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Status Updates posted by Ariamythe

  1. This is literally a book I've been toying with for a decade. Turning forty has lit the fire for me to finish it.

  2. RT @LeVostreGC: Daunse lyke nobodye ys wacchinge except the nameless Lady of the Daunse that doth see all from her cobweb throne yn the cav…

  3. With my kidlets (who started Xmas vacation a day early) for #StarWarsTheForceAwakens #Woot https://t.co/MEPNeReTVc

  4. If you've ever wondered what #schadenfreude really feels like, just take a moment and explore how you feel about Martin #Shkreli today.

  5. Bravo and well done to today's #GoogleDoodle https://t.co/hBMVoXLEO5

  6. How about "ISIS Gives Us No Choice but to Limit the Right to Bear Arms"? After all, that Net-recruited ISIS nut used a legally bought gun!

  7. One of the stranger moments I’ve had: being criticized IN a tweet for responding TO a tweet WITH a tweet. https://t.co/A45mWYEuxY

  8. @ToSpeakMyMind @BrianDunning To paint that broadly, you're going to need a bigger brush

  9. ... who it used to be) and killing this seemingly random monster becomes almost an act of kindness. #Fallout4

  10. Life in 2015: standing in front of a toy in @Target placing an order for it on Target Online because it’s cheaper.

  11. @BrianDunning @BethesdaStudios @Fallout https://t.co/WSL7a4ou0q

  12. @skeptoid And by reading only one feedback, let me guess, this guy wears a tinfoil hat and reads Natural News.

  13. Ugh. Have to lecture today with a cold and a cough. As an adjunct faculty, though, I can't afford to cancel class.

  14. Ah, well. Maybe next year. #NaNoWriMo.

  15. (And yes, I know that's just a small, vocal subset of all vegans.)

  16. RT @maxjrosenthal: This seems relevant. https://t.co/rgpg63EsCN https://t.co/cHk4lVgDkE

  17. @adevenney One ghoul was no real bother.

  18. @Dean_Stahl Sort of a shade of shame tinted with a raw umber rage?

  19. @CoralineAda Don't entirely disagree, but it's the branding her campaign has gone with.

  20. I’m making a deal with myself today. If I finish my #NaNoWriMo novel by the end of the month, I’ll buy #Fallout4 on December 1.

  21. I will just be thankful that I'm driven enough by a novel to be writing every day. I'll get it done eventually. #NaNoWriMo

  22. @XmasStocking Yes. I like it better now. :)

  23. RT @4ndyman: A first draft does not become a second draft simply by running spellcheck. #amediting #amwriting #nanowrimo

  24. @adevenney Stuff like this is why I disallow evil characters at my tables.

  25. @DurhamEditing 4500, but I'm working on that.

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