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Posts posted by Chumbalaya

  1. Misaki and crew are dual faction 10T/Outcasts, so her and Hired Swords can sorta be mixed and matched.  The Last Blossom stuff is all 10T only, but Misaki can hire them when she runs Outcasts. 

    Misaki is an assassin.  She's got a lot of mobility, can kill models in one go once they run out of cards, but can be very risky since she is rather fragile.  To build on her from 10T, the Shadow Effigy, Shenlong crew, Oiran, Komainu, and Yamaziko are all solid inclusions.  As an Outcast, Yamaziko is still solid, but other than that, Von Schill's crew, Johan, Hans, and Sue are all solid picks.

    The Viks like to dive into the middle of a crew and rip its heart out.  They are glass cannons, but while Misaki is all about picking off individuals, the Viks dive in and blow up a clump of models by triggering multiple attacks and ignoring pretty much all defensive abilities.  For them, Vanessa, Johan, and the Hodgepodge Effigy are all good to add.

    Lady J is another melee monster.  She is less mobile than the rest, but makes up for it by doing crazy single target damage and having a lot of wounds for enemies to chew through.  Austringers, Brutal Effigy, Sonnia's crew, Perdita's crew, or Hoffman's crew are all worth considering.

  2. I might get some funny looks for this, but I really like Wastrels.  I'll almost always run at least 1 with McCabe.  With Cast-Offs they can get you more AP out of your upgrades, healing, more passing, card cycling and fun stuff with all the triggers.  Their gun can surprise people, too.  They're a bit fragile, but for 4SS it hasn't bothered me much.

    High River Monks are a little pricey for me, but I'll take 1 to run around and kill off scheme runners.  3 attacks giving burning can kill weaker things pretty reliably. 

    Personally, I prefer McCabe because I like the mobility he offers with the pushes.  Him, Guild Hounds and Izamu are a great start.  Hounds get to ignore insignificant from Luna, making them supreme scheme runners or just great at charging with the Glowing Saber.  Izamu benefits a ton from pushes and Nimble.  To round things out, add some solid minions like Katanaka Snipers, Dawn Serpent, or 10T Brothers. 

  3. They're fun played together, but they're not nearly as strong as a normal crew.  It's all a bunch of moderately survivable enforcers with short range auras and attacks.  They can do work in a Turf War or Guard the Stash where enemies tend to clump up, as their overlapping auras can quickly drain resources or stack up damage.  Also, in Make Them Suffer you will almost always give up 3VP because you only have 2SS free to hire a minion or peon.

    Generally, if you're going to play them, run them in small groups and try and trap enemies in their auras.  Lust is great for pulling up your own models and getting enemies out of position, Envy provides "free" Focus and is your only consistent ranged damage dealer, Greed can ruin a soulstone pool and heals in a pinch, Sloth can heal and pass out slow/paralyze, Wrath can push the band around and can go nuts in melee under the right circumstances, Gluttony can mess with schemes, and Pride can mess with cheating.  Pride is generally just used as a disposable scheme runner, since his stuff is the least useful.

    Good ways to spend that 2SS: Primordial Magic, Imbued Energies x2, Oathkeeper x2, Survivalist, Badge of Office, Decaying Aura, Unnerving Aura, Spare Parts, Recalled Training x2, Misdirection, Hide in the Mud

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  4. I've gotten some good use out of Queeg and a Spellcaster when Ressers are in the mix.  He can set up the anti-lure bubble before the wizard even goes, giving you some flexibility. 

    One of my favorites McCabe inclusions is a Warden.  He's a cheap minion and once toy give him the Glowing Saber he can go off on models that have already activated.

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  5. Trick Shooting is always in, Aura, Os Veo, Vengeance Bullet or Badge of Office come in depending on schemes/faction. 

    Frank is a given for El Meyor and the pushes.

    Effigy for healing, Nephilim for pushes.  Beyond that, it varies.  Austringers are great all around, Hunters are super quick, Watchers are great schemers, Nino can deny interacts, Papa with or without box is solid, Ryle's a great secondary shooter/beater, Witchling for conditions, Abuela, Pale Rider.  Lots of options, really. 

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  6. Most often I'll use Obey on my own stuff.  For example, walk Frank in range of the enemy master then companion him to deliver a message then finesse. 

    For fun enemy Obey, I had a Rail Golem behind cover and in Mei Feng's Vent Steam range.  I had a 13:mask in hand, so I burned a SS to negate the :-fate and Obeyed it out of cover and steam, ignored armor with trick shooting and killed it.  

  7. Very cool thread.  I'll bite.

    Warhammer 40k:  Dark Angels Deathwing/Ravenwing, loved the fluff, minis and playstyle.  The elite of the elite dropping in out of nowhere to strike hard and fast.  Necrons in their previous iterations with as much teleporting as possible, super advanced robots popping up all over the place to get kids off their lawn.  Orks full of heavy walkers and tanks, because stomp stomp stomp.

    Warhammer:  Skaven, heavy lean on clan Skryre for all the crazy weaponry, but every game I had one model with Skitterleap to teleport a model around to the perfect position to strike.  Dark Elves, themed around the Black Arks, these giant citadels magically floating on the sea with an army of pirates and monsters pillaging the coastal settlements of lesser races.

    X-Wing:  My favorite ship is the TIE-Int and my favorite pilot is Turr Phennir.  I have a blast running elite arc dodger lists, like multiple interceptors, phantoms, advanced and so on.  Games are won and lost based on my maneuvers alone.  One of my favorite experiences is winning a tournament with Soontir, Turr and Jax.  I played against a lot of heavy hitting lists, but my ability to draw them out of position, strike and fade let me overcome them.  Turr being able to fly up right into point blank, blast someone with 4 dice then just boost or roll out of sight is incredible.

    League of Legends:  Blitzcrank, Alistair, Singed.  I loved to make the big play and totally throw enemies out of position for my team to finish the job.

    Morrowind:  My favorite game of all time.  You just get dropped off in the middle of this utterly alien land and have to not only figure out how to survive, but also have to immerse yourself in this land, this culture, and become its salvation.  I loved just wandering around Morrowind, reading books, learning the lore of the world.  It's obviously dated mechanically these days, but after playing it a ton, I'm a total lore nut for Elder Scolls.  The Convention, Dreamsleeve, CHIM, it's all crazy and awesome.

    Pokemon:  Black/White were my favorite, with their largely self-contained and well developed generation of 'mons, refined gameplay and experience system, and a really good story.  Though, my favorite Pokemon will always be Bulbasaur and Wobbuffet.  Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur are sweet looking plant dinosaurs, have all the lovely debilitating grass/poison effects and Mega Venusaur is a terror.  Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Toxic.  He's so rude, I love it.  Wobbuffet is adorable, goofy and brutal.  He's so weird, turns enemies against themselves and just sits around not caring.  Love it.

    Starcraft:  I like the aesthetic and lore of the Protoss, and Reavers are my favorite unit in the game (RIP) with all their lovable derpiness and how fun they can be when micro'd well.  But I always play Zerg.  I don't like doing too much micro, so I fast expand, build up quick raiding forces of mutalisks and harass mineral lines, expansions and so on to draw the enemy out of position.  Then I'll swarm them with zerglings.  Hitting them from multiple angles with good sized, but not overwhelming numbers, is what makes Zerg so fun to me.

    Heroes of Might and Magic:  Dungeon is my jams, awesome fast high end creatures, 2 ranged units with no melee penalty, strike and return harpies, and the facebeating minotaurs.  Combine that with great magic and you've got a scary team.  I also get giddy whenever one of my heroes learns Logistics and start Gunnar fairly often, as mobility on the map is worth more than anything.

    Mass Effect/Dragon Age/KotoR:  I really like learning about a world and making decisions that affect that world.  In most RPGs my PC of choice is very Rogue-ish.  Infiltrator in ME, Rogue in DA, Dex build in KotoR.  I hate having things I can't reach behind locked doors and I really like being able to sneak around and hit enemies from unexpected angles.  RP-wise, I'm all about the gentleman thief.  I'll rob you blind, but I'll still do the right thing in the end and help people who need it.


  8. I'm a big fan of the Emissary.  Boxaporting Lady J (bonus points if you box Frank the turn you unbox Lady J so he can pop up next to her later) is tremendously fun.  Getting a free McCabe upgrade and tossing it around is fun.  Setting some poor bastard on fire without needing LoS is fun. 

    I haven't fully figured out his ability to copy the (1) actions of buried models, but it does seem ripe with opportunity.  He could bury Lady J one turn, then charge with her attacks before unburying her.  He could Throw Dynamite or explode like Papa Loco.  Bury Howard, copy his abilities, get Machine Puppeted, then unbury Howard later.  It seems like it takes a bit of set up to get going, but could be interesting.

    I've gotten some good use out of A Cage For All.  Set up on some enemies near a Clockwork Trap and then it's multiple Wk duels when they activate to avoid getting Slow.  Healing is always a plus as well.

    I've yet to use Destined for anything but healing.  Chain Activation always feels like something of a double-edged sword, but I can see its uses. 

    And, worst case scenario, Never Bluff a Six-Gun can spread some damage around and surprise folks when it hits that moderate 4 plus an extra for crit strike.

  9. @Chumbalaya: Nino's Spotter ability only requires LoS to a Family member to work, it's not about putting damage on models but rather stopping them from Interacting altogether.

    I get that.  I was suggesting to marry in a Freikorps Trapper so you won't have your other corner hugger sitting around with his thumb in his butt:P

  10. It's rare that you'll want 3 of most minions.  2 do the job just fine and more risks you limiting your options.  Austringers and Death Marshals are both quite good, just in different roles.  Austringers are solid shooting platforms that can pick off models or attack your opponent's hand, plus some extra pushes/interacts, while Marshals are solid scheme runners with pine box shenanigans.

    'Dita's crew is generally very mobile, elite and relies on positioning and buffs.  But, without cheaper minions they can be outnumbered.  Austringers fit that role, so do Death Marshals, Witchling Stalkers, Watchers and even Guild Guard.  I would recommend the Austringers and Brutal Effigy (cheap and tough significant minion that can help dita heal and draw cards) as one-off additions with your choice of Sonnia, Lady J or Hoffman as crews to add in.  Lady J is a melee beatstick, fairly simple to learn but a bit one-dimensional, the Judge is a tough and versatile henchman who can fight and push models around, and the Marshals are awesome.  Sonnia is a different kind of pew pew focusing on blasts over single targets, Sam Hopkins is a glass cannon who really puts the hurt on burning targets, and Witchling Stalkers are solid melee minions who can remove conditions pretty reliably.  Hoffman is the construct king buffing them up, though he tends to limit his hiring pool to other constructs, Guardian is a tough model that can protect and possibly heal a friend and it sports a nifty 3" melee that can ignore armor or it can do a shield bash that pushes enemies out of position, Hunters are fast and durable minions that can tear up scheme runners by themselves and can pass out slow and potentially drag models with their harpoons and Watchers are cheap, fast scheme runners who can negate cover on enemies or let your master draw LoS from them.

  11. 1) Austringers.  You'll hear it a lot from us Guildies, but I love these bastards.  Sh7, up to 18" range ignoring LoS, decent damage track, forcing discards and the greatness of Deliver Orders for a push and (1) Interact.  Plus, they're Guardsmen so they can follow Lucius whichever faction he plays for.

    2) Pale Rider.  He's expensive, but incredibly mobile, can drop scheme markers with ease and, like all the Riders, gets better as the game goes on.  Starting turn 3 (2 if you have the :ram) he's doing min damage 4 on an attack at range or up close and the one time you pull off his super attack you'll be laughing maniacally in no time.  Bonus points for giving him the Glowing Saber or Critical Strike from campaign skills.

    3) Brutal Emissary.  I adore this model.  He's durable as hell, pretty zippy, can do a surprising amount of damage, can heal, slow enemies, and his bury trick alone is worth the price of admission.  On top of that, his conflux upgrades open up a lot of options with the various masters and basically give you 7 models in 1.  Boxaporting Lady J is a hoot, Hoffman bury/loop shenanigans are legendary, McCabe gets another upgrade tossed around, Sonnia gets the burning machine going more easily, McMourning can get a bit more poison spread around, Lucius gets heals on his minions and a potentially devastating melee attack, and Perdita can pretend she's Zoraida with a gun.  Oh, and if that don't beat all I can just give my Austringers :+fate to their attack flips.

  12. People are, I imagine, referring to the Austringer's Deliver Orders (2) Tactical Action that pushes a model 2" and lets it take an Interact Action.  You can use it on Clockwork Traps to make them Interact.  They are peons but not insignificant.  A Pathfinder could summon one turn 1 then turn 2 you could make it push and interact. 

    Beyond that, they're just solid 6SS minions. 

  13. My campaign has been running for 4 weeks now.

    I started with the Judge sporting Unrelenting Leader, Grimwell, a Peacekeeper and a Watcher.  I've since added a Witchling Stalker, Pathfinder and Austringer.

    Grimwell is disgusting with campaign upgrades.  He currently has +1Df and :+fate to damage flips.  Those two alone make his Lobotomize terrifying and with Df7 he's rather hard to hit.  I just recently picked up a Gatling Gun, and now he's the scariest ranged model I have.  2/5/6 with Brutal is, well, brutal.

    The Judge/Peacekeeper tag team is utter filth, especially when said Peacekeeper has :+fate to Ml.

    Enforcers/Henchmen are nice in campaign because they can get skills/equipment to make them better at their job or just give them a new job.

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