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Posts posted by charlarino

  1. I'm a fan of Gothic hammer horror, naturally I was drawn to the resurrectionists went to originally buy seamus but he was out of stock, so my first master ended up being Nicodem. Now I'm happy owning him Seamus and McMourning and just filling out their crew boxes with minions and mercenary's that I feel fit the theme. To date I haven't looked at a single models rules or how it works prior to buying it, its all purely based on asthetics and the game designers seem pretty good at making the model do what you expect it to do.

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  2. Hi wyrdos

    Looking for a wild west toy train with track suitable for malifaux, I understand I'll probably need to paint it.

    Can anyone recommend a product available in the UK and not too expensive? I looked on fleabay, amazon and the usual but it's hard to gauge size.

  3. yeah seeing it built up gives you a whole new perspective, really liking the walkway you posted and someone on facebook I think it was posted the graveyard set built up and painted... I'm mega tempted to jump into this terrain especially if they plan to bring out more products in the future

  4. So my local shop is ordering me in bette noire to go with my chosen crews of seamus and nicodem, I also own the hanged and was wondering, how do you use bette in your games, I know shes hard to kill with a 10 in hand, but any little hints or tips you can give me would be greatly appreciated

  5. I spent a huge chunk of last year painting up a 2500 point Dark Elf army for warhammer Fantasy, then a new shop opened up near me, that had malifaux models in stock, when I saw Jack the ripper with the ability to bring his victims back as zombies. I had a mini nerdgasm. How much do I love M2e - My dark elves still have about 200 points to paint, but I really cant see me ever bothering, There is already talk of converting my 8x4 warhammer table into a malifaux city, and I'm currently debating selling my X wing collection.


    For me its the absolute craziness of the models and the awesomeness of the gameplay, (anything where its not all about who kills who) and as my first foray into skirmishes the absolutely gorgeous terrain possibilites that keep me awake at night when I should be sleeping, plus the prices.. I bought the hanged monday gone - 2 models and I managed to leave the shop with enough change from a tenner for a nice cheeky trip to Greggs

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  6. Hey thanks for the hello Seamus is a must have, he was actually the first crew I bought (from asgarde games in middlesbrough) but the box contained 2 Seamus and no sybelle so being the impatient type I didn't want to wait for new stock and snagged nico instead.. I was not dissapointed

  7. Hi guys just wanna jump on and say hi,

    Picked up my first crew last week (nico) thankfully my mate had some spare undead so I haven't been impaired in regards raising, loving the game so far, as its my 1st skirmish game I've been drooling over terrain options, would love Victorian cobblestone with dark alleyways and dodgy pubs but wild west seems a cheaper option. Anyhow.. rambling a bit now.. so i"ok just say hi and looking forward to meeting you all down a dark alley sometime (insert scary laughter)

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