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Posts posted by Jinxed

  1. The Underdogs tournament that will be running alongside this is an unranked tournament, in case that alters people's plans for attendance. (Since it is primarily intended for those who haven't managed to get invites to the Hall of Fame, it didn't seem right it to then be a ranked tournament.)


  2. Hi There,


    Maria, in answer to your question regarding scoring and game pairing,


    Following the feedback from Maloween, We are going to be adjusting the scoring for any of the Sanctuary Malifaux tournament from now on to match the standard Gaining Ground scoring so 3pt win,1pt draw, 0pt loss, ties resolved based on VP differential first and then total VP.


    Game pairings will be done Swiss (with the first round pairing being done using the card draw method Rich likes so much. ;)) then based on Tournament points.

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