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Everything posted by Deluge

  1. I have two cats although at the moment I am waking them up early in the morning when I get out of bed lol. Makes a change
  2. Maybe, I think i'll try and cut out the caffeine this weekend and see if that helps Yeah I know, but it looks like a challenge
  3. I'm actually thinking of doing the "Race to the Stones" Ultramarathon next year, 100km in 2 days
  4. Lol I tend to run between 50 and 75k a week and still have too much energy and can't sleep for more then 5 hours a night
  5. I dont get it ran 10k plus 30minutes of weights last night. In bed 11pm, wide awake at 4am for no reason so went for a 5k run before pottering around the house
  6. So tired today, I do not know why I cannot sleep
  7. Nah Abs sent me the link from his Sheepcams
  8. But you can put off your opponent by licking your own models
  9. I feel that way about most of the Gremlin faction
  10. Bleh Trixie, the horror of her and Brewmaster
  11. It was only Iggy and the Gaki that I really wanted anyway but since Iggy dropped out I dont see the point of ordering the Gaki
  12. I haven't ordered anything either, going to wait it out. Plus will mostly likely only pick up the models a week or so after the gen con orders arrive
  13. I hear you, I could not stand the Illuminated until I started painting them and they were actually a lot of fun to paint. Have the same feeling about the Beckoners and the Depleted but will see if I ever pick them up as I'm running TT at the moment
  14. Had a game last night with Lynch was a lot of fun
  15. nope completely sober and not purchased a thing...yet
  16. What can I say it is what you are known for, Tulips (Stolen from Turkey) Cloggs, Legal Cannabis and DJ's (and a few Metal Bands)
  17. No idea, only really know Dj's from the Netherlands
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