-upgrade that can sisterbuff minions now to torpedo them into opponents might love them :P Just ordered more of them... might want to field 4 of them now.
    Specialist being 7SS now? His Df and walk is still shitty. But started to like them with new schill.  You could argue that theyre still 8SS but Wyrd added +1 walk to them ;)
    Hans: Was a Niche pick... is still a niche pick for the same niche, just cheaper. 
    Johan 7SS... Damn, that hurts. But be honest, he was the best model in malifaux. Being 7 SS is still good. even at 8SS if you slap scramble on him, hes still worth his price.
    Trapper: To me they're too expensive at 7SS... they cost teh same as an specialist now. :o but they'll get replaced by the new op-6SS-Freikorps-model anyway :P Probably more a nerf to neverborn than to Outcast.
    A&D now being the most expensive model in game. Hehe, but i ran him allways at 15ss (equipped with scramble) so nothing really changed.
    And now... SCRAMBLE. I allready picked it alot... now with it being cheaper it's a great way to counteract the weakness of many outcast-models... low walk. or to buff some models to new scheme-ness. Montresor with scramble, Midnight stalker with scramble or bishop with scramble... thats fun... :P Yamaziko with Scramble :D
    Nurses: Thats a bummer, Jack loved nurses :-/
    Yamaziko: What wyrd wrote. Yamazikos price got reduced by one. What i'm reading: Yamaziko got walk 5 now.
    Terracottas for levi are still great. even more so if they can protect riders now :P
    Misaki-Nerf? Hmm... yes, she was a bit disgusting but more so on TT side than outcast. I'm even thinking wether or not Bisento's our way to go at outcast.


  15. My guess was:
    Ply for Information:
    Misaki because she has acces to jorogumu, which get really hard to remove or remove the condition off (Hard to wound) once they aquired it/did the killing (Eat your fill, hard to kill). And because misaki can allways cheat in Severe damage with her Storm-Upgrade, allowing her to reliably remove condition from opponents models.
    Von Schill: Because his bubble is hard to remove and being able to double-focus-Shoot (I pay better) allows to even severe damage/remove the condition from hard to kill models.

    Public Execution:
    Levi with 4 Riders because they are hard to kill and not easy to remove while being killy themself. And because i allways wanted to play the Riders-List.
    Viks, because Viks kill stuff.

    Symbols of Authority:
    Hamelin, because he can get models far over the board using obey and you often need dont mind me to grab the Symbols. (Downside, his rats are easy prey for the scheme).
    Parker, because he can get models far over the board with his "Job's not done yes", has free interacts and usually runs with donkey rider which gives out "Dont mind me".

    Tara, because the Void wretches have good mobility thanks to incorporeal and can participate in fighting (void maw), even when not in the thick of it, allowing them to spread out.
    Jack, because hes a mobile bruiser and most tormented models are shit and i'll just take the Outcast-Allstars with him, which are kind of independent.

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