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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. I used to do this A LOT when I was younger. Kind of relieved to know that I'm not the only one who had this "quirk" as well. It got pretty bad at one point, when I'd have to do the same thing with just turning my head or raising my legs a certain way I walked. Didn't really grow out of it until after college too. I'm not nearly as bad as I was then, albeit I do tend to talk to myself considerably. Only way I can appease the nagging voices in my head.
  2. Don't forget your can of silver spray paint then.
  3. Victoria literally lives life in the fast lane. Seriously though, please be careful. And if you need to close your eyes for any reason, do it at a red light or stop sign.
  4. Thought about getting Marcus awhile ago, but opted not to. Might eventually pick him up, but I'm afraid of how many beasts I'm going to have to invest in for him.
  5. I like Sonnia a lot actually, but mostly because she contrasts a lot to Perdita, McMourning and McCabe (the three that I own) in playing style.
  6. Morning all! Glad to hear you're in better spirits, Victoria! How's everyone today?
  7. Onryo aren't actually TT models though. I think you're thinking in terms of Yan Lo, who can take up to 4 "Retainer" models outside of faction. That said, with Yan Lo, they are pretty good.
  8. lol, actually the one i heard was "Robot Girlyman".
  9. I'm actually intrigued by Warhammer "30K". I just don't have the drive to start collecting a whole new army just yet. Otherwise I could just play my Ultramarines, sans Marneus Calgar, and all my other named characters. I would invest in Guilleman though, if FW makes his model. I like all of the Primarchs they've made so far, but have yet to buy one.
  10. For Misaki's crew, anyone of the Last Blossom models would be a good edition. Right now those include Yamaziko and Oiran. The Ten Thunder Brothers are a pretty solid addition to most crews too, even though they don't have Last Blossom anymore. Thunder Archers are solid as well. For Mei Feng's crew, I would consider getting Metal Gamin. Being as she can take up to 4 Foundry models that are out of faction, Metal Gamin are a good choice. If you want a big beatstick to go along with them, a Rail Golem would be nice too, although the damage output from Mei Feng and Kang together is already pretty good. The Shadow Effigy comes out soon too. Definitely get that, as it would benefit both crews greatly. Good luck!
  11. I tend to overstock on my more popular colors (metallics, and just about every shade of blue), but then I took a break from painting and the extra pots just accumulated.
  12. I really hope my drive to paint doesn't end soon. I've been spending about 1-2 hours each night for the past week or two now. I think the fact that I'm finishing older pots of paint and opening new ones is part of it. Anyone else have this weird complex?
  13. The place I go to doesn't keep it in stock at their storefront, but they carry the line in their warehouse. I was fortunate that they did, otherwise I'd have been traveling a longer distance for it.
  14. Yeah, it was. Wasn't actually expecting it until maybe the end of July. But what matters is that I now have a model with Johan's rules. #tournamentprep
  15. Still waiting for that other shoe to drop with 40K... Please, GW... By all means, give me another reason why I should NEVER invest with your line of product again.
  16. Not going to lie, I got him only because he's TT.
  17. The office does close 7 calendar days, so unless he gets his own key... He gets a week of paid holiday every year.
  18. I'd be getting it if not for Shenlong's and Kaeris' crew due out around the same time.
  19. Animation work aside, if the dialogue and writing for the show is good, I can appreciate that. Probably explains why I liked a lot of Adult Swim cartoons in the past. Aqua Teen, anyone?
  20. +1 for wanting to see Shenlong's "wouldbe" Avatar!
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