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Posts posted by Arachas

  1. If you don't have the rulebook, get The Breach app for Android, which contains measurements for all the deployment types (as well as images so you don't mess up!). It also describes the Strategies and Schemes so you can see how eg. squat markers are to be placed. For Turf War note that all markers are 30mm, so you are measuring the 6" from the edge of a 30mm marker in the middle of the table, not 6" from the middle of the table itself.


    I've got the app for Windows Phone. Are those things in there as well?

  2. First off: AMAZING paint jobs. I also love the bases on both gangs. Great job!


    Second, you crack me up. LOL! I mean:




    the Rail Walk / Mega-Ninja Jackhammer Punch followed or preceeded by the rather bitchy Tiger Claw "would you like fries with that ass-kicking?" McDonalds Happy Meal Combo.


    Hilarious. :D


    PLEASE do post more of these, I very much appreciate the time you put into writing this up, explaining some stuff for the newbs and arranging/creating the captioned pics. AWESOME!

  3. Hi guys,


    I haven't even gotten my crew yet, but already the scatchbuilding juices are flowing. I'm going to be building a custom Malifaux board (and maybe I won't even stop at one... lol - I love being able to play different setups and environments).


    Malifaux, as I understand it, plays on a 3' by 3' feet table. I've done one of those before for the Batman Miniature Game:




    While it looks cool, this table has one problem: the center area is rather tucked in between the two upper flat areas and the docks area. Meaning there isn't room to place any cool scenery as a center piece and/or objective.


    Considering I have no experience whatsoever playing Malifaux, I thought I'd ask you guys first: if you could do a custom Malifaux table, what elements would you make sure were in there?


    To illustrate my question, I came across these boards:






    While these look absolutely amazing, they have a couple of big problems going for them:


    1. There's not a lot of room for scenery elements.

    2. Because of point 1 your board will look quite the same every game you play. Which, in my experience, leads to stale games.


    I don't necessarily want or need modularity (I played around with a 16-tile 4' by 4' board which I never finished) in terms of the surface. But I do want to be able to play as many types of games on there (within the Malifaux spectrum of missions and whatnot).


    My idea is to create an industrial location on the edge of a swamp. Sort of a "mad scientist lair" in an abandoned part of a former industrial zone. I have got in mind to make a shack housing the lab, some power coils, stacks of crates and trash and finally some irregular trashy areas as difficult terrain.


    For the playing surface I was thinking to cover about 2/3rds of the table with regular DIY isolation foam (nice texture for stone) and then 1/3rd with mud and pools, wooden bridges/planks and dead trees.


    So, as I mentioned: any particular tips in terms of layout? Thanks!


  4. Thanks guys.

    I like the Lucius metal, but haven't seen the plastic one yet. Does anyone have a pic of it.

    If I play Perdita I would go for the family vibe anyway. Any word on new pistoleros btw? Can't say I really like the metal ones.

    Edit: Are the plastic crew models sold separately? E.g. If I get the marshalls can I still get Lady J without having to buy her crew box?

    And how well do marshalls run with Sonnia?

  5. I'm still very much on the fence about what I really want. My avatar belies a love for western. I'm heavily considering Perdita. On the other hand I love the trenchcoat look of the witch hunters. Sonnia wins out against Lady J in aesthetics and fluff for me, but the Death Marshalls look freaking awesome.


    I haven't even read the rules yet, so I have no idea what I'm saying. I come from an Infinity background, though: I'll pick whatever models I love best and field those. ;)

  6. Hi all,


    I have no idea if you guys have a thread for this, I'm completely new here. :)


    I'm new to Malifaux. I've come across this Lucius guy and I hear he's due to get a new crew box. This is supposed to happen in the near future.


    I have no experience with Wyrd, so I'd like to ask you: is this worth waiting for? Is there a rhythm to Wyrd's release schedule that I can count on? Example: the art for Lucius is out, does that mean he's around the corner?


    Or should I start out with another crew box for now and pick up Lucius whenever he comes out?



  7. Signing in from the Netherlands. Hi all!


    I'm a regular Infinity and Batman Miniature Game player. Friend of mine insisted I would love Malifaux, so here I am, checking it out.


    Fluff and aesthetic wise I'm looking at the Guild (favo models: riflemen), Outcasts (Freikorps) and Ten Thunders (Misaki, samurai, monks). Though if possible I'd love a good western looking posse. What's a good place to start?

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