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Everything posted by Deluge

  1. Lol its the only other place in Wales I know except Brecon (still south) and Wrexham which let's face it isn't really Wales.
  2. Ha no I didn't get into Cardiff or Aberystwyth, I went to University of South Wales in Caerleon.
  3. I went to Uni in Wales, it was interesting to say the least
  4. As long as I don't wake up top of a cliff/prison/cling-filmed naked to a lamp post again I'm fairly easy going
  5. Cool will take you up on it when the plan comes to fruition
  6. Place was called Paradise Valley near the base of Eiffel Peak, was a beautiful if not terrifying way to wake up
  7. Lol, when I was Hiking in Canada I pitched my tent within 3ft of a 200 ft vertical drop as I left it far too late to pitch camp and was so dark, that was a great way to wake up in the morning, open tent flap and look down, and down and down and down
  8. I got a pretty long list (just waiting for it now!) I've visited every continent except Antarctica (and trying to figure out a way to do that!) I need to visit Sweden and Finland and every country in Europe has been visited. I like travelling Oh and Iceland not been there yet except as a stop over to refuel on way to Boston
  9. Will do, have to bring a limited crew with me as I'll be bringing some WHFB stuff for the other games and trying to see if I can get into a tournament while over there! Plus I get to annoy Swede's by standing really close to them!!
  10. That would be greatly appreciated if it turns out that I go there, I have one eye on Sardinia and Sicily at the moment (as well as Venice)
  11. Well at the moment that plans are to visit friends in Stockholm for a few days before making the treck across the border into Finalnd to visit Turku and Lahti so may as well swing by Helsinki
  12. Nah that's for my Birthday (November) Finland and Sweden as have a few friends that I plan on visiting and gaming with Not a bad idea
  13. That sounds real rough, my condolences. My mum went through that Christmas before last so I can understand what you're going through
  14. Makes sense. Ok so I need some idea's where I can take the Missus for her Birthday, looking for a week somewhere with culture and stuff to do last week of August. We done Spain and most of the Med and Balearics so need to think of somewhere else (also done Holland, Germany, Prague, Budapest and most of UK so they're out)
  15. Internet tells me that Humidity is 44%, 31°C with 63% chance of rain (it's raining)
  16. Ok I'll let you have that one, although it must have been close last year when I was in Amsterdam for my Missus's Birthday, that city felt like a damn oven
  17. Yup Wakefield today, the rain has a slight slant to it so definitely summer in my book
  18. Why are people referring to this weather as a heat wave? It is Summer this happens every year
  19. Nomad factions that fight and quarrel over natural resources such as water and herd animals
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