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Posts posted by anab0lic

  1. I hated painting until I put more serious time into understanding how to paint well.   For me it used to be putting in ungodly amounts of time and it still looking like utter crap.  I'm a long ways from what I see some others posting on my Facebook feeds and such but I am actually starting to enjoy the outcomes of some of my paintjobs now and seeing yourself grow as an artist is akin to getting good at game with a high skill ceiling.   The actual process of painting I have always found extremely therapeutic (even when they turned out bad lol) , its like it slows down my thoughts and relaxes me, takes you away from all those worry's and life concerns you can often have running through your mind all day long, its like a form of meditation for me and very much needed.

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  2. The claim that people that don't care about the story/lore are in the minority has just not proven to be true whatsoever in all my years of gaming.   The topic of discussion is nearly always about gameplay,painting,modeling when interacting with members of war gaming groups and hardly ever about the 'fluff.'  I mean I know there's people that do genuinely really get into that side of it and its great that its there for them, but its quite rare that I come across people like that and I've been a part of many communities of different games.

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  3. Surely it should be the other way round... All masters are legal unless the TO wants to run a narrative event... and you know what?  I don't think many would show up to such an event which would be quite telling as to how many are in this hobby for the story and how many value game play above all else.   I love a good story as much as anyone, but its absolutely not what I come to war gaming for and for the gameplay/peoples investments to suffer to appease the lore lovers (which in my experience is the minority in this hobby) is just a terrible decision.  This could potentially lead to dividing the community too, when you have certain events where all masters are legal and others where its not.   Somehow I get the feeling that the real decision behind this move is to sell more models without creating too much bloat though..... 

    The whole theme forces thing has me concerned, its what Warmachine did with 3rd edition... and the game now is basically (last time I checked) theme vs theme as alternative lists just don't offer you the same bonuses and a lot of people have left the game as a result of this.   A big part of war gaming for many is thinking about the game when you are not playing it.... the whole list building aspect, the theory crafting, developing combos, understanding you enemy etc... I mean sure when the models hit the table there's still plenty of tactical play at work regardless which we all enjoy, but by removing alot the pre game strategy you are diluting the game as a whole.   There something incredibly satisfying about brewing up some unique list/combos in your 'laboratory' and turning up to a game/event with it and nobody's prepared for it, its true for any wargame... it can even be be quite enjoyable being on the reviving end of that and then you go away thinking about how do I counter that.   I don't want the game to devolve into am I taking theme A, B or C.   Sure maybe things have gotten to the point where its the same lists a lot of the time now, but that's what new editions and updates should address, make things that are not picked better alternatives, add new models that shake up the meta etc....  Again though, I feel like this is just another business decision that a) brings more new players into the game as the what do i buy next question is quite common and b) allows for big shiny themed boxes sitting on retail shelf's (fully expecting to see this soon.)

    I Agree about what was said earlier in the thread about the two master in one crew thing being awful... Just horrible thematically, I really don't want to see that on the table even if it can be balanced well.

    I'm glad 3E is still a ways off and they still have time to take a lot of these criticisms and concerns into consideration....

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