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Posts posted by Ariamythe

  1. Well if it is any consolation the two boxes of models you mentioned were early plastics for the company and well there were some issues with them (Primarily in scaling consistency and delicate fiddly parts). Newer kits are quite a bit better in these areas.

    I just bought Smoke and Mirrors at Gen Con, and the small, fiddley bits on there are MADDENING for assembly. Whomever decided Casandra's arm should be in TWO PARTS plus the body attachments should be flogged.

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  2. Hi all. I am not completely new to Malifaux -- I played maybe a dozen games all told back in 2012 when I fell in love with Colette and her dirty tricks, but the community in my area wasn't really playing Malifaux at the time and I fell out of it before long. Now that Colette is back (got mine at Gen Con), I'm looking to return to the game in a big way. But first I need to learn the 2E rules.


    I am not new to miniatures wargaming, having played the Warhammers (F and 40k), Warmahordes, Battletech, Robotech, and even the old Chainmail skirmish game (the late 90s minis game, not the precursor to D&D). I tend to love painting just as much, if not more, than playing, and I intensely dislike fielding nakemd minis.

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