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Status Updates posted by azor_ahai__

  1. Well, Survivor Series was predictable and very poor. Was it supposed to be entertaining?

  2. RT @Cullenmon: This is the best promo anyone has ever done for a WWE PPV ever https://t.co/RcyhGRDqyb

  3. @Channel_4_News and darklands.

  4. It seems like everyone is doing a Horus Heresy army now :)

  5. @ChrisApplebyy just killed a legendary black bloatfly! Wtf lol

  6. RT @perlmutations: At long last have you no decency! https://t.co/YCsyFMaPD2

  7. @HeelanHammer but is it more or less time spent playing wow? That's a scary number.

  8. @ChrisApplebyy your ahead of me I think, can't see where it tells me how long Iv played for :(

  9. @markthebeastman it's really good, you don't need to have played any others. An older pc should be ok running it on low-medium settings.

  10. @Sandals_ajw is there anything that man can't do!

  11. @WayneKemp13 I haven't played aos, I don't really want to play aos. Yet I want to do a skaven army for aos...

  12. @DiscoQing deathwing.

  13. @JimSterling I saw xmas stuff in a shop in late September.

  14. @Sandals_ajw think because there aren't any space wolf or thousand sons models yet.

  15. RT @WWE: BREAKING: @WWERollins suffers knee injury. New Champion to be crowned at #SurvivorSeries. https://t.co/Abvt1GtPsO https://t.co/eZ7…

  16. RT @WWEUniverse: Life Lesson No. 341: Do NOT disrespect @WWEAsuka! @WWECameron #ARMBAR #WWENXT https://t.co/YFBqv1xC3a

  17. @icklenellierose I don't think anyone actually plays it, they just send out inv's to piss people off

  18. @ChildofFang didn't know that. Proven wrong then.

  19. @RBurd @Russ_Veal @ElementGames_ I'm thinking of doing the same.

  20. @Orcsandgoblins haha, let's keep crossing the bridge where we're getting sniped

  21. @HardChaff @JonathonCheste1 it's ok, I haven't got any flying dragon. Got a wyvenn tho :p

  22. @AEPodcast I went back a few secs to see if it did it again, it stopped it for the whole show.

  23. @ukrocky90 Im stuggling to think of how to do my Vik's

  24. People playing over watch and I'm sitting here like #comeonblizz #overwatchbeta https://t.co/i43NKxArqC

  25. RT @GreenScreenDays: Real life #Gaming https://t.co/514MiAKrou

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