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Posts posted by Ice_cat

  1. 22 hours ago, Mr Janje said:

    My only quibble is the size of the kits... 8/16/32 Player kits make it a nightmare ordering for events that average out at 20 players :P

    I've had to order a 32 Man kit, and i plan to stockpile the "Spare Stuff" so that when i can order a 16 man kit, i'll end up having 4 or so Guilders left over to add into that prize pool

    Either way... SUPER Excited to get my 32 Player kit!

    Yeah, one gets to do some puzzling with the kits as it is quite impossible knowing the attendance before the actual event. Sounds like a good idea to save them for later! Perhaps there'll come an option later with just diplomas, a 1st place guilder, organizer guilder and maybe a mystery box to be used with enough left over guilders for another event. :) Anyways, looking forward to using these if possible!

  2. Yeah, I love these kits and look forward to getting a few for events. The only downside is that with those printed high values, customs are going to be a nightmare outside of the US. In Sweden, our rules says customs free if the value including shipping is under 140$, but that still means paying VAT. VAT is 25% - yes, shipping included.

    So for the 16player kit that would mean first paying a shipping of at least 24,50$ - which is totally fine! - and then another 45 something dollars in VAT + the posts fee for handling international packages... And I guess that the 16player kit will require higher shipping costs. And that is not included the customs fees... only shipping and VAT.

    To get it cheaper, the value has to be somewhere beneath 50 dollars...

    So it's a dilemma... On one hand I absolutely adore these kits! They are a wonderful way of attracting players and promote Wyrd. I would love to use them one every happening with Malifaux over here! But on the other hand, it gets way to expensive. People aren't prepared to pay big amounts to participate in tournaments or leagues, and with my ridiculously low income (I earn somewhere around 250 dollars every month) I can't afford to support my community by getting these kits... Will probably have to settle for the small one every time..

    Anyways, wonderful job with these kits! I'm sure you'll get to send out many in the next couple of weeks!

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  3. Hello all wyrdos!

    On Thursday March 10th we are joining forces with Warmachine, Hordes, Warhammer and X-Wing to invite you all to come and try Malifaux and all these other games! We will be at Legend Spelbutik between 5pm - 9pm and it's free for all!

    We've got the stuff needed, and the know-how. You've got an interest to try new games. Welcome to come and play, or just talk games!

  4. I like snow storm and ice golem together. Ice golem uses his ap to toss the poor gamins into position, which means that they can use their shooting if possible on turn one, or just positioning themselves a bit better. Snow storm takes a nice walk and then has his friend come and join him. This way, Rasputina has a lot of board control early in the game.

    I haven't had the chance to used blessed yet, but I like to play cerberus with Tina as she can give out frozen heart, and that works brilliantly well for movement and scheme running. Blessed should be able to fill that position in a nice way, although a siberian white tiger looks stunning with Rasputina. :) Can't wait to try the slate ridge mauler with her, of course in the shape of a Polar bear. Yeah, Marcus has to see all his friends play with Rasputina instead xD

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  5. Hello darling Wyrdos!

    It's time to note down March 12th in your calendars, as we are hosting a tournament at Legend Spelbutik in Skellefteå, Sweden! We will follow Gaining Grounds 2016 and will try to be as beginner friendly as is possible!

    If we're lucky enought that Wyrd has gotten their new Prize packages in order, then we'll try to get our hands on one of them for you! :D Otherwise we'll work out some other great prizes!

    So, come on! Gather a few friends - or force them if necessary - and come and have fun with us! We promise lots of fun gameplay and laughters, and we might even consider dancing - horribly - by the table if needed ;) See you there!

    More information can be found on Legend's webpage. Or you can message me!

  6. After playing more factions than I should at once, these are my suggestions based on simplicity and how well they represent their factions. I've avoided masters that require too much reading the cards to avoid missing advantages.

    Guild - I've seen beginners play both Lady J and Sonnia Criid and they both seem to work well. May have to give my vote to Lady J though, as she is a strong opponent and quite straightforward.

    Arcanists - My first master and love in this game: Rasputina! She is easy to learn, and her starter box works extremely well with her! As she can give out frozen heart, it doesn't really matter what they might want to add, although acolytes and silent ones are good choices. Hoarcat pride works well for scheme running with her.

    Resurrectionists - Seamus. He is Jack the ripper AND the Mad Hatter in one, and his rotten belles are good enough to survive long, and then he can summon more - which introduces a simple form of summoning as they are the only thing he likes to summon.

    Ten Thunders - Misaki as she looks like a ninja, is a straightforward assassin, and doesn't have a lot of special buffs and bonuses to be remembered. She does her thing, and she does it well.

    Gremlins - would probably say Ophelia. Add slop haulers for more points, and Burt.

    Outcasts - Viktorias, as they are good as they are, and with their synergies they get even better.

    Neverborn - The trickiest one as they do so much stuff. I do think Lilith might be the easiest to start with, or perhaps Collodi.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Molja said:

    Oh boy! Have to wait till tomorrow to read about probabilities and everything else inside. 

    If Math is only one having trouble reading that pink font I'll suggest reading classes. ;) Besides the new screen of course.

    Or using the dark theme ^^

  8. Engage archers into melee, and take them out that way? Ignore Shenlong unless he begs for a smack in the face.

    Perhaps ressers is the way to go? A lot of incorporeal to make their impact less, a summoner to put forward new enemies to engage his crew. And, the hanged can effectively half his wounds and force him to spend ap on healing - which should buy time to challenge him if you feel he needs to be killed, or do scheme running. The hanged should be decent against Izamu as well. Add something that can give out adversary to Izamu and then have some spirits charge him with plus flips ^^ I've tried doing this against a Shenlong crew and stood a fair chance. Just wish he hadn't had the TT emissary! 

  9. "By my white cottontail"?? Brilliant! :D

    I hope that someday, when you've got the time, you'll go back and make miniatures for older scenarios that lists a specific miniature.

    Anyways, all these scenario-specific miniatures are a fun idea, and even better when they're useful in ones regular crews! Can't wait for this! So going to put the hare together with the war rabbit to make an Easter themed list for Marcus :P

    Yeah, guess I am a sucker for loving all the LE, Miss and Nightmare models. It's fun to be able to vary ones lists, and they are so lovely to paint! Mr Cooper is a personal favorite, but that might have to do with him being my all time favorite perfomer. I think he would be very touched by being honoured as a special nightmare model, if he only knew about it!

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  10. Hello Wyrdos!

    Next Thursday - feb 25th - I will be co-hosting a smaller tournament together with my dear colleague Darkbeast. We are playing at Legend Spelbutik in Skellefteå, and this is going to be a fun, and exciting evening! We'll be playing from 5pm - around 9pm. All players welcome!

    More info can be found on our Malifaux Norrland and Malifaux Sverige pages on Facebook! Come and have fun with us!

  11. I have tried a mat from Dracolupus which worked out nicely but was a bit too big as the mat had extra 6" on two sides for player areas. I'm currently expecting two mats from Mats By Mars and I am really looking forward to it as they are so incredibly beautiful! Was thinking about using the frozen lake one to do a Narnia themed table for Rasputina

  12. Wow! Looks great with both the saw blade and that prongy thingy ^^ Will add those to my Ramos crew!

    Dear Ramos seems to be a little obsessed with arachnids, so it would be fun if he could get some other bugs or animals as friends in the future. Would also be great if he could hire constructs from other factions as well. I mean, he probably made a few of them.

    Also, a Hoffman vs Ramos fight would be awesome to watch!

  13. Yeah, I believe Malifaux is supposed to be 32mm. However, my personal opinion is that as long as you're not going to jump in and out of buildings it's better with slightly smaller ones which gives more opportunity to hide, sneak around and use for shenanigans :P It is cool with big and impressive buildings, and hey they make such a fun playground inside, but they take up so much space! xD

    What I love about this game is the possibility to adapt both lists and terrain/scenery to your own taste :D there are lots of terrain pieces that looks great on the table in both 28 and 32mm. Just wish there was more Victorian style, or some cool asian stuff. Plast Craft has got some asian stuff in 28mm that might look cool

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