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Posts posted by MadamePigpig

  1. these look great for ur firsts, lol, look alot better then mine. A few tips to help.

    when i stated i never used primer, but as ive grown, i noticed primer really really does help. it makes the model pop. only thin (i wish someone had told me XD) if u use, say, black primer, and ur model ur painting is mostly black, or really any bit black, still paint over it with black. the primer will just come off with ppl touching it and it dosent look as nice XD

    also never get rid or paint over ur firsts. to me at least, those first models are more special and priceless then one ull paint in a couple years that wins a prize. its always nice to see whare u stated and how far uve come, expechly when ur down about ur art compared to others. 

    another thing, get some cheeper models to paint and practice on. with these ur going to paint them and strip them a few times. for me i got 2 boxes of zombie vixens.

    hope this helps any ^^

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