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Posts posted by franklin3w

  1. Counter-Spelling has got me a bit confused, is it a skill or a magic skill which requires magia etc. I would like to hear the various takes on counter-spelling.


    Here is what I am seeing

    Counter-Spelling as solely skill based


    Magical Shielding

       From - Magical Theories (pg. 125): A character without a Magical Theory may still use Magical skills normally, he just may not cast Spells. For instance, he could harness a Soulstone’s power, or resist magic with Counter-Spelling without any additional training.

       From - Magical Shielding (pg. 245): A character is always able to substitute his Counter-Spelling for his Evade or Centering skills when determining his Defense and Willpower (respectively).

            and: In addition, a character may use his skills to shield friendly characters. The protected character may

    use the shielding character's Counter-Spelling in the same way by substituting the shielding character’s

    Counter-Spelling for their Evade or Centering skills against Spell Actions.


    Magical Sensing

       From Magical Sensing (pg. 245):   A character with the Counter-Spelling skill automatically senses when magic is being used…

            and: The character simply knows that magic is in use, however, and must succeed on a TN 10 Counter-

    Spelling + Tenacity challenge to pinpoint the source of the magic.


    Disenchanting seems to be skilled based also.

       From Disenchanting (pg. 245): The character may also use Counter-Spelling to cause a Spell to end before its normal duration would cause it to expire.

            and: The character may take a 0 AP Action to disenchant an effect that he is aware of. To do so, he must make a Counter-Spelling + Tenacity challenge with a TN equal to the TN of the Spell.


    However the description of Counter-Spelling (pg. 126) indicates that counter-spellers need spells.

      New magical dabblers often expect Counter-Spelling to be a natural occurrence, something they learn simply by doing. It is, however, much like any other Magical skill, with Spells that must be memorized and deployed at the critical moment.


    Question: What are you considering to be “spells”, in counter-spelling and are these the same as magia?


    Also page 126 says:  An adept Counter-Speller can take on even the greatest arcane masters, weaving magical defenses in advance, instead of disrupting sorcery on the fly.


    I am not finding any mechanic to do this.  What are you using do accomplish this?


    Finally do you have any other thoughts on counter-spelling?

  2. @ Brewmaster


    I am new to Mailfaux, and not a table top gamer.  I would like to know which if any of the table top rulebooks would be good additions for more general background on the world of Mailfaux,  to expand on the fated/fate master books.


    Would you have any recommendations?

  3. Reading the rules for soulstones I am curious how much dist it takes at various quality levels to equal one charge. 

    Fated guide says "Soulstone Dust with a higher Quality rating simply requires less for its effect, and can be stored more compactly."


    However I have not found a basic standard for dust volume. 

    The closest I could see is have the dust quality volume be an inverse of the size so it would take bowling ball sized quanity of 0 quality dust to hold 1 charge, and apple sized qualtity of quality 1 dust etc. 

    However this does not factor in that the apple sized volume of quality 1 dust  would have a lade 1 thus should hold 2 charges. 

    Thinking of those lade quality subdivision makes the volume of dust at higher quality levels seem to small to be practical.    ex: A grape sized amount of quality 2 dust (lade of 2)  would have the potential for 3 charges.




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