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Wiser with Age

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Posts posted by Wiser with Age

  1. As someone who's just starting to try out Malifaux and getting into the Gremlin / Neverborn factions, I'm really excited for the Gen Con releases (as noted on the 2nd to last page of Chronicles #13).  Since there doesn't seem to be a thread about it in this forum, here's a list of the Gen Con stuff for this faction.



    Gen Con 2014 Nightmare Edition Model

    Whiskey Golem



    Gen Con 2014 Early Releases

    Swamp Hag crew box

    The Kin crew box

    (Implied boxes of henchmen associated with these crew boxes)



    The model for the Whiskey Golem looks amazing.  It's everything that I could ever hope for in a humorous model.


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