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Posts posted by MaliMan2809

  1. Okay thanks for the replies. I get now the primary purpose for a wet palette but I have actually found it's helped to thin my paints slightly aswell as keeping them wet.

    I will definately try using a pipette and see how that works.

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  2. Hi All,

    Recently just got myself a wet palette after finding I was becoming sick of the thick looking paint jobs that weren't smooth especially on things like faces and fine detail areas - used it to paint a Hollow Waif and really pleased with how smooth the skin looks so there's no turning back now. Now starting on Leveticus himself and he's looking nice so far.

    My question is: how wet should my sponge be? at the moment im adding water so that it is damp but not completely saturated and dripping. I can tell my paint is thinner and it applies really easily and I'm able to drag it without it running into recesses where I don't want it to. I'd say on a two inch high model with a correctly loaded brush I can drag the paint up about an inch and three quarters before it becomes too thin to be visible.

    Does anyone have any tips or tricks to using a wet palette to get the best results?


  3. Hi All,

    I'm looking to post some pictures of my Malifaux models in the Minis Showcase section of the forums to get some feedback from people and suggestions for improvement.

    How do I go about posting pictures in a forum topic? I'm assuming I have to use a photo hosting site and something to do with HTML?

    What site do you recommend and how do I go about inserting HTML code?

    I'm not IT literate at all so I apologise in advance!

    Thanks fellow fauxites!

  4. Adran,


    thanks for the great round up there its a good way of getting me to think about it.


    My player was like myself in the respect that we arent both exactly what you would call 'seasoned' players and have both only played about 12 or 13 games each ourselves, he did apologise for not letting me know about the reactivation shenanigans of the flesh construct which is fine...partly my fault as i should try and know about other crews/models etc.


    I definately evaluated my game at the end and I figured my four main areas that let me down (barring extremely poor card flipping in life or death situations) were:


    1. Not remembering the correct situations/times to buff the Viks through their tactical abilities and passive abilities (VoA's Melee Expert thing), this also includes not remembering to utilise Vanessa's trick where she can look at the top three cards of the deck and order them how she wants - easy to solve just need to learn their cards better

    2. Poor target prioritisation - easy(ish) to solve just need to realise which enemy models possess the nastiest tricks

    3. Incorrect activation orders

    4. Not thinking about what can hit me back - think ahead a turn and try to judge where the opponents nasties could end up


    I'm playing the same opponent next week and he will be using McMourning again so I will definately take onboard the lessons learnt and hopefully will come out better this time around.



  5. Morning all (to those in the UK...christ knows what time it is anywhere else in the world!)


    I took my Viktoria's out for their first game last night at my local club. We played Headhunter and I chose the schemes Bodyguard (Convict Gunslinger) and Deliver a Message. I was up against Ressers McMourning with a Zombie dog, two rotten belles, Sebastian, flesh construct, nurse and Bete Noire (he had managed to summon another flesh construct and rogue necromancy by the end of the game).


    My crew list was as follows:


    Vik of Ashes - SiS, Synch Slaying, Sisters in Fury

    Vik of Blood - Mark of Shez'uul, Oathkeeper

    Vanessa - Howling Wolf Tattoo

    Malifaux Child

    Convict Gunslinger

    Convict Gunslinger




    Now...I lost 10vp to 6vp but managed to achieve both my schemes (which is an accomplishment in itself for me as I quite often have a tendency to accidentally forget them...yay) and take two VP from the strategy, but I'm unsure where I went wrong as when it got to the end of turn 2 Vik of Blood was dead and Vanessa down to four wounds. Quickly after Vik of Ashes also died. In terms of activating them I waited to activate the Viks last as should be done to allow for optimal positioning and then slingshotted blood into charge range of a flesh construct and chain activated her, took a chunk of wounds off the construct then he splatted her fairly quickly when it gained reactivate from me not having cards in my hand. My ronin and gunslingers worked their way around the board taking potshots or engaging where possible to remove/soften up threats. Vanessa provided fire support with her staff and healing when necessary and the child simply provded healing (which i was continuously flipping weak cards so healing 1 here and there).


    Now my question is...where did I go wrong? Bearing in mind this was my first game with the Viks and I was flipping all the wrong cards when I needed them the most.


    How would you have played this crew in the same Strategy and Schemes?


    Sorry for the long post, I'm just trying to gather other players thoughts so I can improve my play style a little.



  6. Hello!

    I'm going to be playing in my first Malifaux tournament next month, I am a relatively new player but reslly just want to see what it is like playing against other factions as at the moment I only play against a friends Guild (lady J) and Neverborn (pandora) crews.

    I am facing a dilemma which I need the communities help with, and it is thus:

    Do I play with my Neverborn Lilith crew who I have only played with so far and know how to use pretty well but only have a limited selection of miniatures to choose from when selecting for schemes and strategies;


    Do I play with Outcasts Viks who I have not used yet but have a larger collection (that I have been increasing lately) meaning I have a wider range of miniatures to select from for schemes and strats?


  7. So what I'm reading from here that I like the sounds of in terms of expanding is:

    Hans (purchased)

    Vanessa (purchased)

    Malifaux Child (will purchase)

    Void wretches (will purchase probably along with Tara's crew)

    Hannah (need persuading)

    I wish Sisters in spirit was a Ca action so the Child could cast it, but I guess the loss of the Students SiS is made up for by the Child's healing and ability to cast a leaders action.

    Would those additional models then be a good base for selecting from for pretty much all strategies and schemes? I.e enough flexibility across all.

    Thanks for all the help by the way

  8. Awesome thanks for the suggestions guys (and girls if there are any)!

    I really like the idea of Hans and I can see him working quite well the Viks so I might invest in him next....ah I want all of them haha!

    Vanessa is definitely on my list for healing but I guess the Librarian is nearly as good for 1ss less!

  9. Hi all!

    New to the forums here so apologies if this isn't in the right forum area!

    My question is what do you recommend to purchase to expand the Viktoria's crew?

    At present I have their Crew box set and I have Killjoy (I didn't purchase him for this crew specifically I just liked him). I know that Vanessa is a good option to have at hand but apart from that I'm not sure what else I should consider purchasing that I can select from when determining my crew.

    Also is using Killjoy in a Viktoria crew considered overkill?


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