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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. lol, everytime the site goes down, CJ and I are always wondering what's happening in the world.
  2. Hi everyone! Wow, the forums have changed quite a bit... How was everyone's weekend?
  3. I've used Simple Green plenty of times before, and it works wonders. If the models are metal, you probably don't have to worry about them warping, but it is generally a good idea to dilute it before soaking them in it. When I diluted it, I went 2:1 with about a cup of the stuff, just to test it's potency. Left some metal models in there for an afternoon, and slowly the paint started to loosen up and come off in flakes. Again, these were metal models, so I wasn't that concerned with them warping, but if you're doing plastic, then be a little extra cautious.
  4. It's the southern accent that gets me all the time... Did I mention I'm a closet "country hick" as well?
  5. More like "Me and my desire to save money on another Coryphee kit".
  6. My conversion skills are still intact! Just finished this conversion recently, (and a second time, for a friend) and thought I'd share the labor of my works. I swear, it's being able to do this type of work that keeps me so involved with tabletop gaming.
  7. That was season 1, and I'm pretty sure it was Ireland. Going to catch up on my Avatar painting/building tonight hopefully with Archer running in the background.
  8. Fair points all around. Given the explanation on interactions, and Da Git's (brilliant name, btw ) explanation (hilarious, now that I've said that out loud), I'm willing to concede that at least one upgrade must be purchased between Shenlong and Sensei in order for the ability to work. Thanks again! And if others still have more to add, or other insights as to how the ability should work, please share.
  9. No worries, Adran. I feel it's just as important that everyone have a clear understanding of the rules as well. Thanks again. To comment a bit further though on the last sentence again: While it does say I "may" discard a limited upgrade, I don't take that to mean I "have to" discard a limited upgrade. Perhaps this is where the confusion is coming from. My interpretation of that last sentence is that the card prohibits players from putting multiple Limited upgrades on Shenlong.
  10. My office needs to have more discussions like this...
  11. Hi all, This came up in a Battle Report that I did on Shenlong a couple days ago, and I don't seem to have a clear answer for it, as a couple of people have approached me with different answers on that thread. Shenlong's "Monk of Many Styles" says: "Choose a Limited upgrade with the Restriction of Shenlong. If another friendly model has the chosen Upgrade attached, discard it. This model may discard a Limited Upgrade it has attached to attach the chosen Upgrade." Now consider the following situation in a game: Shenlong and Sensei Yu are both being played. Neither of them have a Limited Upgrade with the Shenlong restriction currently. Sensei Yu, however, does have "Promising Disciple". I am understanding this to mean that all Shenlong has to do in this situation is name any of his upgrades, and attach it to his model for free, once he is able to do a (0) action, whether it be at the beginning of the turn, as stated on his "Powerful Chi" ability, or just during his activation. My logic and thought process as follows, going sentence by sentence: Sentence 1: "Choose a limited upgrade with the restriction of Shenlong". Logic: Ok, simple enough. I choose "Wandering River Style". Sentience 2: "If another friendly model has the chosen upgrade attached, discard it." Logic: Sure, no problem. If it were already attached to a model, I would have to discard it. However, being that it's not, I don't have to because the first word in the sentence says "If", which would imply that if it doesn't have the upgrade attached, I wouldn't have to discard it. Sentence 3: "This model may discard a Limited upgrade it has attached to attach the chosen upgrade" Logic: Ok, sure. Except I don't have a Limited upgrade attached already, so therefore no need to discard one. Emphasis being on the word "may". Is this correct, or am I mistaken in this train of thought? Please help! Thank you!
  12. See, this is where I disagree with you. Where is it interpreted that I HAVE TO pay anything at all? And the sentence does, in fact, say as I had stated earlier. So I really don't see where I'm being forced to pay for the cost of having a new upgrade attached. In any rate, I'm putting this to question in the Rules Clarification portion of the forum. Hopefully there, a resolution will come. Thank you again for all your input, everyone!
  13. It's definitely worth asking Wyrd. When I reached out to them about my aKirai missing her left arm, turned out they had a spare one lying around and was able to send it to me. Funny end story to that is that after returning the mispackaged aKirai, I ordered it again from the same guy on Amazon. When the new model arrived, it was correctly packaged that time. Now I have an extra left arm of aKirai. Like this one?
  14. See again, it's still in the wording. Let me go line by line, and explain my logic and thought process behind each one.... Current situation: Neither Shenlong or Sensei have a limited upgrade attached. Sensei has "Promising Disciple". Sentence 1: "Choose a limited upgrade with the restriction of Shenlong". Logic: Ok, simple enough. I choose "Wandering River Style". Sentience 2: "If another friendly model has the chosen upgrade attached, discard it." Logic: Sure, no problem. If it were already attached to a model, I would have to discard it. However, being that it's not, I don't have to because the first word in the sentence says "If", which would imply that if it doesn't have the upgrade attached, I wouldn't have to discard it. Sentence 3: "This model may discard a Limited upgrade it has attached to attach the chosen upgrade" Logic: Ok, sure. Except I don't have a Limited upgrade attached already, so therefore no need to discard one. Emphasis being on the word "may". Does this seem to make sense? All of the operative words that are being used in the ability ("if" and "may") don't really imply that I have to have any of them to start with in order for the ability to be used.
  15. I understand what you're saying, but the fact it says "may" still makes me want think otherwise though. Maybe someone from Wyrd would hopefully chime in. And thank you! I aim to start writing more as I play more fun games!
  16. The last sentence says that if he has a limited upgrade that he "may" discard it though, which would imply that if he didn't have one, he wouldn't have to discard it. That leads me to believe that he doesn't need to start with one in order to get one. And since Sensei can mimic his ability, it would mean the same thing for him, no?
  17. Wait... So just because I paid for 2 Shenlong/Sensei Restricted upgrades, I'm still free to pick and choose between all 4 in the middle of the game? And if that is the case, then in theory, I wouldn't even have to pay for one in the first place. All I'd have to do is use the ability, and voila... I have it. Correct?
  18. Is there any way of bumping his Ca up? I'm not familiar with Neverborn, but are there upgrades that do that for them?
  19. Better, thanks. Got my heat pad over my neck and shoulder as I'm typing. Though I'm pretty sure it's the trap, but who knows... Going to see the chiro later today. Hopefully he can fix it up in time for my trip.
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