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Posts posted by Hammerghast

  1. So a couple years back I had a great idea, or should I say found equivalents online, that I made for my play group. Our gameplay area's periphery is a dumpster fire most gatherings, atop our fondness for a game of Malifaux over adult beverages and god forbid you have to put one down to look at your cards in hand. Thus with the help of my dad, a lifelong hobbyist carpenter, we made some of these card holders.

    The wood of choice is black walnut, treated with a light coat of linseed oil.

    They feature two grooves cut down the length, the rear one about half as deep as the front one allowing cards in back to be visible behind cards in front, furthermore on account of the grooves being angled slightly.

    Each measures approx. 1.25" x 2" x 7" . 


    Cards and Exorcist (really desirable model in the current meta from what Im told /s ) obviously shown for demonstation purposes only.


    $15 each shipped, $60 for all 5. Can make more to order, reserving the right to deviate a bit in every dimension as these are too good a project to use up scrap. 


    US only. Canadian shipping can be looked into at full cost.

    Trades entertained (updating as I remember):
    * I LOVE a good trade and thus gladly make deals for them significantly in the other party's favor, sometimes as high as 2:1, i.e. $20 of my stuff for $10 of yours. Evaluated case by case but just making a note thereof.

    + Thirty-Three

    +TOS King's Army

    +nice acrylic tokens for: Activation, Adversary, Shockwave, Blast, strategy markers and guild and outcast scheme markers.




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