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Posts posted by zagdag

  1. ok, attempt three at posting in the right forum...damn phone.

    Molly and Transmortis are awesome looking. I am thinking of getting back into Malifaux but don't intend to by more than a starter and maybe 1 box. Very small investment because its my 5th game. So what I am asking is, is this viable, mollys crew box plus university transmortis box set? I would be looking for smaller games and I don't care if there is only two or three ways to run it, I just want to be sure I wont be forced into three other boxes to even be able to play (Warmachine ptsd).

    follow up question. The new two player starter also seems cool and I like that the models in it are mercs for any faction. That said, is there any reason for molly (or anyone else for that matter) to use them, or is it just a gimmick?

  2. So I am thinking about starting Malifaux again. The last time i did this was with a couple of friends who said they were going to start and then dropped off the face of the earth. Now there looks to be an active group in my area and I am thinking about going in again. I would be planning on getting a starter and 1-2 other models or another box total. I know that doesn't allow much for variability but I am comfortable with playing only a few different lists since this is game five or six for me. 

    So like the topic says, I love the look of Molly but understand she doesn't play well out of the box for anything but scheme running. If I were to add University Transmortis for a bully or two and summoning would that make Molly playable? I'm fine with shorter answers. The other caster I am eyeing is raspy + december accolyetes or Snowstorm which I understand to be more playable. 

    Thanks for any opinions. 

  3. Caveat: I am very new to malifaux, but wanted to make sure I understand something. Some abilities state that they give additional benefits based on the number of suits in the "final duel total". This suggests to me that they mean after both sides are happy with their flip and you have to final numbers during resolution you total up how many of.l that suit their are on your card, your opponents card, and any "baked in" suits native to the ability. This would mean a maximum of four suits if fo some reason both the offensive and defensive abilities had native suits AND both final flips were the same suit. Is this correct?

  4. Cool, thanks for the responses everyone. My question was kinda two part: one, what crew would have good additions to ramos and two: would that crew also be fun to play against ramos' crew "out of the box"

    Looking at mei and co last night it seems like on paper her box would make a fun match up mei being good against hordes and highly mobile with kang a brutal face to face for joss. Essentially attrition and synergistic brute force vs mobillity and surgical strikes. Is that fair to say that the boxes would match up well against eachother? Or is there a clear advantage to one side?

  5. So I am just starting Malifaux (but tons of experience with other games) and have bought the ramos starter. Still learning the rules and everything else but I am looking at buying a second starter with two conditions :

    1: it should contain something that I will actually want to use with ramos (since I am learning on him and think he will fit my play style)

    2: should be playable out of the box so I can use it to teach friends to play and hopefully get a few more players out of it.

    My current research leads me towards Rasputina, the ice golem apparently being used by some people with ramos. I have also looked at the rail crew (again for constructs) and the freicorps essentially only because they look awesome. I don't intend Malifaux to be a huge collection for me (its game system four for me) so I am not as concerned with wide options or covering every base in a tournament. Given that situation, what would people suggest starter as a second starter? Thanks for any help you got.

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