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Posts posted by EmperorB

  1. Thanks everyone.


    Sadly Kirbfucius I have no DM, or any other models, as Tara, Hannah and Von Schill are the first miniatures I'm getting for Malifaux.


    I read Spiralingcadaver's Tactica, quite a lot to take in but very informative (plus I'll admit I've been skulking his blog for a while now to see all the cool models).


    Guess now I've just got to wait for the aresnal packs to arrive so I can play a few proxy games and try it out whilst getting the minis ready.


    As for Malifaux Child, I might try a few proxy runs once I know what I'm doing but it'll be a while before I make more purchases (got to refil the bank and get the first batch of minis up and running first).


    Also do Void Wretches or the Nothing Beast do any good in a Von Schill list? The Nothing Beast's CA Attack would help free up then Librarian against other Incorporeal threats I assume.

  2. G'day all,


    Wyrd's Easter sale has led me astray of my Guild loyalties and left me here, an Outcast, with only the Nightmare Tara box set, Hannah and Von Schill's Hired Guns to my name.


    Now Malifaux is no place to wallow in pity, that's a sure fire way to end up face down in the river (or worse), but does anybody have any advice to a new player on any immediate dangers I should be wary about with these models? Got to admit I haven't read much on these guys in the PMF wiki as I ended up here more by Fate then choice.

  3. Thanks Wyrd, now me and the missus are broke (AUD exchange rate is in poor form ATM) and I've ended up getting a bunch of Outcasts when I was aiming at getting Guild (Nightmare Tara looked too cool to pass up). Whatever dark sorcery you use to make this stuff so addicting is really powerful.

  4. Thanks,


    I've been lurking on the forum for a few weeks now and you guys all seem like a lively bunch.


    We've only had one and a half games so far, the game takes a stupidly long amount of time to play when every second action has to be double checked in a rulebook (things will speed up a bit when we actually know what we're doing)

  5. G'day all,


    My girlfriend and I are looking into starting up a Malifaux collection. We're from the NT in Australia and not sure if there's many existing Malifaux players up our way. I'm looking at playing Lynch then maybe Lucius and my partner has her eyes set on Zoraida, followed by Ophelia.


    Aside from slowly starting Malifaux we've recently gotten a few of our friends hooked on Through The Breach, everyone I talk to loves the setting.

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