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Posts posted by GoDsHanD

  1. Hello there, 


    Can you please explain how will burn work in the new edition? I saw the card and read the rules but I'm in the impression that only 1 point of damage will be given every turn. Is this to balance with poinson? If this is the case why does the condition scales with each turn?


    Thank you, 

  2. Hello There, 

    Date: May 12th, Saturday

    Location: Kult Games, Lisbon

    Specifics: Opening time at 20:30, 3 matches, 50ss, GG2018 + Special Scenario "The Rattling Winds" found in Wyrd Chronicles #36

    Random prizes to all the participants.

    There will be snacks and drinks

    Entry fee: Free

    For more details, please contact me. 


    Thank you, 

    Imagem Malifaux.jpg

  3. Hello There, 

    Date: April 14th, Saturday

    Location: Kult Games, Lisbon

    Specifics: Opening time at 20:30, 3 matches, 50ss, gaining grounds 2018.

    Random prizes to all the participants.

    There will be snacks and drinks

    Entry fee: Free

    For more details, please contact me. 


    Thank you, 

    • Like 1
  4. Hello there, 

    I will be running some demos here in Kult Games - Portugal at 28 of January. 

    Location: Kult Games, Lisbon, Portugal 

    Time: From 1PM until 9PM 

    Type of event: Demos 

    Emtry: Free


    If you have any questions, Please inquiry.


    Thank you 

  5. I had the ideia to do this list because I'm a huge fan of the char and all its lore and there were riders on horse like the first that appeared in Marvel Spotlight #5 in 72 or Travis Parham. (like in the image)

    I love Danny Ketch but I though Ghost Riders on horse would be more in tune with the Malifaux theme. 




    • Like 4
  6. Hello there Players.

    Hope you can help me. I would like to know if anyone has any idea if the skull heads of the Death Marshal's fit in the model, The Lone Marshall. I would like to make a conversion to make a fun list, but before ordering more death marshal's I need to know if they are the same size. Does anyone have any ideia?


    This list I am thinking of doing if just for fun. It's A ghost Rider list. 

    Lone Marshals
    Mounted Guards
    Pale Rider

    all with flaming skulls

    Hope you can help me.

    • Like 2
  7. Hello, 

    In our community we have a question regarding the attacks generated by the charge action. And, we would like to find the official rulling for it. 

    In Pag 39 of the rulebook it says:
    " (2) Charge: Target a model within LoS. Move this model up to its Cg in a straight line. This model must end the move with the target model within its engagement range or this Action may not be taken. This model then takes two Range or Attack Actions against the target model. Each of these Actions must have an AP cost of 1 "

    In the situation that I charge and that model is killed with the first attack action of (1) can I target another model that is in Mi Range? 

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