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Posts posted by Otylia

  1. The sprues will probably work for some of the pipes, but on a few bases I was definitely looking to create a little more height, so I'll take a look at the balsa dowels and pvc alternatives.  

    I assume the dowels are something a craft store would carry?  I'll keep my fingers crossed.  I live by the worst Michael's on the planet, they seem to carry almost exclusively floral arrangement products.

    Thanks for all the ideas!

  2. Now that I've got this thread open, I might as well try to use it to the fullest.

    Here are some WIP blood bowl humans.  Apart from some touch up spots, flocking the bases, and pending any feedback, this is about as far as I know how to take them.  This is the first three models I've done in the unit, so if anyone has any suggestions for improvement as I finish the squad, I'm all ears :) 


  3. I was thinking along the lines of straws - but had also thought of the strengthening issue.

    I think the sprues are a little thinner than I was planning.... but I'll keep it in mind if I can' think of an alternative

  4. I'd agree with Dgraz.  The technique and brushwork is amazing.... but I feel like the number and variety of colors are detracting from the quality of your work because my eye doesn't know where to focus.

    I think the back view, where you can't see any purple, looks a good bit cleaner than the front view.  So maybe another option would be to repaint the purple sleeves to match the approach you took with the pants.

    • Like 1
  5. I didn't want to read and run (I know that drove me nuts with people on my log  ;))


    They look like they're off to a good start.  It's hard to tell in the pics but maybe they could use a little more highlighting?

    I actually really like what you did with the green stuff.  It makes it feel like that one is just pulling up it's roots/emerging from the swamp.  I think it could be a really kewl effect depending on how you do the basing on the others.

  6. Does anyone else get a particular song by the Rolling Stones stuck in their head every time they use black paint?

    Anyway - About me and painting.  Years and years ago I might have considered myself a borderline amateur painter, but now I'd describe myself as a beginner painter (first time painting minis in over a decade)... with aspirations of one day being great!  I realize to do that I need a LOT more practice, and hopefully a lot of feedback from the great painters in this community on where I can improve.  So let me state that again clearly - PLEASE, constructive criticism is highly appreciated.  I'm not posting these to boost my ego, I'm really hoping to learn with each model I do and I know I have a long way to go.  Don't worry about offending.
    That being said, I do have a few disclaimers :).  I started off with a buddy's bloodbowl (and random WHF) minis before delving into my own Malifaux minis (starting with Lynch's crew).  And since they're not mine I don't have real plans to go back and make any adjustments to these particular models, but any and all feedback is welcome and I'll try to work on any suggestions as I move forward.  Also, I had a really limited palette of colors because I couldn't justify buying many paints for models weren't mine and were likely going back in a closet when I was done lol.
    So enough excuses, I present you : The Dwarves and Chaos Dwarves.  Next up, Empire.


    Also - this is my first time ever photographing minis.  So feedback in my photo skills is welcome as well lol.
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  7. I would agree that some elements of AI are definitely lacking... although I do think that's going to be a barrier on any full co-op venture unfortunately.


    As far as the complete randomization of enemies, in a lot of ways I think that's a more genuine experience than most table top skirmishes present where you know every model your opponent is fielding and where they stand on the field every step of the game.  Malifaux goes a step farther to over come this by having opponents declare factions but not crews until they deploy and yes there are models that overcome this with from the shadows and whatnot... but for the most part once deployment is done, a player is still granted an unnatural knowledge of his opponents forces and whereabouts.  I think randomizing encounters actually could be an improvement on this. 

    As for not being able to improve/evaluate your performance - what about improving your ability to defend against the unknown?  To advance a crew while protecting weaker characters against POTENTIAL threats, instead of only strategizing to deal with known threats.  And all while needing to keep in mind that you're going to need a certain amount of force to deal with a bigger foe at the end.

    I'd be curious if anyone could think of an alternative mechanic though.


    Not saying that coop would be for everyone, because yes, certain levels of strategy and opponent intellect will be lacking... but I still think it could offer value and advantages on top of variety. 

  8. Fetid - The 1 person against everyone else is what I was hoping to avoid, otherwise the game would have to have more than two players, at which point I'd probably prefer to go with TTB lol.  Have you and your wife/husband tried the D&D board game?  It allows somewhat of a bypass to AI by randomizing encounters.  I could see something like that working for Malifaux too, maybe along these lines...
    Set up a board with a centralized objective, similar to some of the story-driven scenarios.
    You could even randomize deployment - do both teams start on the same side, have to meet in the middle, etc.
    As you advance to the center of the board, have some sort of flip to see if you encounter a minor enemy.  Maybe have it so each character within 2 inches of cover terrain has to flip or something, and have that enemy immediately be engaged with that character.  It would  force you to strategize who you wanted as "scouts" and how you wanted to progress your team through the board.
    Then once you reach the center you come across the main boss - An out of control mechanical creation, a massive creature coming through a breach... Bad things happen.  You get the idea.
    There would have to be some sort of rules given on how the minor enemies and boss would behave once engaged of course.  As I type this I wonder if maybe existing models could be used for minor enemies, and maybe flips could be used to see which of his attacks are utilized? And I'm not sure how cheating fate would work against an NPC like that... and I'm sure there's plenty of bugs that I'm not thinking of.  But that's the first mechanics that came to mind.
  9. Let me start by saying I'm am super excited to see how the campaign rules play out in Wave 3.  It was hearing that those rules were coming (in addition to really awesome models) that drew me into Malifaux over other skirmish games.


    That said.... There's one more thing I'd love to see happen for all of my table top/gaming desires to be met.

    The potential for co-op battles.


    So I thought I'd start up this thread and see if any one had any thoughts on how feasible it would be (I'm thinking maybe along the lines of what the D&D board games was fitted with the D&D encounter mechanics), if other people would be interested in seeing it, etc.  I think it works fluff-wise too since bigger things are happening in the world, and we've already seen stories from book one of groups needing to band together to fight larger "boss" enemies. 


    • Like 3
  10. Holy cow.  I played Fantasy years and years ago... and have been wondering what changes they made that have so many people up in a tizzy the past few days...

    If I had found your review through a random google search I would have been positive the author was outright lying about the changes.  Either that or I would have bet money it was an april fool's joke or something.


    I can't believe that's the approach they've taken on SO many levels.

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  11. Love the whole crew together!  When you see all the bases next to each other it really ties together the effect you were going with for the snow.

    I think the Onryo look great  - I love how you highlighted their hair and the blending on the clothes are great.  If you wanted it to get a bit more ghostly I think you'd have to kill the contrast on the model a bit, or maybe have the browns on the kimono fade to white similar to the blue fade out on the outer coat, but I think they're pretty stunning just the way they are.

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  12. I agree about your skill with painting black!  The contrast you managed between Santana's black jacket and black hair is awesome.  Absolutely love all three perditas and they really pop against the snow base.

    Love the gore effects in the snow on the executioner too.

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  13. I absolutely love the idea of introducing elements through a series of games!  

    I've tried to explain the mechanics of the game to a few people who haven't table top gamed before and they were fairly overwhelmed.  This seems like a perfect way to break the game down and gradually introduce characters not just to the mechanics of the game but also to rules and abilities of models more gradually.

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