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Posts posted by Skullz

  1. The only real suboptimal crews out there are made up of models that do not fit your play style. 

    The above I think really is something that is for all of us is easy to spot, and we quickly find something else that suits our play styles. In that way it is solely up to the player using the model and how much time they have spent time learning about that model.


    Many of the Masters are very capable on their own. I have sent Pandora out on her own leaving the rest of her crew to go alone a couple times. Typically in those games I have not taken another model with a special synergy with her either. (Like a sorrow) Or I did, but that model went of helping someone else, or did something unrelated to what Pandora was doing.


    And I cannot see how any crew could loss all of their models by turn 2 either. Killing models is very AP/Card/Soulstone Intensive. And not all models can hurt at range. Unless, I think you are not playing on a table with out the ideal amount of terrain that reduces LoS in case of ranged crews.

  2. I have recently started Malifaux to. From what I have seen for what choices are good for a master to add in to their crew depends on you, the master, strats and schemes.

    Some love to be independant. Others need love from others. And many can find a half way point. Plus you then have the crews objectives. Which can lead to crews that should stay together or have the need to spread out.

    There is no wrong choose in crew selection. Its how you use them I have found.

  3. Played the game today.

    Was really fun.




    - Aether Connection
    - Cry for Me

    - The Box Opens



    - Fears Given Form

    - Good Behaviour


    Baby Kade

    - Depression





    The game was Reckoning.


    Take Prisoner, Murder Protege, Breakthrough, Protect Territory and Line in the Sand.

    We both ended up taking Murder Protege and Protect Territory. He declared Protect Territory on turn 2.


    Ended 7-4 to him.


    Points for myself-

    Remember Manipulative and Terrifying.


    Had a great moment with Samuel. Near the end of the turn tried to put mood swings on to him so I could force him to activate first next turn. Failed. Next turn, he got initiative and activated Samuel. Candy gave him a gift, Hehe. That time I forgot about her Fears Given Form which could have killed him as he only had  life at that time and was the target to kill.

    Best moments, Pandora Fading memory over most of the board avoiding Sonnia's attacks. Let down by being killed by a lowly Witchling Stalker.

    Worst, Baby Kade doing one damage to Sonnia, then she kills him and heals that one damage. (Black jokers ruined his charge)


    Overall, a very fun game and giving each other advice on this and that as we played. 

  4. Expanding my crews, I like the idea of Doppelgangers, but not the produced model. For me a male dressed in a long coat and hat, tilting it down to hide his face, not to obviously, just enough that people passing him think he is acknowledging them before gracefully moving along to his target. That is what catches my eye for Doppelgangers in general.


    Otherwise. Plan on Graves and Tannen. Hehe.

  5. I have Pandora's box set. Plastic Lilith on her own and Lucius box set in the post.

    Thinking of spreading out but not too far. Enough to reduce Sonnias blasts a little. And then keep the witchlings useless as much as i can as i attempt to kill Sonnia if i need to. Or then be free to complete schemes.

  6. I have found some one to play soon hopefully next week. And would like to take Pandora. The player is also new to the game myself and has mentioned he has Sonnia.

    After a quick look at Sonnia I am freaking scared of all that blasty goodness.

    The game would likely be 35SS which is the most the Sonnia crew box can get to. So done a little thinking and decided;




    Cry for me

    Aether Connection



    Fears given form

    Best behaviour


    Baby Kade:-






    Leaves me with five soulstones in my Cache.


    Trying for a little control, as well as to draw out cards from their control hand. And if the Cry for me blast catches Sonnia it can help even further. A turn not worrying about her attack potential.


    Please note that we have sorted out schemes or strats. In that regard, I am tempted to take out one of the sorrows for the Poltergeist if there is a scheme that could do with more mobility.

  7. He collects GW stuff. Naked deamons! Lol.

    Yep, sheltered in GW he is.

    I really like the guild guard female. Is in no way revealing or the likes. Nothing is really with malifaux.

    Got Lucius and his box set on the way at the moment. Waiting for it to be dispatched. Finding it hard to find fate decks though sadly.

  8. Sorry, I did not think I was being rude or aggressive.

    Just that I asked to clear up something about an action that Baby Kade can do.

    I have found, with in the rule book, a simpler explaination to which I understand why in the action line it has a Target Number.

    But thank you all.

  9. Not really able to travel far and not sure if I like the idea of booking a game.


    Thanks anyway.


    Trying to get players that I know interested in to Malifaux already, in the local community that play games with me already. Have got some interest already from two players. One is waiting for his stuff to come as he had to send it back as two models were missing. The other is waiting for finances to free up a little.


    I tend to be one of the few that tries to check out and promote other games. Not that many do listen to me. But hey, yippeee, have got some, being friends interested in to it.

    And one odd person who likes it, but is put of by the models being, *ahem* sexualised. We think he is a bit, erm, sheltered. Lol

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  10. Hello all.


    Looking to play a game with any one who would be able to travel to the Bridgwater. (Somerset/UK)

    I can't wait to enjoy playing Malifaux and learning the rules by playing the game. :)


    Thank you.


    Edit: Almost forgot to ask something. What is a Henchman? Is it a payed representative or something like that. No where does it explain it. Sorry if the question is silly.

  11. Hello all.


    Been reading up on the rule book to have a read through and checked on both kinds of duels.

    But I am left a little confused on some actions that can be performed by some characters. For example, Baby Kade as his Lure action.

    I it a simple duel or an opposed Duel? Is it both? If it is both how do you resolve it as it is not explained with in the rule book. 

  12. Hello all


    Reading through Wyrd chronicles and also got my box set of "No Shelter Here". Love the models for Pandora and Candy, especially Candies art work.



    Live in Bridgwater, UK. 


    My previous gaming experience is 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, DnD, Traveller, Stargrunts II, Dust Battelfield, Inquisitor and Necromunda. 

    Play mostly Dust Battlefield recently, and getting back in to Warhammer Fantasy. Running a Traveller Campaign as a Games Master too.


    Love to encourage different systems and have had my eye on Malifaux for a few weeks and taken my first steps in to it.

    Neverborn for me caught my eye, namely for one model at first being Candy. Just so Cute.


    Would like to find players nearby to and still encourage the game in my local gaming group as well.


    Thank you for your time.


    Kind regards



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