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Everything posted by Deluge

  1. Why is it that I can never find my damn cards, I swear the cats eat them
  2. The Good Doctor is built and primed, just need to find his cards, and Seamus's
  3. Hmmm the Mrs has just placed an order for Canine Remains, this brings me one step closer to Marcus and inevitable bankruptcy
  4. That is why I am avoiding Marcus as much as I really want to start him
  5. Bleh netlists, that's one of the main attractions of Maliaux for me, pretty much any model can work depending on the strat/scheme. I do love facing them sometimes though, tomorrow for example not so much
  6. I was going to make a joke about Slow but decided against it
  7. Thats whose I was bidding on, although to be fair the price I got sniped at was only a saving of £2 so not all that bad
  8. Damn sniped out with Zoraida and Tara on ebay
  9. If it's anything like CJ's Nacho covered models I dread to think
  10. True, next week I start training for the York Marathon so it's all good. Depending on how I do in that I'll start training for the 100k ultramarathon next year
  11. Slept better last night, still woke up at 4am though so went for another run
  12. Well that's my evenings entertainment sorted
  13. Coffee flavoured like coffee flavoured dessert? I don't get it
  14. Very much so, I was in stitches at a few points, the Mrs was not impressed at all
  15. Started watching Archer last night, only saw the first two episodes from series 1 but was pretty funny
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