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Posts posted by SixtySix

  1. Thanks for all the responces everyone.  It was an interesting read.  And thank you to all for not pointing out that I mispelled "disappointed" in my header. =)  While I somewhat disagree with a lot of things said, I still think the game is pretty cool.  I will 100% agree with whoever said that if you run through the whole/most of the deck in a turn, things even out.   I have only ever got through maybe 1/3rd of the deck in a turn.  If every turn I would get through all/most of the deck, I would have no complaints at all.  I am going to make a similar post on a board that uses dice to determine the games and see what kind of responces I get.

  2. I was all excited to learn this game thinking the card flipping would be a a neat aspect to the game.  I was very wrong.  After a couple games, I am very convinced that 75% of this game is won/lost when you shuffle your deck.  I guess that is why it is called a Fate Deck.....your fate is decided before you even start the game.  Take Blackjack for example.  If everyone takes the cards they are "supposed to", the game is already played before the cards are even flipped...the only variable is how much money you bet each hand.  For all you very experianced Malifaux players, I bet you could look at both players hands and top 3rd of their deck and pretty much know who is going to "win" that round before the round starts.  I feel the only way to even the playing field a bit is to run the decks down all the way before reshuffles.  I think this is a very neat game, but I just feel the card aspect of the game favors luck way over skill.  You cannot get an average flip, like in dice.  Anyone else have thoughts or opinions about his?

  3. After playing 40K and WM, I saw a couple people playing this game a while back in my local gaming store.  The game looked interesting, so I would like to start very small and see if I like the game before investing too much into it,  As I think the wesite here does a terrible job of of showing you what you need to get into the game, I do have a few questions.


    1.  What do I need to buy to get started besides a box set?


    2.  For the life of me, I cant find anywhere that has pictures of the models. Is there a place I can go see them by faction?


    3.  Is there any tablet support for cards/gameplay similar to Warmachines?


    4. Is there a place I can see the cards so I know what models would be a good choice for certain lists?



    Thanks for any and all responces.



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