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Posts posted by Kofibrake

  1. I know that this doesnt suit Malifaux so much, but i like to do thematic lists - The kin with Ophelia, merris an sammy. then add slop haulers for flavor. 

    If you haven't built the Gremlin runt that is trying to escape the bayou gator, then you haven't seen little yet.

    It's like a whole model made of Yan Lo's beards 

    and welcome to the best faction!

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  2. Masterful round up!

    I would so add a catapult to the list.





    3 Bayous



    Gremlin Taxidermist and

    Slop hauler


    Gremlin taxidermist + Lenny + pigapult combo. Lenny whacks piglet at catapult, kills the piggy and dropping corpse counter which the taxidermist would bring up as stuffed piglet, then sacrifice it to bacon load (and heal the piggapult as well)

    aftera couple of rounds of porksplosion, you can start throwin bayous as well, to start nailing those scheme markers.

  3. She seems to be the opposite of Support, since she seems to prefer to run independent from the rest of her crew (insert bushwhackers lack of synergy shennanigans). Her buffs tend to be personal or iffy (as in, the crew has to act close by to a character that tends to go deep into enemy territory on her own)

  4. On 13 December 2015 at 1:05 PM, Dogmantra said:

    Som'er is the best at carrying it because he can delegate the (0) action to his Skeeters, which is so useful to hand out that +2Wp for the many Wp attacks and terrifyings that Neverborn have.

    This plan is so cunning that you can stick a tail to it and call it a weasel!

  5. I agree with Math here. The sour taste in the mouth comes from the lack of usefulness from her bushwhackers. Or better said, it is not that they are useless, but if they were just Bayou Gremlins they would be better for it - cheaper and with Bayou two card. Their shooting isnt premium either, so they have a really bad time selling themselves to a crew. So far i havent used them a single time as i dont see them working not even on paper, i'm sorry.

    But the absolute no no for me is that a model which competes with the Master of the crew for the card usage is poor choice for the crew. To make the best out of them, you have to use the cards in your hand, and this means your Master gets hampered. Or, if the Master goes first (though with Mah this is not a desireable option) it means that by the time you get to the bushwhackers you probably dont have any good card in your hand anymore, so again, they come up short.

  6. On 23 March 2016 at 3:10 PM, szendroib said:

    Or he is great against any resser masters by forcing them to empty their hands. Good luck with summoning anything :).

    Using Bigger hat forces you and your opponent to discard your hand. Make sure you go first, though.

    Then, kill a couple of the extra Gremlins you summoned on the turn before to drawn cards with Survival of the fittest and dont worry too much about the rest as yer boyz have bayou two card!

    God loves Gremlins!

    • Like 2
  7. They were first sold to me for their sense of humour and sexy gremlin gurls. This was even before I knew about playing Malifaux.

    They have bacon, booze and babes. Everything held together in a grotesque kind of cute.

    Then, when I started going through the books and the cards, I felt really lucky for having picked the best faction out of the hat.

    I also play Leveticus, more out of curiosity than of anything else. Gremlins are my first and foremost love from Malifaux.

    • Like 2
  8. I dont worry about healing Gracie that much as I make her go after cheap minions so she can eat them and full heal.

    and why would you bring Gracie without the Saddle? Ulix goes down like nobody's business unless you can protect him or run him out of the way.


  9. Leny is very versatile, but i would throw in with Trixie here, too.

    Lenny is a 2nd beatstick, and you may still do a lot, but it leaves me with the sense of too many eggs in one basket. to take full advantage of him he has to tag along too close to the others. This means vulnerability to blasts and popping out a Killjoy in the midst of this ensemble would be the stuff of comedy.



    I have 8.

    I find that it will be rare a case where I need more, because when summoning, i tend to kill one of the summoned Bayous in each turn of summoning to draw extra cards. It goes like: summon a Bayou in base contact to the first Gremlin next to Som'er, then summon another one in base contact with the first, killing him and drawing a card. I get a net gain of one every 2 summons but i get extra cards. These are particulary handy if you also use Bigger Hat than yours and force you and opponent to discard hand, these Kill a gremlin, draw a card make up for it. Of Course, that this all depends on what I am doing with them at the time, as the Kill and draw a card make more sense for the middle of the game phase.

    The first couple of turns, I may summon 3 to 4 extra Bayous, Heal them up with a Hauler and let them take it up to the opponent

  11. I just got Malifaux and Gremlins myself, so I am by no means no expert, however I am enjoying the idea of running Wong, Lenny, and Rami together with a slop hauler.  Not sure what else I will put in the list, or if this will even work, but it sounds like a good idea just looking it over.  Maybe a couple of Rooster Riders when they come out and a couple of Bayou Gremlins for some support shooting and scheme running.

    Burt and Gracie should be an auto include in any Wong list. Burt gives you the same trick up the sleeve as the lovely assistant, pulling enemies into a bunch ready for the following explosion, with the added bonus that Burt has the resilience and offensive power to kill a lot more than she does. That way, if you feel constructive, you can forego the Lovely assistant and add Ol' Cranky as a totem for Wong, giving him more shennaningans.

    Then Gracie is just... well, an absolute MUST! She just parks into melee range eating the enemies minions and regenerating. that's when she's not providing top notch taxi service to your masters and henchmen, allowing them to skip AP on movement and concentrate on the killing. Superb!

    • Like 1
  12. Seriously that image of an elite crew of soldiers running with an old man on a donkey giving spare shirts while the leader keeps ripping them off is killing me. :D 

    Also with Leveticus you can play the rider list. 3 Riders and the Donkey. :D

    ROFLMAO on the shirt galore.

    I feel that the riders lists are a 2 way street. the shortage of activations would take their toll soon enough, unless you could alpha strike the enemy on turns 2-3

  13. Hi. I agree with Math about the young Lacroix. I dont usually put another totem in with her as when i go with Ophelia is to declare WW3 on someone (turf war), so I want a gun line that is solid and even with -2 to all CA, the young ones still pack a punch when they shoot Ophelia's upgrades. this and the ability to reload her Jug Rocket for repositioning other Kin is priceless.

    Of course Lenny is usually in any list i make, to act as catapult/ pig farmer, suit provider and ablative armour.

    Cranky seems like a nice option too. I think he is still great for strategies other than turf war, but I will only get him after they release the plastic as i never use proxies (or metal).

    The pigapult is also worth considering as the redeployment alone could win you a strategy, but it takes a lot of getting used to it to get it right, so you are going to struggle the first couple of games with it.

    a few Bayous never hurt no list, and just because they aren't Kin, dont let that fool ya!


    Mechanical rider is a good anchor, as are all riders since they are all constructs, so pariah of iron. My problem is that A- costs as much as 2 anchors and B, will be half way accross the board to be able to summon waif into range of him, since Leveticus has a range aura to summon them. I see them much more as dropping schemes/ enemies that anchoring a waif, which would be deep into enemy territory soon and probably be killed outright by a clever opponent.

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