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Everything posted by Deluge

  1. All Mainland UK for 3 different telecoms companies
  2. That's the one, looked like an 'e' it is a government system I use so accuracy is not always the best at close range
  3. Got Traffic Lights on Lley New Road and Mold Road which should finish tomorrow apart from that not a lot
  4. Where is that I'll have a look, I got nothing to do at the moment now
  5. Not from me but I know there is a hell of a lot of water leaks around the area, making it hard to get a date for my works bloody Dee Valley Water
  6. 3 Way Traffic Lights on the 14/07/2015 between 08:30 and 16:00
  7. Nope the Junction with Kingsmills Road in Wrexham
  8. Traffic Management for telecomms works And thanks that'll make the phone call easier, or more to the point not me spelling out the road name or failing phonetics!!
  9. I don't get why Pandora gets the NPE comments
  10. @Abs how the hell do I say this? "Bryn-y-Cabanau"
  11. I'm just after the Miss Ery and Nightmare edition then I shall have all 4 versions, just picked up the Original Metal Kade as well because he just looks so much more offensive
  12. Welcome to Malifaux, Pandora is difficult to recommend expansions for as she works really well with any crew. However Teddy makes a great play mate for Baby Kade and the Doppleganger is a great addition to almost any Neverborn crew, I would 2nd picking up the Lynch box as well as the Illuminated are great minions to be used for almost any crew
  13. He's English so can relate to the cold and ice?
  14. I can kind of see it with all the blasts she can throw around ignoring LOS and that
  15. I can't comment on this as I have not played many games and most are fairly new players like myself, although I played against Leve once and never want to experience that again, playing kill the Waif/Anchors is not fun as it is the only thing I could do to try and deny VP's
  16. I like players like you, I usually ask for the twat mode so I can learn how to cope with it (usually badly or small victories)
  17. Annoying mind you I do get to cleave one of the Viks inhalf with Lilith so silver linings and all of that
  18. The local Vik players does this a lot, deliver a message on a constant basis *grumbles*
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