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Posts posted by ElGrincia

  1. Hi guys, we come back! A Malifaux Shifting Loyalties Campaign is going to start in Chiaravalle (Marche, Italy). We will meet the first time on February 2 for a Shifting Loayalties Campaign with the rules of a competitive event. After that we will meet four more times every monday from 21:00 to 24:00 at Refugium Lusoris, via Giordano Bruno 1, Chiaravalle (Ancona). If you're a Malifaux player consider yourself invited! 50ss lists! For questions, doubts, concerns or anything else please write me.
  2. Hi guys,  a Malifaux League is going to start in Chiaravalle (Marche, Italy). We will meet the first time on October 10 for a Rapid Growth 2015 play format league with the rules of Divergent Paths event. After that we will meet four more times every monday from 21:00 to 24:00 at Refugium Lusoris, via Giordano Bruno 1, Chiaravalle (Ancona).
    If you're a Malifaux player consider yourself invited! 50ss lists! For questions, doubts, concerns or anything else please write me.
  3. Hi guys, we're back! A Malifaux League is going to start in Chiaravalle (Marche, Italy). We will meet the first time on August 29 for a Rapid Growth 2015 play format league. After that we will meet five more times every monday from 21:00 to 24:00 at Refugium Lusoris, via Giordano Bruno 1, Chiaravalle (Ancona).
    If you're a Malifaux player consider yourself invited! 50ss lists! For questions, doubts, concerns or anything else please...
  4. Hi guys, a Malifaux League is going to start in Chiaravalle (Marche, Italy).

    We will meet for the first time the 30th May for a Rapid Growth 2015 play format league.
    After that we will meet five more times every monday from 21:00 to 24:00 at Refugium Lusoris, via Giordano Bruno 1, Chiaravalle (Ancona).

    If you're a Malifaux player consider yourself invited!

    40ss lists!

    For questions, doubts, concerns or anything else please contact me!

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