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Everything posted by Wellingstone

  1. Ok, so I'm not one to declare the sky is falling or somesuch. But the Brutal Emissary using a friendly buried Hans' (1)Smile you Son of a... seems really harsh. Especially when you enter C. Hoffman into the equation. Because you can just Machine Puppet away and start discarding essential upgrades willy nilly. Because there is no more "Highest Bidder" ability to worry about when the Emissary takes that action. Of course there are a couple things that have to go right. Like having a high crow and cards to actually hit the target. But all that being said. It seems unusually crippling. But things are brutal in Malifaux and I'm not one to turn my nose up at filthy tactics, but this seems...unusually...harsh. I kinda get the feeling this might not have been accounted for in playtesting. Am I alone in that?
  2. So this came up a few weeks ago and I did my best to research the answer myself. And I think I'm right but the community is a lot better at answering these questions than I am. If a model dies due to damage caused by the burning condition can Violation of Magic be used to summon a Witchling Stalker? I'm fairly certain the answer is yes since it happens when a model is reduced to zero wounds, not after. Though please correct me if I'm wrong. As I am prone to being.
  3. Awesome. Thanks for the response. One final question. If that same vulture wanted to walk from the ground level outside that building and end that walk on the ground level of the other side of that building would it have to account for the vertical distance of the building during the move? Sorry if that's a repetitive question. Just trying to be super clear when I present this answer to my group.
  4. Ok so I've read a lot of places and a lot of people are unclear about flight and terrain. Now I'm starting to double guess myself and some clarity would be helpful. The thought is because incorporeal models cannot simply end their move on top of a say 10" tall building (unless their walk would allow them to cover that entire distance) that flight is handled the same way. The rulebook clearly calls out flying off of a piece of terrain but not onto it. Am I blind? Can say Nicodem's Vulture on the ground level take a walk action and end the move on top of a roof (that's we've previously declared accessible to models) that is say 12" high? Or would the Vulture have to find a climbable part of the terrain to ascend the building to access the roof? I'm not particularly invested in either ruling it's just helpful to know and better minds that I can answer it.
  5. Fair enough. You are correct. I incorrectly assumed the watcher did have insignificant. And yes McMourning survived the flurry from langston. He took a beating. But survived. Thanks for the correction and thanks for watching.
  6. Yeah we did miss that. I meant to say those when talking about the strategy. But i missed it. Next time I plan on talking about them or doing a text overlay. We think we are on the right track with this format though. And we really do appreciate the constructive criticism, it very much helps us improve
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