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Posts posted by trapthem

  1. yeah TTB really doesn't have the same flow as other RPGs that I have run so its a bit of a balancing act trying to work out exactly how to pace it so far 

    if anyone has any video examples of sessions would be good to see them, can't find anything but character creation online 

  2. Hi all,

    Hoping for some input on what it looks like when you run a game. I've read gm book, player book and innocence books. 


    I've just started doing whatever as obviously it's pretty free flowing pace but I haven't quite found the pace as quickly as dnd and Pathfinder. 


    When you run a game what does it look like from the outside looking in? 


    Are you sitting there just hanging out story telling or are you giving a rough minis and terrain guide when in dramatic time? 


    Do people rule out maps etc of the town or just describe locations and when you walk there just say "you walk to the saloon" etc or is it more in-depth describing streets etc. Or only if asked. 


    I feel like one way is too short one is too long and haven't found a balance yet. 

  3. Hi all, 

    Starting next Monday 25th of April will be looking to do character creation and get the foundations for an ongoing through the breach campaign. 

    Will be running a penny dreadful book and if you are hanging out to fit in a session in Adelaide's south get in touch.

    Will cap players at Min three man six for sessions but if there is enough interest could run a second group. 

    We roll dice is a Trott Park club that meets Monday nights at 7 with days subject to change. Get in touch for details.

  4. Ok since Sept last year, sold a house, bought a house, lived in three different houses and renovated half a house... and built an entire 10x5' table for hobby and setup some storage and a workbench as a temp solution till we get in everything we need in the studio. 



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  5. 2016 would be good prizes or no and all that but was a shame seeing so many people sign up but not paint.

    Prize got thrown across via PayPal so definitely copping a Leveticus Box from a local retailer with that one. 


    Would people paint and update for a monthly updated thread or only if it's like iron painter or something?

  6. Lovely looking crew you got going on there man! 

    I painted more for a bit but then sold our house so waiting for the new one to settle before we move in two weeks from now.

    Going to paint so much stuff! Really liked the pace I had early on with this so going to try and knock off a full crew and bits of others every two weeks. 

  7. The PDF answered most of my questions, looks fun etc.

    Just wonder what the starting point is going to be or can people submit works they have already completed or started? I am assuming if they have posted it online it rules them out etc but is the idea to start a mini and paint in the time period of the contest? 

  8. I love the Mcmourning crew - how did you do the white?

    Sorry for the super late reply. 

    Was a zenethil prime from black through to a mid grey, then I hit it with a couple of thin passes of menoth white base and menoth white highlight then just pick out some details with a quick blend pass of vallejo white. 


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  9. Thanks, try to go for texture instead of constant blending.


    Bit of progress.on a few things.


    Besides that... 

    Sonia me1 crew
    Lady j ME2
    Perdita ME2 with pistoleros 
    Tara nightmare 
    Bunch of me1 guild like austringers, guard, sergeants, captain 
    ME2 riflemen 
    Bunch of me1 Neverborn 
    Like insidious madness, lilitu/lelu, Alps, daydreams, teddy
    ME2 dreamer 
    Miss ery
    Lilith crew and Nephilim 
    Leveticus me1 crew

    So much paint on the go right now! Slightly maddening but hopefully knock a bunch off soon.


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