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Posts posted by mesmero

  1. Hello.


    Willing to start in malifaux I jump on an occasion and got my hands on a bunch of first edition boxes (dreamer crew, leveticus crew, nicodemus avatar and pedrita crew; with leveticus and pedrita blisters (pedrita,papa loco,francesco and santiago) still unopened and under plastic).


    While I think I will keep nicodemus and pedrita (first is just a far too gorgeous model to be sold and second an interesting crew for initiation game), I'm not fond of metal models and really love Malifaux second edition look.


    I've seen several people here saying they prefers metal over plastic models so I'm making this post in case someone is willing to trade my dreamer or leveticus box for plastic crew (most of the arcanist except Ironside;  leveticus, lady justice or lucius would be accepted too).


    I live in France and prefer to keep the exchange in this country. I can do hand delivery around Paris.


    If someone out of France really wants the trade, shipping cost will be at his charge.




  2. Je vis sur paris (vers orsay plus précisément) donc une fois rentré de stage et bien rentré dans le rythme des études pourquoi pas.


    Pour le moment en suivant les posts de discutions je n'ai pas relevé de différences flagrantes avec la 1.7 donc ça suffira pour faire un peu de proxy avant d'acheter. Il faudra aussi que je vois ou me procurer les figurines (je ne suis pas un grand fan des commandes outre atlantique) et quels sont les prix en france.


    Jonatep> Bonjour,

    well je suis un grand fan de fluff en tout genre (la vingtaine de livre de black library ayant déjà fait un passage par ma table de nuit faisant foi) donc si j'achète l'un des livre de règles ce sera plutot le gros pour ne pas me dire que j'aurais plus tard un doublon des règles. D'où ma volonté de tester le jeu avant d'investir l'équivalent d'une crew box dans un bouquin.



    Et en plus comme je suis un MJ addict aux jeu de role TTB me tente pas mal aussi ^^


    En sachant que si je succombe à malifaux j'y entrainerais surement deux ou trois personnes au minimum (huit si je suis vraiment efficace).

  3. hello all.


    I have started wargame ten years ago and since then try nearly all the GW stuff (from the three main game to man'O warn blood bowl and BFG). I've recently give a try in mantic stuff (veer myne, dwarf and rebs) but I'm still looking for a good skyrmish game to play. Currently the choice is for me between Malifaux, infinity and alkemy (all three having completly different univers and game system).


    Yet Malifaux is currently in 1rst position for the carde system, the good univers and -for what I've seen on this forum and the fb group "a wyrd place"-  quite an awesome community.



    I'm still wondering on my starting crew, I love the pandora one and the lucius model but the minion following lucius are for me far less appealing than the death marchall or those going with sonia.




    Juste a small question to begin,  is their many changes between the 1.7 beta and the actual 2edition?   I want to give the game a try before buying a rule book for the cost of a crew and I manage to find this beta rules online.

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