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Posts posted by Morgs

  1. I like Sidir. Sh7 is potent. Anyone who disagrees probably hasn't played enough Df7 enemies with a full hand. El Mayor him and people will be wary of attacking him due to Riposte. I think he has a place. However, I was very surprised that he isn't hard to kill, surely if The Temple of Doom has taught us anything it's that the Big Guy with the turban is nearly impossible to kill or even hurt. Indy had to put him through a rock crusher to kill him! With McCabe though, I normally run loads of cheaper guys. I have used them together and Sidir is pretty good for holding backline points but with McCabe I tend to prefer someone who wants to be stuck in the messy bits.

  2. PROTIP: REAL men only use Dougie in Guild! Precise Ryle and/or the Brutal Emissary, have a hand full of rams/stones for Ryle and shoot everything on the board! Even your own guys! Your opponent will laugh and call you mad but you won't hear him over all the bullets you are firing!

    • Like 8
  3. Pre Ripples of Fate, I always thought we were the weakest faction. Now I think we have caught up.Yes, Austringers being Cuddled sucks but we have new minions that are actually useful. The death of the Papabox also sucks for Sonnia but with Ca9 and :+fate flips against lots of models she doesn't REALLY need it. If you truly need a :+fate to damage then focus like everyone else (except Dita). Overall, I think we are still waaay better off than we were.

  4. 19 hours ago, Gnomezilla said:

    C'mon, you can't tell us about that crowning moment of awesome and not detail exactly how much you destroyed in 'one' activation!

    I killed a survivor, earl burns(Zipp's totem), two iron skeeters and took most the the wound of a rooster that had armour in 1 AP and used the rest of my turns to finish the rooster, knock zipp down to half wounds and do a bunch of scheme markers and interacts for the schemes. The other survivor he had then died from burning, Sparks would also have died if I hit him but he red jokered his defense, while my guardsman got healed to full from lucius bossing him with the ram trigger so he survived the burning and the emissary survived due to hard to kill. Unfortunately most of the attacks I made missed but the ones that hit did huge damage.

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  5. For Perdita in headhunter, I like to take Abuela and the Neph and obey dudes to pick up heads. Yes it's AP that could be spend removing the enemy but if it scores me a point I'll do it. I find Queeg is also good for it as is Grimwell. Nellie making loads of your dudes fast will help. McCabe is good at everything. Lucius can let your guys pick heads up in combat or be a real man and boss them to do it. For Sonnia, I'll echo the comments above. I like blowing someone up, placing the head and then putting up Flame Walls to stop the enemy getting it. Just let them get close and then give them what for.

    • Like 1
  6. I like Watch My Back if you take a bunch of guardsmen. With it, I chain activated 4 models (Mounted Guard into Emissary and the he did his (0)) and removed most of my opponent's crew in 1 AP the other day. I didn't NEED to do it but I tell you what, it was the most satisfying play I've ever done. Lucius getting a buff makes sense in the fluff too. Marlow shows up and Lucius realises he has gotten lazy and sloppy. Now he's back and better than ever! While my heart will forever belong to Sonnia, Lucius was always a close second. Him being fun to use now means I no longer have to justify it.

    In regard to tactics, what am I missing with Secret Assets? I've used it a few times and it is rarely helpful for 2 stones. Having to stone for it isn't as painful anymore (ba-dum-tsh) but i never really get any use out of it.


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  7. Dismounted McCabe becomes the leader before horse McCabe leaves play so we always played it as you need to do 4 wounds for 1VP then another 9 for the other 2VP. The new assassinate scheme means you do 4 wounds for 1VP then another 3 for 1VP then 6 for the last one. As for the rest of the new schemes I'm ok with them for now. There aren't any where I thought 'how the hell am I going to do that?'

    • Like 2
  8. PROTIP: Take Abuela. Use listen up youngun on the Nephilim. Have Nephilim use influence on a model too far away for Abuela to reach or on Abuela herself to get another 1AP action for a 0.

    PROTIP: A real Enslaved Nephilim never takes a Walk Action! Shackle yourself in style!

    Also you don't need line of sight to the model you shackle towards.

  9. On 07/11/2016 at 9:58 AM, Ludvig said:

    Perdita could be an interesting pick against them. Defence 9 is hard even for the Viks to hit and she can do very respectable damage against those squishy gals before they get stuck in.

    A ridiculously defensive Sonnia list might also be able to rein them in. Set up a few walls and have a bunch of witchlings so set them on fire if they kill them. If you add burning to Sonnia's attacks you can get past that pesky hard to kill. If you manage to out-activate them they should need to be a little careful about where they charge in since Sonnia can threaten huge parts of the board. I believe out-activation is a really big thing when facing them.

    Red joker in hand/flipped with perdita does enough damage to kill them, barring stones. That or two moderates, which is easier. Between that, Df9 and Finger On the Trigger she's great against them.

    I've had good success against them with Sonnia too. Closing charge lanes, blasting off them with Ca9 or using Inferno if you think she may bite it, are all pretty good vs the Viks. 2 damage and burning 1, twice is a lot when you only have 7 wounds.

  10. 30. Never take Hoffman if your opponent declares Outcasts.
    31. Always assume your opponent has better cards than you. Especially when they have no hand.
    32. Pandora isn't THAT bad.

    And most importantly;
    0. It's just a game. Have fun and shake hands at the end. If you can't, then this hobby may not be for you.

    • Like 4
  11. If the rookie can only beat a better player when they have a huge advantage then they will never improve. The only way to get better is to lose. You don't learn anywhere near as much if you always win and don't struggle. Git hammered. Git gud.

    2 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    It could be seen as a very apparent slight when your opponent handicaps themselves in such an obvious manner so people could get a bad taste in their mouths.

    This. If I play someone and they gimp themselves because they, by whatever criteria, are better than me then I probably wouldn't play them again because they don't respect me or the game.

    If you are a veteran and you are playing someone who isn't even 100% on rules, then take it slowly. If you are playing someone who knows how to play the game then it depends on how competitive the two of you are. If you are at a tourney or in a competitive environment, play to win and honour your opponent by bringing your A game.

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