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Posts posted by szendroib

  1. Actually in our local meta gremlins are one of the strongest factions. I think what you described was true in wave 1. Gremlins died left and right and none of your models survived the whole game. A lot of things happened since than. You don't even have to use models with negative triggers anymore, we have so many overpowered models in our faction. Last time for example I placed 2nd in our tournament with gremlins, and I usually place around that level.

    I think the root of your problem is that most of the crews you described are using uncontrollable models as their core. Ulix uses the pigs and I would guess you use the bayou gremlins for Somer (I almost never take them, they are very unreliable). The other problem might be (I know no one likes to hear this) that you haven't grasped the nuances of Malifaux yet. Things like proper hand management, positioning, etc. I assume this because if you would people would cry when you hire Francois and burt at the same time, and that's only just the beginning of a crew (also you know that Francois doesn't have to activate his trigger, right? He shouldn't die while killing a minion).

    What I would suggest is to forget about the minion spam playstyle and try the - drumroll - elite gremlin army. I would suggest 2 masters for this playstaly:

    1. Wong - just hire McTavish and give him the magical condition. Also hire a bayou even though I just said you shouldn't, but his only job will be to place scheme markers for Mctavish to use his 0 action (and keep low rams to cheat in). Next step is throwing Wong's totem into the bin since she is ugly and burt can use the same enemy pushing ability she can, but he is a melee monster in the same time. Add Old Cranky as a totem and Francois with stilts (to cancel his self damage one time) and you are set. Fill the rest with something that helps your game. Merris for scheming, Gracie or Mancha for beating. Lightning bugs as minions. Wong crew is especially great against Arcanists and Ressers since your magical figure rips them apart with ease. Lightning bugs can also ignore armor.

    2. Somer - Somer elite list is very fun aswell. I like to take my 2 totems with him and abuse the triggers as much as possible. The figures are mostly the same as with Wong (I don't use McTavish with him that much without the magical condition). Let's check the triggers:

    - Mask trigger makes almost your whole team get their def triggers, no one will want to charge you and waste their APs when you can push away after the 1st hit. Mask also lets Lightning bugs get their healing blast automatically.

    - Ram trigger makes your damage output explode. Somer gets huge shots with blast, Burt will have +2 damage from his crit trigger AND an auto def trigger if the enemy doesn't hit him, Gracie gets +2 damage and becomes a monster, mancha gets +damage flip (and he is quite survivable if you make him def 7), Trixie gets her auto trigger to her melee to let a friend make 1 additional attack (and you are full of beaters with huge damage, that could be 3 extra big attacks per turn). This is usually so much fun, but positioning is key. With gremlins you usually want to attack first to maximize your damage since they can't take the beating as much as other factions. There is a trick with somer to hand out mask with one of your totems and shoot him with your bayous or something (but don't hit him), so he pushes up the board and when he activates give him ram, so he can shoot the enemy on turn 1. Either with 3 min 4 damage shots or 1 big focused shot for 8 damage and 2 blast markers for 4 damage.

    - Crow trigger is a little weaker than ram but it can lead to fun games. Basically what it gives is an infinite shot trigger for Francois. While you hit the enemy you can than always make one more attack after it. If you attack something with low def you could kill it with 1 AP. The other use of the crow trigger is handing out slow. Lightning bugs will slow the enemy with every hit. Trixie will slow the enemy with every push from 18 away. So they have to push their charge value away and than walk back from their 1 ap loosing their whole turn.


    I hope it helps a little, I would try these 2 crews instead of the usual unreliable minion builds. You can use your soulstones to keep your henchen alive since you will have more henchmen in these games.

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  2. As others mentioned just try to forget drinking contest and give out swills. Use brewmaster and his totem for -flips, obeys and binge. For example hand out 2 swills to 1 or 2 targets (2 if its a sturdy model), obey a model with a One ap cgarge (rooster for example) and chain activate into francois. Than try not to smile too much while your opponent is crying. Chain activation is great for this since the enemy could just walk away with the swilled figure.

    Other great figures are the sparks and whiskey golem tag team. Sparks can make the golem fast and occasionally armor 2. The golem's wave 4 0upgrade lets It heal half the time it hits the Enemy. With nimble and fast the golem can engage/charge almost anything on the board and his df trigger and self heal from attacking keeps him alive for a while. Also you can obey him to Attack something and heal :). Sparks also has a 8 aura that can deny the enemy's condition removal, healing, etc. Until they try to target friendly creatures.

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  3. Fingers is my Secret weapon. Every time I placed him on the board in a competition he won me the game. He is a super sneaky vp machine:).

    I guess the real trick is to know when Merris is enough for scheming and when to hire the big gun :). Or both.

  4. I personally don't enjoy summoning Somer, it's too much busy work and flipping left and right, plus most of your figures are the same puny (but useful) ones. However accidentally Somer is great with anything that requires a trigger, which is almost all gremlin models. If you want a more aggressive elite crew on the cheaper side, you should buy Ophelia box (Francois for every crew, Lenny for summoning Somer), Burt, slop haulers, and probably Merris for a start and you might proxy Trixie with the female young lacroix since her box doesn't worth it just for the 1 model.

    Some nice tricks include shooting Somer with your own Bayou gremlin and miss to push Somer into position so he can focus shoot with 1 or 2 focus in 1st turn.

    Or he is great against any resser masters by forcing them to empty their hands. Good luck with summoning anything :).

    There are more nice tricks with Somer's bullying build but thats an other topic, just wanted to offer you an alternate (and more fun imo.) purchase path if you want to play Somer.

  5. I really like to play mancha in my melee beatdown style crews alongside francois and burt. They are quite potent together, I either play them with Somer to hand out rams (crit for burt, + damage for mancha, and if I remember right extra attacks from trixie). Other master he is good with is Wong with an other model being magical. He can put the enemy on - flips for def for magical mctavish or burt to finish off the models.

    I think he isn't your usual beater, you can't expect him to tank the enemy (maybe used his taunt abiluty once this far), but he is a gremlin afterall, none of them can take a beating.

    Here is what I think are his pros / cons:


    - huge threat range of 13" if positioned well, on more open maps it is a huge worry for the enemy

    - awesome triggers, especially ram (+ flip for damage) and book (- flip for defence for the enemy)

    - great buffs from 0 action, I think def 7 is the best since attack 6 is more than enough to land hits, but immunity to paralyze is awesome against selected enemies. +Wk is probably for turn 1 or last minute scheme placement.

    - can carry Mud toss, but since he won't live too long and likes to charge around from his 2 aps it's not the best fit


    - No real survivability -> as I said I like +def on him and when I play melee beatdown I use almost all my SS to keep my henchmens alive since gremlin masters are quite good in surviving (Somer/Wong) or staying away from the action

    - very easy to overextend with him due to huge charge -> try to charge in after the enemy activated most of his figures and try to grab initiative with trixie to get +def and attack again.

  6. So much talk about beating Wong himself but in reality Wong isn't too scary against arcanists, he can't ignore armor, so most of the time he will deal 1-2 damage. As a gremlin player Wong is my autopick against arcanists but it is because of the magical condition that gives a big bruiser armor ignore and + damage. So I think wong isn't the real threat, it is the magical McTavish/Burt/Lazarus/etc and the lightning bugs. If you have enough armor and you spread out Wong won't be that scary. Especially if you use hard cover, than he can only attack once (with focus) if he wants to blast. So my advice would be to try to counter him with positioning and focus on the armor ignoring units of his.

    • Like 3
  7. The reason I like them is that they can do what most other factions can, but with a fun twist. We even have constructs now, Trixibelle is a reverse belle, etc.

    I also think we have the most creative abilities (or at least up there with neverborn) in the game and I really like the combo potential of these crazy skills.

    The next thing is that most gremlins can work good together, I can use most of my models with most of my masters and not feel handicapped. Other factions have more restricted unit selection for their masters. As a gremlin player I can pick up a blister/starter, throw it in with the others and potentially have a crew with some synergy.

    Last but not least I just love our AP pool. Almost all models have reckless/melee expert/nimble/1AP charge. It feels great to do so much more things with my figures than the enemy.

  8. I Think that brewmaster is better off using swill+beatdown than his control aura. The aura style just folds most of the time and the Enemy comes out with max hp and some poison on them.

    I really like swill into francois chain activation. It isually equals a dead big Enemy a round. Also advice for Burt: If you can charge in, usually do it. He is much more scaryer in melee than in range. This style also doesn't really requires trixie but she can help a lot.

    i would also add sparks to the growing list of figures (wave 3). His big aura can stop enemies removing conditions or pushing out their friends to safety. If you hire sparks a construct would be the next logical step. A fast whiskey golem who can be binged or obeyed is no joke for the Enemy. Wouldn't play in any other team probably but this way with upgrades he could walk 6 and Attack 5-6 Times a turn.

    i might have wandered a Little off with sparks and golem but its a fun denial aura + Super fast beater combo.

    instead of the construct path you can use trixie and mancha as additional beaters. Trixie can give melee beaters additional actions with her ram trigger. Against swilled enemies low rams can trigger it aswell. You can use most rams as extra melee attacks and low masks as self binge extra ap. Its a lot of hurt against swilled enemies.

  9. Slop haulers are must haves for Somer/Ulix summoning crews and a Kin focused Ophelia crew. But I feel like the mindset that they are a necessity comes from Wave 1 where a lot of gremlins kept hurting themself and most of them (Kin for example) had Def 4. Wave 2 introduced much more durable models and I had to realize that slop haulers were a trap just as much as they are a huge healing help. If you want to stay in their healing bubble your team becomes seriously slowed down. Personally I found that a fast and melee focused (Francois, Burt, Mancha, Gracie, etc) hit team works better in our meta than a slow gunline. Also this made my team building more flexible. I still take them when I know I will definately need them, but most of the time I take Lightning bugs instead. If it is a necessity it could worth to attak your own lesser model just to heal 2 hp on 3-4-5 other figure. It's totally unreliable on enemies unless you have a big mask in your hand. But on the flip side it has range 8 and the lightning bug could still do 2 more actions.

  10. I still think that the poison and 3" aura style is a trap for brewmaster (not that I'm any expert or something). The bubble strategy falls apart as soon as you loose the initiative flip and you find yourself amongs an angry horde of enemies missing only 1 hp because of the lot of healing actions they had to make. And it will happen even with Trixie sometimes as gremlins. I prefer to hand out swill to the enemy and than beat him while he can't really defend against it.

    That said I've yet to play him as TT but I think Yin is an awesome choise for brewie because of her wp attack and debuff. I would definately take 1 or 2 Komainus aswell since they will love attacking against the reduced Wp of the enemy (they also have a built in synergie if they stick around Yin)

    Other model I would definately bring is a pathfinder. He and his traps are pretty fun by default but if you add in swill the enemy will stick around them for a long time and get attacked every time they fail a disengagement with - flip (since they ended a move action near the trap). There is a good chance they will get slow because of the Wk test with - flips, then if they go defensive to have normal flip for disengagement they can only (maybe) disengage that turn and end their activation.

    I also eyed with the smoke grenade upgrade, for 1 ss it could add a lot to your group. Either put it on Brewie (if its allowed) because he can be easily killed from afar or put it on the Whiskey golem. You will have 2 models (him and Yin) with - flips against attacks (only ranged for the golem) so you can safely hide behind them while you advance to your position. If you get into melee range you can drop the upgrade to hide for a turn from shooters and possibly charges.

    Recalled training is a super awesome upgrade, and since brewie isn't too upgrade heavy he can use it in a turn when he drew a bad hand but still has to activate first (Ca7 and + flips could balance out the enemy's better hand).

    I'm not sure TT has any models with companion but swilling an enemy and chain activating a beater is always a nice killy combo.

    Other than these models I'm not sure I would have any must includes. Master Yu or Lust is always a nice support/control piece. Dawn serpent could be fun but I think it is a little too expensive for what it is. You also cant upgrade it to help it perform better. If you want to use it for poison dispensing then Fingers is better at it (he also hands out 3 instead of 2 if you go the paralyze or performer way) and he gives a lot of utility/healing/slipperiness aswell. If you want ranged damage you also have cheaper and better options.

    • Like 2
  11. Tried whiskey golem with Sparks this week and its quite fun. The fast makes him much more useful. You can walk 12 and attack 3 times or walk and attack 4 times, or the extra ap is good for activating the +2 def. Not overpowered or super competitive but it leads to a pretty mobile beater. I think it would be a nice pairing for brewmaster aswell since Sparks has a denial aura (hostile workenvironment) that prevents enemies from removing the swill/poison or pushing them away from brewmaster.

  12. He has a nice attack but with a very low range. I usually find that for 10 or 12 ss (with upgrade) there are way better models in the faction. Mancha for beatdown, Fingers for schemeing and healing duty, McTavish for tarpit, and Gracie for durability and mobility (despite her Wk4). Whiskey golem also requires one additional general ap to get staying power because you will want to activate fine craftsmanship after his activations. So he works well with Brewmaster, Zoraida and any crews with Sparks in it. Maybe a magical whiskey golem with sparks would make him useful? Having 4-6-7 damage with possible poison and built in ignores with fast and 3 general ap (flurry and one more attack/fine craftsmanship) Quite scary but he would be focused down instantly.

  13. Fingers is a very rare pick it depends on the scheme pool, but if you hire him in the right pool he is super awesome. I had tournament games where he single handedly won the game for me. In the earlyer rounds he can act as a combat medic and denial piece, then in the last 2 rounds he can single handedly win you your schemes by running off (he is hard to catch, can push even further if the enemy attacks him). He can put out 2 schemes a turn AND protect both of them. He can also swap enemy scheme markers for yours. Its super fun. He doesn't add too much to your attack power but grants better staying power.

    Picking him with brewmaster would be extremely rare because he doesn't really deal any damage by himself and I prefer swill with brewmaster more than drinking contest. But with the extra 2 ss upgrade he can heal 2/4/6 on your tri-chi models 3 times a turn. It is beastly. I might pick him against ressers where I like to bring moon shinobis to keep them alive.

    You should first try him in a scheme and interact heavy pool. Don't prepare to win the game but I think you might be pleasantley surprised. Fingers is one of those models that are better on the board than on paper.

  14. I usually run quite light on upgrades, I like to hand out 1-2 dirty cheaters mainly on Francois/Burt (with hard to kill its asweome)/mancha. I almost always give mud toss to Mancha, it is such an universal condition removal from range. You can remove Paralyzes or other harmful conditions but whats awesome I think you can also remove positive conditions from the enemy (reactivate, etc.). I usually take Liquid Bravery on my master aswell (you can leave it home if you know what your enemy plays but if you only know the faction it can't hurt).

    Some not master specific upgrades I like to take:

    - Stilts with Francois (mandatory)

    - gun for Trixie, but I find I rarely get use out of it with the awesome actions of Trixie

    And thats all (except master upgrades). We don't have that many must have upgrades. I don't like hide in the mud. You can usually stop in at least soft cover and it only defends against shoot (gun icon) actions. Very situational. As a rule of thumb I think if you have 2 ss left buy Dirty Cheater/stilts or some nice master upgrade for it. If you have 3ss and you don't really need the upgrades buy a bayou gremlin, its one more activation. Or if you play Somer as you mentioned give Somer def triger with skeeter then shoot him with your new bayou gremlin (and miss) to push Somer into position on turn 1 :). Sometimes it could mean 3 ap for shooting on turn 1.

  15. I actually never use Wong's assistant, I think Old Cranky is much better. I also always pick Burt with Wong (sometimes even with glowy). He has crackerjack timing aswell minus the chain activation possibility but I never missed that one this far.

    @Vidd: Just keep Cranky next to a group of your models to give them the bonus auras for survivability and extra SS. He is squishy but he won't be the main target (except against snipers). I usually simply move him on his turn and use his card draw ability. Sometimes he uses his shotgun, it can be an unpleasant surprise for the enemy. But ost of the time he is just a buff dispenser (+Wp, + Def flip, extra SS. extra card). I haven't used him yet with other masters since I like their totems very much (but Burt can almost do what the assistant can and he has insane damagae output).

    I would also consider Old Cranky (and Quality mash) agains Neverborn anytime. They have a lot of Wp tricks and with Cranky and the upgrade most of your models will be in the 7-8 Wp range (except 4Wp enforcers/henches).

  16. Hello!

    Ty for the battrep. It's fun to watch (I'm only 50% through it, will finish from home).

    I have spotted some things that came up during the game:

    - Bayou gremlin can cheat fate from the deck, you could have tried to avoid damage in the 1st turn (wouldn't have helped in hindsight :D )

    - Ht1 vs Htx rules came up: if you want to draw LoS you can ignore everything that has lower size than the higher figure in the duel -> so a Ht 1 can see a Ht3 through a Ht2 wall, but a Ht2 can't see a Ht1/2 figure if it's right behind a Ht1/2 one, etc.

    - I have spotted 1 error that is quite important: you can only charge in a straight line (from top down), so no charging around friends :). But you could climb a fence during a charge for example if you see the enemy and you move in a straight line.


    Hope we will see more fun battle reports!

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  17. Why are people suggesting Gracie? She goes down really fast against Pandora's style of death by a thousand cuts.

    Had a game against pandora where it turned out my usual team was quite potent against her. Wong (Ooh Glowy, Liquid Bravery), glowy Burt (dirty cheater), Gracie, Old Cranky, Slop Hauler, lightning bug, Mancha (condition removal).

    This crew is very strong against pandora WP tricks (remember: liquid bravery lasts until Wong's next activation) but fares well against any threat.

    Liquid Bravery only affects Minions of which you have two unless I'm mistaken. It's good for Wong, though, naturally.

    As for advice - Trixie is solid, Burt is solid, Francois is solid. Also, Zoraida is pretty potent against Pandora due to Z's Wp being 10. McTavish is also golden if you want firepower. With Z you can get two Focused Shots out of him on the first turn easy and that can be very, very painful.

    Hey Math!

    I did not suggest Gracie I just told what team I played that worked against Pandora. However at the end of the game only Gracie (on max hp) and Wong lived against Pandy and Doppelganger. If you can you should stay away from Pandora with most of your team so Gracie doesn't have to stick around. In my game Pandora had Insidious Madnesses as scheme runners, Gracie can kill them easily and heal up to full quite often. I guess she could also kill woes if she really needs to.

    I don't see your point about liquid bravery. Even if it would only give the minions +2 Wp it would worth much more against Pandora. It saves you cards possibly at the constant horror duels, it defends against her crew quite well (and less failed wp duels are less damage you get). It also gives the enemy -flips if he attacks your master with wp duels. I would have payed 3SS for it if I had to :D. Also it could be a trap if you have more minions because than you stick together with more units and Pandora loves it.

    The team wasn't a counter Pandora build just a build that happened to be good against her :).

    Brewmaster vs Pandora could be a really interesting game since they both love to be in the middle of the enemy team. I would say Brewie could have the upper hand because of the lot of wp schenanigans he can pull off.

    Also it could be hard to kill pandora without some really good cards and good beaters. But if you kill her crew she becames exponentially less threatening. I would start with her totem, you can kill it very fast with spells or glowy. Probably Widow Weaver should be next and you are quite good from there against wp stuff. Beware if she has the upgrade that forces you to do a df HIGH duel or suffer 3 damage. It is really strong but it works on her crew also. So if you have push you can fedex Pandy back to her crew after she activated.

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  18. Had a game against pandora where it turned out my usual team was quite potent against her. Wong (Ooh Glowy, Liquid Bravery), glowy Burt (dirty cheater), Gracie, Old Cranky, Slop Hauler, lightning bug, Mancha (condition removal).

    This crew is very strong against pandora WP tricks (remember: liquid bravery lasts until Wong's next activation) but fares well against any threat. Glowy burt can ride around gracie, then charge in and do 3 attacks a turn (with glowy upgrade he has min 4 melee damage), it can kill a teddy in one activation and mow through incorporeal creatures. In retrospect I would change Slop hauler to one more lightning bug if I knew I play against Pandora. They can heal if they need to from trigger, but have so much utility and ca against incorps. Mancha went down pretty fast unfortunatelybut he can be immune to paralyze and remove conditions so even if a key figure is paralyzed he can help it.

    One advice: do not do what I did and clump up against pandora, she can just stand in the middle and wreak havoc. Some push would be also nice in the team either to push her out or your creatures. Also, try to kill her totem fast. it probably won't be hard with glowy Burt and Ca actions, but it is a huge force multiplyer (-flips to wp is devastating).

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  19. What I love abour gremlins is that fluff wise they try and copy everything they see from the other factions. Game mechanic wise it means that gremlins can do almost everything that other factions can, but with a fun twist (we even got robot gremlins in wave 3, so it is quite complete now).

    The main mechanic in wave 1 was taking damage to generate more AP, but with a ton of options to heal back. Gremlin units have low hp, but if they can survive a turn you can often heal them back easily. In wave 3 things got a little crazy we got some really powerful options and gremlins can basically hard-counter anything if you know whats coming. Also once you get used to playing with 3 ap per unit you cant go back :D. (rampaging models get charge for 1 ap but its most of the time equal or more than 3ap).

    After wave 2 I don't think we have any wp problem anymore. The crew I played in some of my last games have wp 7-8 with proper placement, it can make any caster cry (expect Sonnia, she is just evil). You only need liquid bravery and old cranky to buff your WP.

    Gremlins are my favorite faction by far, since as I mentioned they can do almost everything in the game while having lots of fun. However they are a little hard to master at first. You will also need lots of models to play competetively, but the good news is that almost any master can use any models with great effect.

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  20. Yeah I wanted to use it to give out paralyzes :). But I'm not sure it is built around it. It is a little too expensive and too fragile. It should either be an enforcer to give it fast for a turn or not being rare 1 and maybe 1 ss cheaper :). As it is now I don't know how to use Scorpius :(. But I really like the poison crew idea, so might try it with the rest of the models.

  21. So I have read book 3 and thinking about starting to play Marcus (among 2 other masters :) ). I was thinking that Scorpius would be great to cash on the poison conditions caused by Razorspine, the zombie dogs or Rouge necromancy since he can cause Paralyze with its 0 action. However Scorpius seems like a minion that could be shredded in a single activation and it is rare 1 (you could bring it back with Myranda but there are better targets for it). It leads to my problem, namely the Wk4 of Scorpius. It would mean that if I want to charge with it I have to stay in the open (8 threat range) and die horribly. Or during the activation move 2 and use 0. I read most beast and arcanist models but can't find a solution (push + accomplice for example) to gap this problem.


    Anyone has advice or experience with Scorpius and how to use it with Marcus?

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