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Posts posted by Jokerboy

  1. Hey,

    I habe been playing Malifaux for a long time and because it is not possible at the moment to play with friends I decided to try Vassal.

    Is there anyone who wants to play + explain vassal a bit ( I red through the handbook) 

    I am from Austria, so a german speeking player would be an advantage, but english is also fine. 

  2. Hi, 

    I was asking myself who the target of the Misery ("this model may let the enemy suffer 1 damage") aura is?  Because comparing it with the example on RB page30, I would say the model with Misery is and not the enemy.  Would make Misery much stronger but I am not sure.

    Thanks for your opinions. 

  3. I´m happy to announce our next tournament! :)

    When: 28.04.2018       11:15 - 18:00

    Where:     Sirengames                           Friedmanngasse 13, 1160 Wien

    Deployment, Schemes & Strats:

    Runde 1:
    Flank Deployment
    Guarded Treasure, Covert Breakthrough, Hold up their Forces, Search the Ruins, Vendetta

    Runde 2:
    Standard Deployment
    Eliminate the Leadership, Set Up, Undercover Entourage, Show of Force, Take one for the Team

    Runde 3:
    Corner Deployment
    Ply for Information
    Surround them, Dig their Graves, Recover Evidence, Take Prisoner, Take one for the Team


    Entry fee is 3€ for fully painted crews, 5€ if you play with unpainted models.



    Hope to see you there :)

    • Like 1
  4. I´m happy to announce our next tournament! :)

    When: 19.08.2017       11:15 - 18:00

    Where:     Sirengames                           Friedmanngasse 13, 1160 Wien

    Deployment, Schemes & Strats:

    1st round:

    Corner, Headhunter
    Claim Jump, Accusation, Dig their Graves, Undercover Entourage, Inspection


    2nd round:

    Standard, Guard the Stash
    Claim Jump, Leave your Mark, Dig their Graves, Undercover Entourage, Hunting Party


    3rd round:

    Flank, Extraction
    Claim Jump, Leave your Mark, Dig their Graves, Covert Breakthrough, Inspection


    Entry fee is 3€ for fully painted crews, 5€ if you play with unpainted models.



    Hope to see you there :)

    • Like 3
  5. I´m happy to announce our upcoming tournament! :)


    Deployment, Schemes & Strats:

    1st round:

    Flank, Guard the Stash
    Claim Jump, Leave your Mark, Eliminate the Leadership, Undercover Entourage, Last Stand


    2nd round:

    Close, Reconnoiter
    Claim Jump, Leave your Mark, Dig their Graves, Search the Ruins, A Quick Murder


    3rd round:

    Standard, Reckoning
    Claim Jump, Leave your Mark, Frame for Murder, Search the Ruins, Hidden Trap


    Entry fee is 3€ for fully painted crews, 5€ if you play with unpainted models.



    Hope to see you there :)

    • Like 2
  6. On ‎15‎.‎05‎.‎2017 at 1:36 PM, Math Mathonwy said:

    Well, that was rather sad :D 

    Did it take luck for the Desolation Engine to finish off McCabe? Of course the massive card advantage from the Abominations helps but still, it needed to do 14 wounds (with a weird effect in the middle that might waste some of the damage of the first killing blow) with Ml 6 against Df 6 and SS use through five attacks.

    That said, I'm not sure that McCabe barely surviving first turn would've made a difference at all. So even if it was somewhat lucky, I doubt it would've mattered much. And I'm honestly asking whether you felt that it was lucky because I honestly am not sure.

    Also, and this might be a silly question since I have so little experience against Levi + Deso Engine, but how did the Engine charge McCabe? Wasn't it Slow?

    Ghost Rider against Joker would be interesting, though - Penance Stare would likely melt Joker's face off :P 

    I think I forgot to mention a RJ flip while hitting the dismounted McCabe. (so that was probably luck, but since I went through most of my deck and the BJ was already gone I was pretty sure to flip it)

    Actual after reading the rulebook again, I found out that we play Slow wrong at our LGS for quite a while. We thought you just lose 1 AP (in this case Ml-Expert) but it has to be a general AP.

    Wouldn't have changed a lot for this game, but we definitely have to fix this in our community :huh: 

    • Like 2
  7. This time I took some pictures. Cheesy pictures and one time I forgot it, but pictures. I will improve in my next reports.

    Battle Report 05.04.2017

    Flank, Head Hunter
    Claim Jump, Accusation, Eliminate the Leadership, Hunting Party, Leave your Mark

    Today I played against a Ben. We know each other for a long time and play against each other very regular. He is a very good and an even nicer player and games against him are always fun. At the moment he is working on his Yan Lo Crew and so he played Ironsides this time.

    Arcanists: (Leave your Mark, Hunting Party)

    • Ironsides (Imbued Protection, Frontline Leadership, Warding Runes) 7 SS
    • Miss Step (Imbued Energies)
    • Angelica (Practiced Production)
    • Oxfordian Mage (Temporary Shielding, Doom Ward)
    • Oxfordian Mage (Temporary Shielding, Blood Wad)
    • Oxfordian Mage (Temporary Shielding, Well-Rehearsed)
    • Arcane Effigy
    • Malifaux Raptor

    Outcast: (Hunting Party, Claim Jump)

    • Leveticus (Desolate Soul, Pariah of Iron, Oathkeeper) 6 SS

    • Rusty Alice (Oathkeeper, I Pay Better)

    • Joss (Oathkeeper, The Bigger They Are)

    • Hans (Advanced Sight)

    • Winged Plague

    • Necropunk

    • 2x Hollow Waif


    I had to deploy first.


    Turn 1

    I won the flip for Initiative and let Ben go first. Angelica took her free walk action.

    • 1st activation AC: The Raptor buried itself.

    • 1st activation OC: The Necropunk double walk and leaped towards the left corner.

    • 2nd activation AC: Effigy walked once, placed a scheme marker and put his condition to Ironsides.

    • 2nd activation OC: The scheme marker remembered me on Practiced Production so Hans took his chance and shot Angelica twice with focus (I pay better + his (0) action, hitting her both times for moderate damage which killed her. (Not the best idea because of the strat…

    • 3rd activation AC: The red mage used his cast to push Miss Step and Ironsides both 4” towards me, dealing weak damage to both in the process.

    • 3rd activation OC: First Waif double walked.

    • 4th activation AC: Blue mage walked twice.

    • 4th activation OC: Second Waif walked a bit.

    • 5th activation AC: The green mage prepared to pick up Angelicas head next turn.

    • 5th activation OC: Levi dropped Oath Keeper, walked twice and took a focus plus a normal shot against the effigy since I used my only severe to hit Angelica with Hans. But hitting both times was still enough to kill the little guy. (I definitely was too greedy at this point, because I handed Ben too many Head Hunter VP’s….) Then he turned into a Waif.

    • 6th activation AC: Because of Hans and Rusty, Miss Step was not able to charge anything and so she just went into position behind some trees.

    • 6th activation OC: Winged Plague was a bit afraid of her and double walked towards the other flank.

    • 7th activation AC: Ironsides had the same problem as Missy and just walked into a good position for the next turn.

    • 7th activation OC: Rusty just took a focused shot at Toni.

    • 8th activation OC: Joss dropped Oathkeeper and charged Toni for some damage and ended the charge move within 1” of her.

    • 9th activation OC: Slow Waif walked once.

    Turn 2

    After using a SS I still lost initiative and Ben went first.

    • 1st activation AC: Miss Step dropped Fast Upgrade, nimbled around the trees, laid down a scheme marker and then charged Joss und hit him 2 times for 7 damage (severe once) after armor.

    • 1st activation OC: Joss, feeling the life leaving his body swung his fist on Ironsides, dealing 2 damage after a severe prevention flip, but paralyzes her in the progress.

    • 2nd activation AC: At this point Ben was a bit despaired and I helped him a bit. (Told him that if he moves the Ward Mage within 10” of Toni, she would lose her paralyze, because of the immunity). And so he did.

    • 2nd activation OC: Now it was time to help myself. So Alice dropped the Oathkeeper, walked once and charged the Raptor to death, turning it into an Abomination.

    • 3rd activation AC: Ironsides used her freshly gain freedom to attack Joss. But with armor 2 and using 3 SS he only took 1 damage and gained reactivate.

    • 3rd activation OC: Joss took his chance to deal 6 damage on Missy.

    • 4th activation AC: Second Mage took a head.

    • 4th activation OC: Necropunk walked, leaped and but a scheme marker in the left corner.

    • 5th activation AC: Last Mage used furious casting to deal 3 to Hans.

    • 5th activation OC: Levi walked once, ported to the Raptor-Abo, took a focus hit against Missy for 8 damage and then walked once.

    • 6th activation OC: Plague was half an inch too far away from the center to put down the needed scheme marker so it only double walks.

    • 7th activation OC: Hans was able to pick up a Head.

    • 8th and 9th activation OC: Waifs walked around a bit.

    Ben scored Leave your Mark and Head Hunter, I scored Hunting Party and Head Hunter 2-2.

    We sadly forgot to take pictures at this stage…. sorry

    Turn 3

    Ben won initiative and went first.

    • 1st activation AC: Ironsides took her chance, ported to Hans, killed him, took one of the other Heads and then “lured” the Winged Plague twice by hitting the trigger. But the Plague was still too far away to punch her.

    • 1st activation OC: Levi used the chance of being unengaged from Toni, to kill the blue Mage, walk and then turn into a Waif engaging the red Mage.

    • 2nd activation AC: The red mage took his (0) against the Waif, dealing 1 damage and then successfully disengaged from her.

    • 2nd activation OC: One Waif walked around somewhere.

    • 3rd activation AC: Green Mage shot the Plague once, hitting the RJ (Hunting Party -_-) on damage and then walked towards the Necropunk.

    • 3rd activation OC: Necropunk places a second Scheme marker in a save spot.

    • 4th activation OC: Rusty charged Ironsides, hitting her once.

    • 5th and 6th activation OC: Other Waifs walked around a bit.

    Ben scored Head Hunter plus Hunting Party and I scored Hunting party and Claim Jump 4-4.

    Turn 4

    Ben won initiative again…. :P and went first.

    • 1st activation AC: Ironsides took her chance again and killed Levi before he was able to activate and then hit Alice once.

    • 1st activation OC: Waif at the left corner double walked.

    • 2nd activation AC: The red mage took his (0) against the Waif, missing, disengaged and took another head.

    • 2nd activation OC: Waif in the north walked towards Alice.

    • 3rd activation AC: Green Mage took a focused shot on the Necropunk dealing 2 damage.

    • 3rd activation OC: Necropunk places a Scheme marker but was not able to place a second because I am stupid and misplaced him last turn.

    • 4th activation OC: Rusty tried disengaging once (would have scored me Claim Jump) but failed and then just moved towards the Waif within the engagement range.

    Ben scored Head Hunter and I scored Hunting Party 5-5.

    Turn 5

    Luckily I won initiative this time.

    • 1st activation OC: Levi who popped out in base contact with a Head at the end of the last turn, took it and then double walked to engage Ironsides.

    • 1st activation AC: Ironsides tried really hard, killed Alice and hurt Levi bad, but was not able to get a Head marker.

    • 2nd activation OC: Last Waif walked in safety.

    • 2nd activation OC: Red Mage could do nothing.

    • 3rd activation AC: Necropunk put down a second Scheme marker.

    • 3rd activation OC: Green Mage walked twice to deny Claim Jump.

    I scored Head Hunter 6-5 for Outcasts.

    Wow that was a close game. We both did some mistakes and I was trying Joss and Plague for the first time, but in the end I learned a lot from the game.

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