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Posts posted by Otylia

  1. Not so much a bug, persay, more of a suggestion.  But the mouse-over zoom on the Kings of artifice, Showdown:Icon, World needs a jetpack unicorn, evil baby orphanage, and puppet wars product pages doesn't zoom, it just slides the image side to side on the page (somewhat strangely) - might be better disabled if no higher resolution image is available. 

  2. Wow.  I have never really understood or been a fan of the translucent models and haven't been impressed by any partially painted translucents I've seen.  Your treatment of them is just perfect!!  Clearly shows a mastery of the painting media to have come up with the idea and implemented it so well.

    And your glass effects on the wizard... mind blowing.

    Glad I stumbled across your thread, can't wait to see more.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi!  Mind if I follow along :)  

    I saw your beginner question post and I'm also deciding between Pandora and Lynch.  And I'm also in the middle of painting up some old GW dwarves for a buddy's bloodbowl team to brush up on my skills.  I'd say I love painting, and am working on getting to the point where I love the results lol.  I think your painting skills are pretty impressive!  Great use of highlights throughout and very solid details on each model - something I think that's easily skipped over in big squads like warhammer.  I'm very interested to see what else you put out (in Malifaux, or I'm always interested in seeing other interesting models)... and the approach you end up taking on your lynch crew if you go that route :) 

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  4. After rereading and rethinking.... I'm down to Lynch, Lilith, and Pandora (yep she got added back in)... with strong plans to grab either Collodi and/or Dreamer when their crews are more available.


    Part of the problem is there are the crews I want to play, and the crews I want to paint (Dreamer, Collodi, Pandora, Viktoria, Misaki, Kirai).  So that's why Pandora came back up.


    Think I might take it to VASSAL to decide from here.


    Lilith - Runs around, hits things, has synergy with models that run around and also hit things. Blocking tricks with line of sight and placement. Good to start with.

    This is what stops me from loving her.   With so many awesome dynamics in the game (card control, summoning, manipulating other models and markers).  I don't know how thrilled I am to mainly just run around and hit things.  Grow is pretty neat, but I worry it won't have much of an impact in smaller games.

  6. Thank you all for your feedback!  Even if you basically all told me not to sweat it because eventually I'll buy them all lol.  ResserRob, I laughed hysterically at your response.


    I've managed to come up with a top five... with five runner ups... and an honorable mention.  

    Top 5, In no particular order: Lilith, Zoraida, Dreamer, Collodi, Leveticus

    Runner ups: Marcus, Colette, Kaeris, Ironsides, Lynch

    Honorable mention: The Gremlins.  I love them all, but they just don't feel like a good first choice to me.  And a lot of the outcasts are awesome but I'm trying to be good.


    Also, the person I'll be playing the most is leaning towards Nicodem (or at least some summon heavy army).  Does that/should that impact which crew I start with?  Any more feedback based on the crews I'm most leaning towards? 

  7. So I'm new to the world of Malifaux, and still combing through rule book and trying to select a crew.  Before I looked at actual game play I planned on going with Neverborn, and probably Pandora or Lucius.... Just going by models and fluff/character.

    However, now that I'm reading through the rule book and the abilities/game play of the all the characters... I'm in trouble.  


    How do you choose??


    In the end it turns out I'm not a big fan of Pandora's game play dynamics... But I am a big fan of SO MANY other characters.

    Hoffman, McMourning, Ramos, Marcus, Lilith, Zoraida, Dreamer, Collodi, Lynch, Viktoria... 


    And I haven't even finished reading over the Outcasts, Ten Thunders, Gremlins, or wave 2 Ressers!  I could possibly whittle down a few more just based on models (maybe just by one or two) - but they're all pretty awesome.  So I was wondering how other people out there figured out what crew to start with

  8. I think that is really cool. One thing that would make that even more awesome in my eyes was if she had a long hair. Now she is a bit too generic demon head. :)


    I second this idea!  I think it'll pull together really nicely with the cape mods, help her look more feminine, and you might even be able to use it to cover up some of the cowl damage.


    Beautiful work so far - can't wait to see more.

  9. I think I'm leaning more to the neverborn side because I like the idea of fighting people with creepy babies/teddy bears/puppets. But I also think that fighting with a bunch of drunk goblins is going to be hilarious. 


    I'm new to Malifaux as well and also debating between neverborn and goblins for this exact same reasons (and also leaning towards neverborn).  Let me know what you thoughts as you get into game play with both of them!

  10. I just wanted to pop back in to say I think I'm in love with the P3 paints!

    I broke them out yesterday and I was amazed how smooth they were.  To me citadel paints require so much watering down and still feel a bit sluggish across the model.  The P3 paints (or at least the very few colors I used last night) required a lot less thinning and went on so smoothly!   


    I am having one homemade wet pallet issue I was wondering if you guys could help with.  The parchment paper doesn't seem to like to stay wet/flat.  I went with a paper towel and sponge method, and they're both quite wet.  And the parchment paper was (a little) damp at first, but then started curling up and drying.  Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks for the warm welcomes, the Walter White meme, and the fluff teaser!!  

    Looking forward to getting into things more and more...


    And in that vein - Can anyone tell me a bit about VASSAL?  I've seen some references around the threads but I don't know much about it.

  12. Hi Everyone - Thought I'd throw in a formal introduction :)


    Years ago, I used to do some GW gaming - but really I was most interested in it for the painting and eventually fell out of the hobby all together.  Recently I decided I really wanted to get back into painting minis, but didn't want to paint 20 of the same guy at a time.  So I started looking around at skirmish level games and loved what I saw in Malifaux - INCREDIBLE minis, addictive fluff, and a pretty novel game system.


    So here I am, getting to know the community and the gameplay, catching up on fluff, deciding on a master (I was thinking Pandora/Neverborn, but the more I read the more characters I fall in love with... McMourning, Lucius, Gremlins....), and brushing the cobwebs off my painting skills with some old bloodbowl characters a buddy of mine had.  Oh - and being incredibly incredibly inspired by some of the incredible talents I've seen on the boards already!

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