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Posts posted by sockwithaticket

  1. *Blows dust off thread*

    Well would you look at this forgotten corner of the internet. Despite my best intentions life sort of got in the way a bit for most of this year with a change of job (complete with longer hours and commute) being the least of the upheaval. I'm back on my hobby horse now, though and have been cranking out a few models recently. With my brush dexterity somewhat back to normal I thought I'd have a crack at some more of my favourite range (despite how much it intimidates me with it's ridiculously fine detail).

    It's not Sonia, but another member of her crew:





    Since doing the first one I've discovered Reaper's Anti-Shine additive which solved the previous issues with a glossy finish. Changed how I did the swords and bandages this time. Happy with the latter, not so sure about the former.

    Undecided on what's next, but I aim to get Sonia finished before a full calendar year from my last post passes.

    NoHero - Cheers. Noted and agreed, I will do something about that when I get back to her.

    zfiend - thanks for the vote of confidence, man.

    • Like 3
  2. Still very much a WIP given that she has no arms but other than her coat everything on the body is done and I'm pretty pleased with how she's shaping up so far:


    That said I can see I probably need to give the creases around her left knee some more attention.

    Thanks for looking, hopefully it won't take me another 2 months to finish her!

    zfiend - Thanks, very much. I'm glad you like what you see. Naturlastic is definitely what I was trying with Tuco and I'm glad that's how it's come out.


    ArgentBadger -  Cheers, man.

    • Like 2
  3. These are lovely, the green one looks very much like the scheme I was going for with the one I've done so far (yours is much better). Their robes basically beg for some decent blending and youve taken full and spectacular advantage of that. The freehand skulls on the face masks are a wonderful addition.

    • Like 1
  4. I've read your entire thread over the last couple of days and have been completely bowled over by it. So many inspirational figures.

    For the most recent crew I really love the almost cartoonishly vivid purple and gren contrasting with the more muted tones of everything else. The 'skin' on those spectral models is horrible (in a good way).

    • Like 1
  5. Thank you very much, I know I'm not the world's best painter but I strive to do what I can as well as I can while gradually improving so 'good execution' is what i like to hear :D. I'm  glad the glossyness doesn't detract too much from what I was trying to achieve.

    I do own quite a lot of model colour, in fact that's largely what Tuco's painted with (and I think it's clear he's significantly less glossy than the Witchling, at least to my eyes), but mostly greys, reds, browns and purples, so none of the colours I wanted to use on the Witchling. I'm using VMC French Mirage Blue as the base for Sonia Criid's trousers so we'll see how that goes whenever I manage to finish her up. So, far the basecoat looks pretty matte.

    I'll give black a try on the next base, if that doesn't grab me then I think I'll stick with brown.

    • Like 1
  6. I have an ever growing Space Marine army that I love, but every now and then I just want to paint something different and recently I decided to take the plunge into Malifaux. I've admired many of the models for a while and purchased a fair few Guild miniatures but have started off with Tuco, one of the Neverborn iirc, because he has a cowboy vibe that I dig as a big Deadwood and Justified fan. For some reason the highlighting on the boots hasn't shown up in the photo even though it's there in real life and the black to grey transition on his top coat isn't quite how I'd like it. Other than that I'm pretty happy with him.


    I've followed him up with a Witchling Stalker because they are fun little models. I bought the Torch and the Blade crew set when it came out and I've been trepidatious about tackling such finely detailed miniatures with painting skills that, while ok, are best suited to painting my marines, but we've all got to start somewhere I decided to tackle a Witchling Stalker first of all; it seemed a little less dainty than the humans and the Purifying Flame model.

    Here are the results:

    I must have ended up using half a bottle of vallejo matte medium in my paints for this guy, shaken bottles 'til my arms were sore and brushed on some matte varnish over the robes and still couldn't get rid of some of the gloss finish from the Vallejo Game Colour paints that went into the robes. Contrast that with the Reaper paints I used on the exposed hands and Scale 75 I used for the face mask; I'm going to be replacing some of my paints with ones from those ranges. Other than the slightly glossy finish I'm happy with him. Tried somenot quite layering  and not quite blending on the robes which produced satisfactorily smooth transitions and generally tried to avoid the kind of high contrast edge highlights that my Marines have. I chose the skin to be very pale as not only does it make for a nice contrast but it would make some sense of why the little fellow is so covered up. My Malifaux basing theme is of an underground desert temple/shrine, inspired by the interiors of Imhotep's tomb in the film The Mummy (yes the Brendan Fraser one...). Can't decide if I prefer the grey rim for the base or if I should go back and do it brown like with Tuco.

    Thanks for looking, comments appreciated.

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